Ye Yueshen smiled, and then said: "Actually, this scheme is a bit despicable, it can be regarded as taking advantage of your privacy!"

"The king is selfless, I'm not afraid!"

The princess stood up directly and said!The expression on his face is extremely firm, making Ye Yueshen a little admire in his heart!

"Okay! Then I'll say it!"

Yeyueshen nodded and said while cleaning up the list in front of him:

"Actually, this strategy is very simple. You need to write a letter to your friend, any prince, and then send a fake love letter to it, and then send someone to take the fake love letter over. In this case, people with ulterior motives will definitely Those who managed to take the love letter, at this time, we have caught the handle of those people, and we can also test their faces! Immediately, we will announce the truth, and justify the crusade against them! At this time, any Those who are shaken can be destroyed by me righteously! Of course, if this is done, the king of Carmania will definitely break off the marriage! I heard that the nobles have the most face!"

Ye Yueshen calmly finished talking about his plan, and the queen and princess were already looking at him in astonishment!

"Uh, is this strategy making you feel at a loss, in fact, we can also use other methods!"

Ye Yueshen said a little embarrassedly, it sounds weird to use other people's privacy to do tricks!

"No, we didn't question your approach, we feel your approach is impeccable!"

The princess was stunned for a while, and was the first to react!

"However, there is an important problem with this!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess with excitement, thought about it, and said:

"Where can we find such a prince who is willing to take such a big risk for this matter?"

"It's okay, I have a friend who can meet the conditions you said, as long as I can give a big enough promise!"

The princess glanced at her mother and said confidently.

Chapter [-] Suicide

"Prince Albion? Is that the country that has been torn apart, but is left unattended because it is adrift at sea?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Her Royal Highness with a look of surprise, and he actually knew the country the princess was talking about.

"You know this place?"

The princess and Yeyueshen talked a lot, knowing that Yeyueshen was basically geographically blind, and it was difficult to read the world map.

"Uh, yes, I heard that the civil unrest there lasted for a long time, so I paid attention!"

Yeyueshen smiled shyly, thinking to himself:

"I won't tell you that my lovely little secretary, Lungobier, was a nobleman from Albion!"

"If that's the case, let's go to rest first! No surprise, tomorrow you and my daughter will fight against the messengers of the Duke of Sri Lanka!"

The queen smiled at Ye Luna, then dragged her tired body away from the hall, which was brightly lit all night, and returned to her room.

"Is it still early tomorrow?"

Yeyueshen looked at the princess in amazement. He remembered that this world should be in the morning once every ten days, but he didn't leave for a few days! "

"The Duke of Sri Lanka said it was too slow to handle things that way, so he changed it to five days in the morning, just five days after you last attended the morning ceremony!"

The princess smiled helplessly,

"Could this old guy have the physical strength to compete with you, Princess?"

Ye Yueshen asked with a look of surprise.

"Of course not, the old duke can not participate because of his poor health, but I must participate!"

The princess smiled bitterly, poured herself a cup of tea and drank it, then said goodbye to Ye Yueshen, and went to make up for her sleep!

"I didn't expect being a princess would be so tiring!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, then left Miyagi and returned to his residence. The streets are very chilling during the day, and even more deserted at night. People who don’t know come here and think it’s a ghost town!

"Tabasha and the others should have found those people! Don't disturb my children's rest. Otherwise, I will definitely not spare you!"

Ye Yueshen thought to himself, and then went back to his room, found a pen and paper in the owner's room, and began to write a magic book for Momorangxi. This water magician, if he plays well If so, it will be great!

"Master Principal! Is Master Principal inside?"

A familiar call came, Ye Yueshen once thought that he was stupid?There were signs of auditory hallucinations, but after listening to it a few times, Ye Yueshen was very sure that what he heard was Louise's voice!

"What's the matter? Louise, why are you here at this time?"

Opening the door, Ye Yueshen was about to ask when he heard Siska say:

"Master Principal, hurry back, someone wants to harm you!"

"Uh, someone is actually trying to harm me? Where is it?"

Ye Yueshen said incredulously, he was actually afraid of others harming him, it was ridiculous to think about it!

"Of course! They plan to hollow out the walls of the Magic Academy, which is not good for you anyway. Tabasa said that during the daytime, that group of people gave you instructions!"

Louise said anxiously, and pulled Ye Luna out of the room.

"What? You said those shameless people actually went to the Magic Academy?"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he rushed out and sat on the flying dragon.After giving the flying dragon a huge tailwind, he finished listening to Siska's narration on the dragon's back.

"I said, how could this old thing let those people give me the real instructions, it turned out to be planning to pull me down from the position of the principal of the Magic Academy after the tiger leaves the mountain, old thing, it's an old man, I underestimate you! "

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