After Ye Yueshen heard it, he spoke fiercely, and then let the flying dragon soar into the sky at an incredible speed, and soon came to the Magic Academy!

"Louis, take care of Siska first, it's too fast, I'm sorry, Siska!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Siska, who was feeling uncomfortable, with a heartache in his heart. He looked at Siska's body and found that he couldn't stand the violent bumps, so he could only nod helplessly, and then he came to the tower alone. Basha and them.

"You guys have worked hard!

Ye Yueshen looked at his companions who were so sleepy and still holding on, feeling guilty for a while, looked at the soldiers who had already surrounded him, sneered slightly at the corners of his mouth, and said:

"Whose order did you come here on?"

"Of course it's the Queen!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen coming, one of the officers replied loudly.

"Just kidding, the queen won't let you do this, you are a complete false accusation, do you know?"

Ye Luna shouted loudly, and then curiously asked Tabasa next to him:

"What about the other partners?"

"They all fell asleep, and they were leading the carnival for a long time. Everyone was so sleepy!"

After Tabassa finished speaking, she saw that the officer in front of him suddenly stretched out his magic wand towards Ye Luna!


A burst of smoke passed away, the officer's expression solidified on his face, and the magic wand in his hand had disappeared!

"It seems that your practice will take a little longer!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and waved out the magic wand in his hand. The soldiers who had already surrounded him were directly knocked to the ground by Ye Yueshen. Many people couldn't bear the impact and fainted on the spot.

"Did you really come here on the order of Her Lady Queen?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the panic-stricken officer in front of him with a calm expression.

"It's none of your business!"

The officer looked at Yeyueshen in horror, the appearance of Yeyueshen made the officer unable to react, and the power of Yeyueshen made this arrogant officer fall into fear all of a sudden!

"How about I take you to see Her Lady Queen?"

Ye Yueshen took off the officer's hat and squatted down slowly, because the officer was already scared by Ye Yueshen and knelt on the ground.

"No! You're not human! You're definitely not human! Where the hell are you from?"

The officer shouted, and suddenly slammed his head into the city wall not far away. After the already weak city wall fell off a few inches of dust, it returned to peace, but there was a large pool of blood on the wall.

"It seems that the family is loyal!"

Yeyueshen clearly saw that this person was normal before he died, and was just pretending to express his shock. For such a person who was acting until his death, Yeyueshen didn't know whether to mourn in silence or not. The sigh.

"The rest of you don't know what you're here for, do you?"

Ye Yueshen raised his head, looked at the soldiers around him, and asked lightly...

Chapter [-] Challenging

"What shall we do next?"

Tabassa looked at the mess on the ground and asked.

"Let me clean up here. Go and rescue these wounded and soldiers. Let Mr. Colbert arrange for them to be sent to the capital early tomorrow. If nothing else happens, these ordinary soldiers will be deceived!"

Yeyueshen finished the instructions casually, and then let everyone get busy. Those of you who haven't slept all night will not finish many pieces, but Yeyueshen found a medal from the officer's body and put it on his body.

"Tell everyone that I'm leaving first! This evening's affairs must be kept secret!"

After Ye Yueshen found Qiu Erjie's instructions, he sat on the flying dragon and left here like lightning!

"The principal is really full of energy!"

Qiuerjie looked at Yeyueshen's disappearing figure, muttered, and then a burst of sleepiness struck, and for some reason, she fell asleep on the grass!

"It's that simple, just seize the opportunity!"

In the dark night, at the outer wall of the Magic Academy, a man whispered to Miss Lungobier.

"But this opportunity is for you!"

Miss Lungobier said dissatisfiedly:

"These soldiers are what you want, but these noble children can't move, otherwise, you will wait to meet that person's thunderous wrath!"

"I know, you don't need to remind me!"

The man viciously agreed, and then instructed his subordinates to take the fainted soldiers back, while the children on the ground continued to sleep on the grass safely!

"Good morning!"

Looking at the guard who had been put back to stand guard, Yeyueshen greeted with a smile, while the guard at this time pretended not to know Yeyueshen, lowered his head, said "please", and then closed the door Mouth, to welcome the ministers behind Yeyueshen into the palace.

"Everyone come in!"

Princess Princess walked outside the door, looked at the large number of ministers of uncles and uncles, forced a smile, and then began today's morning court, the first morning court was indeed long and boring, Ye Yueshen yawned and listened to it for a long time. , Basically there is good news and bad news. Among them, Duke Quaterlier said that the credit for the retreat of the lake is still on his own head, which makes Ye Yueshen a little unhappy, but he thinks that Momorangxi has a good relationship with him. , and endure it.

Just when Yeyueshen felt that today's court meeting was over, and that Duke Sri Kerrence should not be in trouble, a child who looked as old as Yeyueshen suddenly jumped out and stood facing the stage. The princess above said:

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