"Sure enough, it's not changing! Actually, it makes me think this guy cares about me! Really!"

While thinking about it, Miss Lungobier said to Ye Yueshen word by word:

"Master Principal, if you do this again, I will resign!"

"Okay, okay, just don't let you find out that I saw it after you see it next time!"

Ye Luna smiled at Miss Lungobier, and then led his guinea pig out of the door.

"Aren't you going to check? How can the headmaster leave before the secretary?"

Miss Lungobier stopped Luna at the door.

"Why not, there's nothing to check anyway, the focus right now is not this magic school!"

Ye Moon God smiled at Miss Lungobier, and then walked downstairs with his guinea pig, leaving Miss Lungobier standing there, thinking about Ye Moon God's words.

"Isn't the point here? Where is the point? This guy always talks so mysteriously, has he found something?"

With this thought in mind, Miss Lungobier walked downstairs slowly by herself. As soon as she got downstairs, she was stopped by a man in front of her.

"How could Miss Lungobier leave behind the Headmaster?"

Mr. Colbert looked at Miss Lungobier with a righteous look, as if she had found something.

"Uh, it's Mr. Colbert, what? Did I do something wrong?"

Miss Lungobier raised her head and looked blankly at the middle-aged man in front of her. She was well behaved during this time, and she didn't show any clues!

"Why did the Principal go downstairs first? Don't you know this is not allowed??"

Mr. Colbert looked a little reluctant.

"Uh, the Principal insists on doing this, I can't do anything about it, and the time difference between the two of us is not too big. Are you doubting me?"

Miss Lungobier said, straightening her eyes and looking at Teacher Colbert calmly.

"That's not true, it's just that you feel that your life has been a little irregular recently..."

Mr. Colbert looked at Miss Lungobier apologetically, as if he found himself making a fuss.

"Uh, yes, the Principal has been away a lot recently, so I've been busy a lot, but that's not why you doubt me, right?"

Miss Lungobier still looked at Mr. Colbert with a magnanimous face, and pointed to the students who passed in front of her and said:

"You are talking to me here, the students saw the meeting!"

"Uh, is it?"

Mr. Colbert hurriedly turned his head away, only to see a few students suddenly speeding up and running in front of him.

"Yeah, you saw it too. If you have something to say, it's not too late to say it tomorrow, I'll leave first!"

Miss Lungobier said, she bypassed Mr. Colbert and left without looking back!

"Strange! Am I nervous?"

Mr. Colbert touched his hairless head, and looked at Miss Lungobier's back with some remorse, a trace of unwillingness always flashed across his heart.

"Did this guy find something?"

After walking out of the gate, Miss Lungobier hurriedly got into her carriage and rushed to the mountain not far away. If Mr. Colbert followed at this time, she would surely find that Miss Lungobier was facing her own home. run away!

"How are you doing?"

Miss Lungobier soon came to a cave not far away, the cave was still very deep, and it took a while to come over.

"It's okay, it will take another day, and you're done!"

A man wearing a blindfold looked at Miss Lungobier with a faint torch.

"En, hurry up and leave as soon as possible, our actions seem to be suspected!"

Miss Lungobier said eagerly.

"That's natural. No one would be surprised if so many soldiers disappeared overnight for no reason, but don't worry, no one will remind the teachers of the Magic Academy who pretend to be extraordinary!"

The man said disapprovingly.

"Hopefully, this principal is not simple, and the teachers who have a good relationship with him have also begun to care about this broken academy. It's a little difficult to deal with!"

Miss Lungobier said, and left the cave, got into her carriage, and galloped home.

"Always so cautious, what happened to Hook?"

After Miss Lungobier left, Cyclops thought silently in the cave. At the same time, a loyal messenger had already boarded the sailboat to Albion...

Chapter [-] Inquiry

"Have a great day, haven't you, Miss Lungobier?"

Another dusk, Ye Yueshen stood up from his seat and looked at his secretary with concern.

"It's okay, I didn't expect the principal to speak a lot better after coming back!"

Miss Lungobier carefully put her legs together and said with a smile.

"Well, since there is nothing to do, you should get off work early today to save less time on the water at night!"

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