Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, then stood up and prepared to leave.

"Uh, what do you say?"

Miss Lungobier was startled and looked at Ye Yueshen with some guilty conscience.

"It's nothing, just go get it!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and said nothing.

"Does this guy know or is he testing me? Why is he talking so strangely? Is he reminding me?"

While thinking about it, Miss Lungobier walked out, she couldn't leave behind Ye Luna tonight, otherwise, she might be reprimanded by the troublesome Mr. Colbert again!

"What a busy Hook!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier leaving in a hurry, smiled slightly, then closed the door of the office and walked to Tabatha's room.

"Uh, did the principal come after dinner?"

As soon as Tabasa returned to the room, Ye Luna walked in right after him, and couldn't help asking Ye Luna a little strangely.

"Uh, it's almost like this. I got off work earlier today. Have you eaten yet?"

As Ye Yueshen explained, he closed the door.

"Uh, do you have anything to say, Principal?"

Tabassa watched Ye Luna's actions and forgot to be polite to Ye Luna for a while.

"En, I'm going to the capital tonight, so I'm going to borrow your flying dragon!"

Ye Yueshen said calmly.

"Uh, tonight?"

Tabassa looked at Ye Luna with some surprise, but did not expect Ye Luna to go to the capital at this time.

"Yes, I have to be back tomorrow morning, that's why Miss Lungobier gets off work early!"

Night Moon God nodded and said.

"No problem, I'll let Feilong come here!"

As Tabasa said, she was about to go to the window and call her flying dragon.

"If you don't go home, let Miss Lungobier go a little further, just as I have something to tell you!"

Ye Yueshen said, and put a note on the table.

"This is?"

Tabassa looked at the words on the note and looked at Ye Luna suspiciously.

"This is a note that appeared in my room last night. Although the person who wrote the note didn't say it, I know who it was, so I need to let you rest later tonight!"

After Ye Yueshen said that, he took the note in his hand, swiped it lightly, and the writing on it disappeared!

"Uh, don't you want me to rescue those soldiers?"

Tabassa sat beside the bed and looked at Ye Luna curiously. Today's Principal looked extraordinarily calm.

"Don't worry, those soldiers will disappear when they disappear. It's fine as long as those people don't come to us. Things can only be understood to a certain extent. If you act now, you will definitely be shocked, and innocent people will be implicated!"

Ye Yueshen said, stood up, stretched out his hand, and already had a blue-yellow pearl in his hand.

"this is?"

Originally wanted to ask Ye Luna who the innocent person was, but seeing the pearl in front of her, Tabasa also forgot this question.

"It's a pearl for early warning that I recently developed. You only need to put this thing in a place you think is important, and when the enemy is approaching, it will warn you!"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen took out a red pearl from his pocket.

"This red pearl is a mother pearl. There are two in total, one for you and one for me. You will be notified when there is danger. Try to drag the enemy or scare them away, so don't worry!"

As Ye Luna spoke, he handed a small bag of green-yellow-colored pearls and a red pearl to Tabasa.

"I will, please feel free to go!"

Tabassa nodded to Ye Luna, took the pearl in her hand, and carefully placed it on her bed.

"Okay, I have to get to the capital as soon as possible, just put the flying dragon on the roof, and I will ride it myself!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, he climbed to the roof from the window of Tabasa's room in a very unruly manner!

"I wish you have a nice trip!"

Tabassa watched her headmaster go away from the window, silently praying to Ye Luna for a safe journey in her heart, and then left her room with the pearl.

"Uh, Miss Tabatha?"

As soon as they got downstairs, Tabasa was blocked by the anxious Siska.

"Yes, what's the matter with you?"

Tabatha nodded to Siska, and put the pearl in her hand into her clothes.

"I saw the Principal entering here just now, did you see it?"

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