The voice of Yeyueshen came, and the one-eyed dragon looked back, only to see Yeyueshen standing on a tree behind him, gently waving his magic wand, and at this time, those trees seemed to have life. Arranged in a dense formation, pushing towards the river bank little by little...

Chapter [-] Processing

"You worked so hard last night!"

Ye Yueshen sat in his seat, looked at Tabasa in front of him, and nodded lightly:

"I didn't expect my worries to come true, what a crow's mouth!"

"Master Principal has a long-term plan."

Tabatha nodded, not seeming proud.

"I heard that the school was burned by Qiu Erjie yesterday?"

Ye Yueshen glanced at the blackened wall outside, and said with some amusing:

"Why set fire to it?"

"The enemy's time is very tight, and they burned in a hurry. Qiu Erjie didn't do it on purpose."

Tabassa said, holding a bag of pearls in her hand.

"This is the pearl you played an important role in last night. Now that the crisis is over, it's back to you!"

"No, go back and put these pearls around your mother's room in the future, so you will feel a lot more at ease!"

Ye Yueshen waved his hand and said:

"You go down first and let Qiu Erjie come over. Although she is kind, I can't be without a word of admonition. In this case, who do you think I am?"

"Well, she's at the door."

Tabassa nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Ye Luna stopped her and waited for Tabasa to turn her head and say:

"I will use your flying dragon again tomorrow night. This time the distance is longer. I hope you can understand."

"Don't worry, you can use my flying dragon anytime!"

After Tabassa finished speaking, she went to the door, opened the door, and let Churjie, who was nervous outside, walk in.

"Don't worry, the principal won't make it difficult for you!"

With a warning in the ear of her good friend, Tabasa left the office of Luna, and walked downstairs alone. There are no classes today, and Tabasa usually spends her time studying.

"Miss Tabatha, I'm sorry!"

As soon as she arrived on the lawn of the Magic Academy, Siska appeared in front of Tabatha's eyes.

"Why are you apologizing?"

Tabassa raised her head and looked at the woman in front of her with her glasses.

"Uh, it's like this. After the principal came back yesterday and told me the truth, I realized that I had misunderstood you. The principal was not with you."

"Well, do you care about where the principal is at night?"

Tabassa looked at Siska and always felt that she had a special concern for this maid.

"Uh, it's like this. I usually serve the principal, so I pay more attention to this, but don't worry, I won't have any unreasonable thoughts about the principal. I'm just a maid."

"Okay, have a nice job."

Tabassa nodded noncommittally, and then walked to her room alone.

"What a strange person who doesn't seem to feel anything about what other people say."

Siska watched the figure of Tabatha leaving with curiosity in her heart.

"What do you say should be done?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Qiu Erjie calmly in the office. This girl's affairs could be big or small, and he couldn't handle it himself.

"What should I do? It depends on the mood of the principal! Anyway, I have been expelled from an unknown number of schools, so I still have the ability to bear it!"

Chul Jie put her hands on her chest, and it didn't look like she was about to admit her mistake.

"It's not according to my mood. I wasn't there at the time, and I don't know if you set the fire to wake everyone up or something else. Anyway, you have to write a note or something for me to take a look at, don't you?"

Ye Yueshen's attitude towards Qiurjie was also a little sullen, and he kindly planned to excuse Qiurjie, but the girl didn't cooperate at all.

"Don't write! There's nothing to write about, I'm doing good things with good intentions, if it's not arson... Hey, who is arson? I'm aiming at fire prevention, and I will never burn those precious things! Principal, your words improper!"

"That's not the point, you go on..."

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat from the corners of his eyes and looked at Qiu Erjie helplessly. Why couldn't he communicate with her properly? Although Tabasha was not as eloquent as she was, he was able to cooperate. These two good friends, It's actually complementary!

"The point is that my efforts have earned the survival of the Magic Academy, and nothing else!"

Qiuerjie looked at Ye Yueshen in a big way, her eyes seemed to say that she should be awarded a medal!

"You go first, Miss Lungobel hasn't come today, and I'm not familiar with the school's punishment regulations. That's it, you go first!"

Ye Yueshen waved at Qiu Erjie, then stood up and rummaged around in the cupboard.

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