
Seeing that Yeyueshen no longer intends to communicate with herself, Qiu Erjie was secretly delighted, and then left Yeyueshen's office without looking back.

"Really, didn't you spare Lungobier last night? Why haven't you come yet?"

Ye Yueshen opened the document in the cupboard and looked at the dense ant-like text on it. He suddenly felt his head was big, he closed the document and stood on the windowsill and looked down.

"You've been waiting for so long!"

Entering the office yawning, Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna helplessly, her eyes full of exhaustion.

"What time did you work last night? Is your spirit so bad?"

Ye Yueshen asked with concern, his secretary can't fall down so easily, and he is relying on Miss Lungobier to keep the school in good order!

"I only slept for two hours, it was so sleepy!"

Miss Lungobier came to her place, put down the papers, and began to lie down on the table to get some sleep.

"Hey, hey, don't, don't go to sleep, I'll let you get enough sleep when Qiu Erjie's affairs are over!"

Ye Luna walked over and shook Miss Lungobier's body, and said anxiously.

"Churjie? What's wrong with her?"

Miss Lungobier said curiously, could it be that the Principal has already pointed his claws at his fiancee's best friend?

"Of course, in order to defend against your attack last night, in order to wake everyone who were sleeping, she directly burned the outer wall into darkness, so..."

Ye Yueshen said, pointed to the books in Cabinet Mountain and said:

"The handwriting on the punishment regulations above is too small, and I can't find the relevant regulations..."

"You don't need to look for it, just give the order directly. Anyway, no one will care about this except the parties involved!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna and said lightly.

Chapter [-] Results

"Uh, really?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier speechlessly, looked up at the punishment regulations on the bookcase, and said curiously:

"If that's the case, why make such a thick set of punishment regulations?"

"Of course it's for the ignorant. It's enough to show that we have evidence to check. Anyway, the language on the top is ambiguous!"

Miss Lungobier kept her spirits high, took the Penalty Regulations in her hand, and said:

"Look at this, if a student has misbehavior, the principal can reprimand him, and the serious one can be expelled, but what level is considered serious? This is your own judgment, so these things are written It's better not to write it!"

After speaking, Miss Lungobier put the "Punishment Regulations" back.

"Okay, so what do you think we should do with this?"

Ye Yueshen felt that he had returned to the problem at the beginning.

"Whatever, if you don't want to punish her, just instruct Tabasa to be responsible for regulating her behavior!"

Miss Lungobier said casually:

"Anyway, in this matter, Tabasa must be a warrior who defends the Magic Academy. When you go to the palace next time, you can apply for a medal for her!"

"Uh, well, since that's the case, then I'll do as you say!"

Ye Yueshen nodded noncommittally, and then led Miss Lungobier to write the punishment for Qiuljie, and also made the award to Tabasa that he had thought up to the public.

"If you have nothing to do today, you can rest and let me have a good sleep."

Miss Lungobier is going to rest when she has written the two papers!

"You have a good rest, I have something to tell you later!"

Ye Luna nodded, picked up the two documents that Miss Lungobier had written, put them away, took out a blanket, and wrapped it around Miss Lungobier's body.

"Have you heard? The Principal wants Tabasha to reprimand Qiuljie well in the future, it's really funny!"

As soon as he arrived in the classroom, Mo Molangxi raised a sensitive topic!

"The principal is really kind. If it was anyone else, just relying on Qiu Erjie's fire prevention in the campus would be enough to make her leave the Magic Academy!"

Ji Xiu hurriedly said that after Momorangxi showed his magic last night, he found that he seemed to have missed a more attractive girl.

"En, it's like this, and Tabatha was rewarded!"

The little fat man stroked his little parrot without letting his mouth idle.

"En, that's right, it's the Principal's kindness. We have to behave well in front of the Principal in the future. I heard that the Principal and Her Royal Highness have a very good relationship. Maybe we will be recommended to the Princess's command in the future! "

Keith said excitedly.

"Then you should have a good relationship with Louise. The princess and the princess have been playing together since childhood. If you say a word, you may be able to say ten words to the principal!"

Momo Langxi looked at Ji Xiu jokingly.

"Oh, don't say it, since Louise and the Principal have been in close contact for two days, it seems like a different person these days. Every day, she is trying her best to train her familiar. I think she intends to be the princess. The rhythm of the bodyguard!"

Ji Xiu looked helplessly at Louise who had been reading in the corner, the next Tabasa seemed to be born!

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