"Hehe, isn't it? Isn't the princess the most trusted commander of the Griffin Legion called Wald? There is also a short-haired female knight, these two are the right-hand men of the princess, and Louise is also a playmate. That's it!"

The little fat man looked at Louise with disdain. The "Zero Louise" in his eyes had just become normal!

"You can't say that, how can you say that everyone has a bright future!"

Mo Molangxi wiped her mouth a little unhappily, for some reason, the cooperation with Louise was always so pleasant, and her sense of rejection towards her almost disappeared!

"Well, your future is also bright for a year, we are waiting to be taken care of by your classmates!"

The little fat man smiled silly, and then went to tease his parrot again!

"These bastards, don't you know that I have been accepted by the principal? The day after tomorrow is a rest day. I must show the princess that I am not only her playmate, but also her right-hand man!"

Louis thought in his heart, on the surface, he was very calm. He continued to read the magic book written by Ye Yueshen for himself. Before he knew it, his magic had improved a lot!

"you're awake?"

While drinking tea, Ye Luna looked at the sleepy Miss Lungobier, who seemed to have woken up...

"En, it's really not a good idea to lie down on the table and sleep, it hurts my back!"

Miss Lungobier stood up, moved her body a bit, folded the blanket that Ye Luna had covered herself with, and put it on the table.

"Have some tea! Let's see how my tea-making skills are!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and used a magic wand to bring a cup of tea in front of Miss Lungobier.

"It's alright, it's just that there are too many tea leaves, and the water is not full, and the tea flavor is not very full. When brewing, some tea leaves are splashed and not stretched, and other problems are not big!"

Miss Lungobier took a sip and commented very pertinently.

"It's good that you have failed to make this cup of tea. Why do you have to be so bewildering?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with black lines on her head, and for the first time found that she was actually sarcastic about herself. Although most people don't know it, Ye Yueshen knew very well that when the two began to sneer at each other.It shows that in their hearts, the other party is already a trustworthy person!

"Okay then, this cup of tea is indeed not well brewed, but judging from the fact that you are a beginner, it is actually very good!"

Miss Lungobier nodded, then looked at Ye Luna curiously and said:

"I don't know if what the Principal said, was it last night or something in the future?"

"It was really hard for you last night. It took a lot of your time to fish up those people who were pushed into the river in the room by the trees, and then heal them. But what I want to know more about is the more distant past!"

Ye Yueshen said, the expression on his face became solemn...

Chapter [-] Past Events

"A long time ago? What was that?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna curiously, and a trace of emotion was surging in her heart.

"Yes, for example, before you were exploited for the title of nobility!"

Ye Luna looked into Miss Lungobier's eyes and said deeply:

"Although I know this is your memory, I shouldn't ask, but I still want to know about your past!"

"The past? I still have the past? My past has been completely stripped away!"

Miss Lungobier gritted her teeth and said:

"Do you know what that feels like? Just because of one small thing, our family will be framed by shameless villains, we will have to endure the parting of life and death, we will be completely abandoned, as if it never existed, you Do you know what that feels like?"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited!"

Ye Luna waved his hand and said to Miss Lungobier:

"Anyway, excitement is always bad. If you're like this, how can I help you get back your noble title?"

"Take back the title of nobility?"

Miss Lungobier was stunned, and looked at Ye Luna in disbelief.

"Like, it is to take back the noble title that belongs to you, I will definitely be able to do it!"

Ye Yueshen nodded fiercely to Miss Lungobier and said affectionately:

"From the first time I saw you, I knew that you had an unyielding spirit, and it was this spirit that allowed you to live in this strange country and made you do a lot of things that attracted everyone to Zhu Yu. Things, but it doesn't matter, what really matters is how to get you a noble title and get back what belongs to you!"

Ye Yueshen said, there was already a beautiful medal in his hand.

"I found this medal on you. I think it's very important to you, and because of this, I always want to help you!"

"My medal?"

Miss Lungobier was surprised and hurriedly searched her body, only to find that her medal was not there!

"When did you get it!"

Miss Lungobier said absentmindedly:

"This is what I put in my underwear pocket..."

"Uh, actually I didn't move much, I just let Modo Solunilu look at it casually, and found this..."

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with embarrassment, no matter what, such behavior is shameless!

"Ah! Your dead mouse actually crawled on me!"

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