"It's so kind of you!"

Ye Yueshen walked over and hugged Louise gently. I don't know why, but I was moved by this girl's innocent face and warm words. I haven't felt this way for a long time!

"Well, Principal!"

Louise was stunned for a moment, then gently placed the sales on Ye Luna's back and embraced her most beloved person!

"Okay, take Pikachu to training, and I'm going to have a few words with Mr. Colbert!"

Ye Luna let go of Louise and turned to leave.

"I... I was hugged by the Principal! I was hugged by the Principal! I was hugged! The Principal must have liked me, of course! I am so happy!"

After Luna left, Louise shouted excitedly while hugging Pikachu, completely ignoring Pikachu's feelings!

"Is Mr. Colbert here?"

Ye Yueshen pushed open the door of the laboratory, and the smell inside was still so rich!

"Are you there, Principal?"

Mr. Colbert's voice came from the back room. Of course, there was also a moan. Mr. Colbert should be doing his own experiments again!

"En, Mr. Colbert, let's chat outside!"

Ye Yueshen looked inside and felt that it was better not to go in. I don't know why, every time I came to Mr. Colbert's laboratory, I always felt that this place would explode on its own, although it was still good so far. of.

"En, let the principal wait for a long time!"

Mr. Colbert's face was apologetic, and he put two glasses of water on the table, which was used to receive Ye Luna!

"Being here, there are actually only two things. The first is to thank you for your support for me for so long. I am very grateful!"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen put a large piece of gem on the table.

"Um, what do you mean?"

Curiously glanced at Yeyueshen, Mr. Kerber looked at Yeyueshen with incomprehension, and didn't understand what was going on!

"I found this on the chuang of a river when I came back yesterday. I heard that you are still researching a lot of JianYing's stones, so I brought you along by the way!"

Yeyueshen said nonsense, no matter what, he couldn't tell Mr. Colbell that this was when he overturned the river and shook the earth last night, and he dug it out of the boundary river!

"What are you kidding me, this big ruby ​​only exists in the nearby Jiehe River, the Krisvale River, and it's the first time I've seen such a big ruby!"

Mr. Colbert held up his glasses and said seriously.

"Uh, I know you are very knowledgeable, but it's not that deep..."

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat from the corners of his eyes, always feeling that something was wrong with him, is it not allowed for the boss to give gifts to his subordinates here?

"Haha, to embarrass you, I just talk too much!"

After Yeyueshen said that, Mr. Colbert felt embarrassed. No matter what, Yeyueshen was well-intentioned, and he really shouldn't be talking like this.

"It's okay, it's okay, in fact, this is what I found from that boundary river, let's do an experiment for you!"

Ye Yueshen waved his hand and said:

"One more thing, I need to go out on business a lot recently, that is to say, I need you to continue to help manage this academy!"

When Mr. Colbert heard this, he said nonchalantly:

"No problem, don't worry! I will take good care of Miss Lungobier..."

"No, no, that's what I'm worried about. Now you don't need to watch Miss Lungobier, she's already mine!"

Ye Yueshen said so quickly that he couldn't say anything, which greatly surprised Mr. Colbert!

"You said just now that she is already yours?"

"Yes, no, yes and no, oh, you don't have to monitor her anyway, that's all!"

Ye Yueshen said in distress, it was the first time that intellectuals were so troublesome!

Chapter one hundred and eighty first order

"If there is no accident, I will be back soon. Of course, I am confident that no accident will happen. The most urgent thing is that you go to the capital and help me see what the boring old guy is doing!"

Yeyueshen stood at the gate, looking at the newly dressed Miss Lungobier, and there was still a little joy in her heart. Miss Lungobier, who used to be low-key before, suddenly more than half, but she has the atmosphere of a famous lady. !

"Don't worry, it's not just monitoring others, I'm the best at this matter!"

Miss Lungobier smiled and went back to swing her whip!Running in the direction of the capital, it is impossible for Ye Luna to protect her all the way to the capital and then go to the sailboat port, so she can only let Miss Lungobier set off ahead of schedule!

"Miss Lungobier is gone, what about the school?"

Louise stood next to Ye Luna and said worriedly, because she knew Ye Luna's plan, Louise had to go back home to persuade her father to publicly express her support for the princess as soon as possible, and send Sri Kelen. Duke Si's gaze shifted.

"Don't worry, Mr. Colbert will do, and even if the broken messenger knows that we are not there, what can you do? The situation is so tense now, that guy from Morthawk shouldn't be boring himself!"

Ye Luna smiled, and then took Louise back to the school. There is still a day of classes today. Luna still can't guarantee whether she will hand over the information to the one-eyed dragon who escaped from the dead and come to trouble the Magic Academy!

"I'm leaving first, see you in the afternoon!"

After Louise walked into the school with Ye Luna, she took the initiative to separate a certain distance. Even if she liked Ye Luna in her heart, the two were still in a teacher-student relationship on the surface. live.

"Okay, just go to class, don't take Pikachu to practice at noon, it's getting hotter and hotter, it's not good to get a tan!"

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