Ye Yueshen smiled, and after a few words of concern, he walked to his office alone. At this time, Mr. Colbert was already in a hurry!

"With so many applications and paperwork to write early in the morning, how did Miss Lungobier accomplish all this hard work?"

Seeing Ye Luna's return, Mr. Colbert couldn't help complaining.

"haha, really?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mr. Colbert's unhappy face, and didn't say anything. He took out a document from the pile of documents, and after turning two pages, he couldn't help laughing.

"Dear Mr. Colbert, you have also seen that this document requires you to reply within a week, you can just stay and wait until Miss Lungobier comes back to deal with it, and this kind of boring application is ignored, I feel more OK!"

Ye Yueshen said, and threw the documents in his hand into the trash can at the door. Speaking of which, this was the first time Ye Yueshen took the initiative to throw garbage!

"Uh, this is not good. It will make Miss Lungobier work hard. They have already gone to the capital for you on business. How can you have such a big burden when you come back?"

Mr. Colbert said diligently while arranging the documents sweating profusely.

"If nothing else, when Miss Lungobier came back, she would throw such boring things like applying for outings and throw them into the trash. If you answered, those students would probably still be. I feel that our hearts are softened, and we continue to get more applications, so that we can’t guard against it!”

Ye Yueshen said a little reluctantly, not because he felt sorry for Mr. Colbert, but mainly because Ye Yueshen didn't want to see Mr. Colbert who was too tired to live and did not finish his work again after he came back by himself.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to go on an outing next month! I'll tell you all about the children's applications for outings. If they're interested, I'll be able to do it!"

As Mr. Colbert said, he looked at Ye Luna with curious eyes and asked:

"Didn't you say that you are very busy today, sir? Why do you have time to chat with me here!"

"Hehe, I'm actually waiting for the students to finish class..."

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, wiped the sweat from his forehead in embarrassment, then poured a cup of tea for Mr. Colbert, brought it over, and then threw some documents that seemed completely meaningless to the trash at his own discretion.

"It's strange, why hasn't the Messenger arrived today? Yesterday, it was at this point, and I was going to explain to him where Miss Lungobier went!"

Ye Yueshen sat on a chair and drank all the tea he had brewed himself. He still did not wait for Morthawk to arrive, but Mr. Kerber did not drink the tea after drinking his own cup of tea. , making Ye Yueshen a little hurt.

"God is not omnipotent. It takes years of practice to make tea!"

He found a reason in his heart to excuse himself, and Ye Yueshen heard a loud bell outside.

"Go ahead, sir, the messenger is here, I'll just deal with it!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen wanting to go but not daring to go, Mr. Kerber didn't feel a little funny, and took the initiative to say.

"Well then, I will trouble you these days!"

Ye Luna nodded, and then stood up... After saying goodbye to Mr. Colbert, he followed to Tabasa's room.

"Lord Principal came right after class!"

Seeing Yeyueshen coming, Qiuerjie said unceremoniously, Yeyueshen is in her heart, and the principal's majesty is indeed not much!

"En, you go out first!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and then waved his hand to let Qiu Erjie leave his fiancee's room!

"Uh, okay!"

Seeing that Yeyueshen's face was a little serious, Qiu Erjie didn't have the courage to refute it.

"Master Principal, take a seat."

Tabasa used a magic wand to push the stool in the room in front of Luna, and said quietly.

"En, I'm not here to chat, I'm here to tell you something."

Ye Yueshen said straight to the point:

"I'm going to leave here in a day or two and go to a port city called Smokones, so I hope."

"You can use Feilong anytime!"

Tabassa looked at Ye Yueshen sensible, and took the initiative to say without waiting for Ye Yueshen to say anything.

"That's not the case. In fact, I'm worried that something will happen here, so I hope you will continue to take up the defense task at night. Although tomorrow is a rest day, I still hope you can work hard!"

"Don't worry, Principal!"

Tabassa nodded sensible and waved her magic wand, looking confident.

Chapter [-] Snooping

"Well, it's really hard work, to run such a long distance, how did that guy do it twice in one night?"

Parking the carriage on the side of the street, Miss Lungobier, who was thirsty and thirsty, hurriedly sat down in a small shop in Dilnesia. After asking for some food and some water, she planned to continue her journey. Luna's orders are more important than anyone else's orders before Miss Lungobi!

"Whose carriage is in front of you, don't you have eyes, didn't you see the carriage of our Lord Marquis coming?"

A roar stirred up Miss Lungobier's originally unhappy mood. Seeing that it was actually a drake's voice pointing fingers in front of her carriage, Miss Lungobier stepped forward directly.

"This is my carriage. The road is so wide that your marquis' carriage can't pass?"

"Hey, she's still a little beauty!"

Drake's throat saw Miss Lungobier's appearance, and he laughed wickedly, not even the slightest trace of seriousness in the corner of his eyes, and the eyes revealed were all wretched and obscene.

"go away!"

Miss Lungobier was disgusted and uncomfortable. She looked at the foot of the drake's throat with her eyes, and a small hole formed invisibly, which directly caused the foot of the drake's throat to be unstable, and stumbled to the ground. !

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