"no problem!"

It had already been seen that Miss Lungobier was going to say something to Ye Luna, but Mr. Colbert just assumed that he didn't know anything, so he went out and closed the door carefully.

"Can we speak now, my resourceful secretary?"

"Of course!"

Miss Lungobier smiled and said:

"Actually, if you want to control Morthawk, or at least don't let him be your hindrance, all we have to do is grab his handle, as long as we can grab his handle, believe..."

"It's useless to believe!"

Ye Luna smiled wryly at Miss Lungobier.

"Even if we have his ready-made handle in our hands, but the Duke of Sri Clarence is likely to become king, do you think Morthawk will do this? Even if we take his handle now His title is deprived, and the old fox of Sri Kerrence must have made him temporarily lurking, and his hatred for us is enough to make him do anything to hinder us!"

After Ye Luna finished speaking, he spread his hands to Lungobier and said:

"You have seen the attitude of that guy just now. It's obviously someone who doesn't intend to stand on the same path as me. Why should we be so merciful?"

"Um... what do you mean?"

Miss Lungobier thought that Luna had nothing to do with Morthawk!Now it seems that I think too much!

"What I mean is that I will go to Morthawk, you continue to the capital, and the affairs here are left to Mr. Colbert to take care of!"

Ye Yueshen left a suspense to his secretary, and then let Miss Lungobier, who was confused, get on the carriage and continue to run away.

"Master Principal! The situation is not good!"

As soon as Miss Lungobier was sent away, Mr. Colbert took the initiative to walk up to Ye Luna and pointed to the mysterious colleagues behind him.

"It seems that some people just want to warn you!"

After Ye Yueshen sent Miss Lungobier off, looking at the expressions of those teachers, he quickly thought that Morthawk must not leave directly, but said something bad among the teachers!

"What are you going to do?"

Mr. Kerber, who has a good impression of Yeyueshen, seems to be ignorant of the rumors spread by Morthawk, and still stands firmly on Yeyueshen's side!

"What else can I do? Of course they shut up!"

Ye Yueshen looked at those teachers who were extremely boring and calculated others every day. Seeing them like this made me want to vomit. Naturally, he would not take the initiative to refute the rumors, but said to Mr. Colbert:

"I'll leave it to you here! I'll go back when I go!"

After he finished speaking, he also went to his door and got on the carriage and left.

"Mr. Colbert, we have to remind you that everyone is from aristocratic backgrounds. Although the rank is not high, we must also see the future trend!"

Mr. Hubrus, who had just been sent back by the royal family, twisted his waist and came to Mr. Colbert. He spoke like a menopausal woman, and the twisting tone was disgusting.

"You don't need to remind me, after the principal leaves, you have to listen to me here, get out of the way!"

Mr. Kerber gave Xiu Bruce a stunned look, regretting that he agreed to send this brainless guy back when Ye Yueshen was away!

"You...you wait!"

Mr. Hubrus was ignored by Mr. Colbert in front of everyone, and immediately became furious, but he couldn't think of any way to target Colbert. He could only stomp his feet and curse with his mouth.

"What are you looking at, don't hurry back to work, just the principal thinks that there are too many teachers in our school, and plans to cut some!"

Mr. Colbert raised his eyes to look at the guys who were still pointing at him, and immediately became furious, shouting at this group of colleagues very rudely!

Just when Mr. Colbert looked at his colleague angrily, the carriage of the night moon god had already met Miss Lungobier, who overturned on the road.

"I said, you are the Hooke of the clods, why did you forget to make the road under your carriage a little softer?"

Ye Luna couldn't help laughing when she saw Miss Lungobier's dejected look.

"I plan to go to Delnesia to change a carriage. Who knows it will fall apart before it arrives. I don't know that such a carriage is so fragile!"

While speaking, Miss Lungobier looked at the carriage of the Moon God and couldn't help being a little surprised:

"Speaking of which, your speed is always much faster than ours, but I haven't seen any damage to your carriage, not even the paint on the outside!"

"We are two different!"

Ye Luna smiled, and then handed over his whip to Miss Lungobier.

"Come together! I'll teach you how to make the carriage run fast and not fall apart!"

"Schadenfreude guy!"

Miss Lungobier rolled her eyes at Ye Luna, but she honestly got on Ye Luna's carriage, and then followed him to Dernesia. After Ye Luna bought her a new carriage, they parted ways. , one to Morthawk, one to the capital, and watch every move there!

"If only it were a dark night, I could fly to the capital in the air!"

Miss Lungobier thought, cursing the sun that was shining in her eyes.

Chapter [-] Darkness

"Master, someone is asking to see you outside!"

Standing in front of Morthawk, the drake's voice no longer had the air of bullying the shops in Dernesia, and was replaced by a completely humble face.

"Who is there, no! I just came back and came to the door. Is it ill?"

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