Morthawk waved his hand and said directly:

"Tell him, I haven't even closed my eyes since yesterday morning. Didn't you find the capital you went with me?"

"I know I know!"

The drake said in a busy voice:

"I told that person all these words, but the guy said that if you don't open the door, he will tear down our castle, so the little ones are here to disturb you!"

"Who is so bold!"

Morthawk let out a loud cry, then threw his coat to the drake's throat and strode toward the castle gate. In Torristin, opening the door without a coat often represented an excellent relationship with those who came. Friendship or just saying that you don't welcome people!

"Who is it!"

He opened the door with his own hands, and without looking at Morthawk, he yelled outside!

"Sure enough, the person who wants to become a duke has a different temper!"

Ye Yueshen blocked Morthawk's saliva with his hand, and stood at the door looking at the person who came.

"It is you?"

As soon as Morthawk heard the voice, his face drooped down, and the little heart of the drake beside him also improved a lot. At first, he thought that Ye Luna was the object that the master could not offend, but now it seems that this is not the case. .

"It's me, why aren't you welcome?"

Yeyueshen pointed at Morthawk's attire with his magic wand. Yeyueshen had also been to the palace several times. Of course, he knew the subtext of dressing up in this world!

"not welcome!"

Morthawk looked at Ye Luna, raised his chin, and said arrogantly.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't come to make you welcome me anyway!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, raised his eyes, and grabbed Morthawk's throat with his hand!

"You...what are you doing..."

Morthawk, who was strangled by Yeyueshen's throat, immediately found that the nearest body was slowly raised again, and Yeyueshen's eyes became colder and colder, and a coldness of death quietly came to him !

"What are you doing? Of course, I'm here to let you see the situation!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and said to several attendants who were already dumbfounded:

"Look at what! Your master told you to close the door and roll away, didn't you see it?"


The guards looked at Yeyueshen, and then at their master, and they were a little dumbfounded, but Yeyueshen just let go of Morthawk's hand, put him in the air, and asked lightly:

"Am I right? Lord Marquis?"

"You, you put me down, I am the marquis of the empire, the future duke, you can't rebel! I was killed by Sri Clarence..."

Morthawk was about to move his backers out to scare Ye Yueshen, when he suddenly found that Ye Yueshen directly used a magic wand to knock down all his servants. Almost in an instant, the armed forces in his castle no longer existed. !

"Since you don't close the door, I will close it for you!"

Ye Yueshen said, walked to the door, gently closed the door, and then drew a huge circle on the door in front of Morthawk!

"See this golden circle? No one can open this door without me, and then you'll be stuck here, and when all the dust settles, this place will become a famous haunted house, scaring generations Are you willing to be the owner of the haunted house?"

Ye Yueshen pointed to the door, and then sealed all the windows with a magic wand, at this time not even a shred of sunlight could come in.

"What the hell are you doing!"

Suddenly plunged into darkness... Marquis Morthawk's inner fear was deeper, while Night Moon God stood still, and did not leave a trace of light in this castle.

"I know you will definitely not beg for mercy, you are a man of backbone, so I don't have a problem, you just wait here, waiting for your backbone to be gone, you are willing to be an ordinary marquis , I'll be back!"

After that, Ye Yueshen pointed to Morthawk in front of him, and the wind lock on his body disappeared, while Ye Yueshen directly opened the door, and then left the castle under the dazzling light!

"no no!"

When the darkness came again, the only thing Morthawk could do was to rush to the gate, knocking and beating at the original flexible gate, and then kicking down hard, attacking frantically with all the magic he had learned, but Unfortunately, Morthawk can't even emit the most basic light magic, as if the light is here, as long as it appears, it will be swallowed up!

"If the door can't be opened, there is always a place to open it!"

Multhawk encouraged himself, and then groped to climb to the window, but after walking for a long time, he couldn't find the stairs in his memory. He could only use what he could find at hand to face the place where there was glass in his memory. Go crazy!

There was no sound, not even the sound of things falling, there was a dead silence all around, and Morthawk even felt that there was no echo here, all his sounds seemed to be imaginary in his mind!

"No, I don't want to live here!"

After an unknown amount of time, the Duke of Morthawk, who had collapsed to the ground from exhaustion, opened his red eyes and muttered...

"I'll be back when you're willing to be an ordinary marquis!"

What Ye Yueshen said before jumped into Morthawk's mind, like a drop of wine dripping into a glass of water. Although there is no difference, it has completely changed the glass of wine.And Morthawk screamed in surprise!

"I'm willing, I'm willing, I just want to be a marquis honestly and peacefully. I don't want any fiefs or titles. I want to live, and I won't threaten you! I'm willing to do everything for me. Confession! Come back quickly, Principal!"

After Morthawk finished screaming, he suddenly felt that his hoarse throat suddenly sweetened, and a clear stream surged, and then, only light appeared in his eyes!

"Ah, light, light!"

Morthawk stood up and looked at the light from the skylight, staring blankly, as if time had flowed through him for thousands of years.

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