"what is this?"

When the light flooded Morthawk's body, a letter floated down at Morthawk's feet, shining with golden light...

Chapter [-] Solved

"Dear Mr. Multhawk, when you read this letter, I believe that you have repented, but you are innocent, but in your own favorable choice, you have already put me and the princess's relationship The interests have been betrayed, so I have to treat you like this. In fact, we are all kind. As long as you can be quiet for a while and keep your usual low-key, then when the princess becomes the king, you will still be on top. Lord Marquis."

Looking at the words written on the golden envelope, Morthawk was stunned for a while. For the first time, he realized that he still had a chance to stay out of it. At this time, the servants who had just fallen asleep beside him woke up one after another. I didn't have time to think about it. After recalling my painful experience in the dark, I decided to become a low-key and neutral existence just like Ye Yueshen said!


A voice suddenly came to Morthawk's mind.

"Should you clear up the rumors you told my subordinates? Although some people say that you will use your blood to prove your failure, I am still merciful!"

Night Moon God's voice reverberated in Morthawk's heart for a long time, and at this time, the drake's throat had also woken up. Looking at Morthawk, he said in surprise:

"My lord, have you already promised that guy?"


Morthawk was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he just slapped him on the face of Drake's throat!

"It's all because of you, who casually used my power on the street to bully the village, and let people see it, now it's better!"

After speaking, the Marquis of Morthawk ordered his subordinates to drive the drake out of the castle, while he hurried to the Magic Academy after bathing and changing his clothes.

When the Marquis of Morthawk rushed to the Magic Academy with an uneasy heart, he discovered that the outside environment was almost the same as when he returned to the castle, and the time did not change, as if he was suffering in the dark. It's like the time doesn't exist. Thinking of this, Morthawk became more and more in awe of Ye Luna.

At this time, Ye Yueshen had already arranged everything. After the last class in the afternoon, he handed over the Magic Academy to Mr. Colbell, and he rode on Tabasa's flying dragon and rushed to the legendary port. The city of Smoknius, and the consequence of Ye Luna going alone, is that Ye Luna will keep hovering over a certain city, and then ask passers-by to find the road of Great Smoknius. The reason is that, right Ye Luna, who is so confident, doesn't even bother to bring a map!

When Ye Luna found Smoknius, it was already the morning of the next day, and this time was similar to the time when the princess messenger returned. After Ye Luna put the flying dragon in the sky, he walked from the mountain road alone. Entering this strange and city, a large part of the reason for saying it is strange is that it does not look like a city at all from the outside. All the houses are caves carved out of hard stone mountains, and the roads are also It is winding and famous for its steep steps.

Of course, all this is not a problem for Yeyueshen. The only thing Yeyueshen cares about is where the so-called sailboat port is in this place!

".Do you know where the port here is?"

Ye Yueshen walked into a store casually and asked the boss who was greeting customers.

"Hehe, from what you said, it's because it's a port that we can make money. You don't even know where the port is when you come here. What are you doing here?"

The boss took a lot of Yeyueshen, but he didn't see Yeyueshen's identity, so he simply joked, and the customers in the store in twos and threes also laughed.

"Okay, then I'll ask myself!"

Ye Yueshen took a rough look at the situation in the store and found that almost all the customers were men in coarse clothes, so he knew that this place was not a good place, so he planned to leave!

"Don't! You don't know, we are the best store in Smokenius, and we have everything in the room. If you go elsewhere, you will definitely regret leaving here!"

The owner of the shop hurriedly stopped Ye Yueshen, speaking as if he was telling the truth!

"Really? I just saw a big storefront, it seems to be much better than yours!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the shop owner suspiciously, and pointed to a higher place. That place looked obviously much better than this store!

"Haha! You're kidding me, that store, but we are here specially used to entertain nobles. Judging from the robe you are wearing, it should not be an aristocrat, so don't think about it. In this place, except for that store, it is We are the best here! If you go out now, you will definitely regret it!"

The shop owner said disdainfully to Ye Yueshen.As if Ye Yueshen had to live here!

"Is that so? If the store doesn't let me live, I'll just go back to your place."

Ye Yueshen smiled and looked at the shopkeeper indifferently.

"Presumptuous! What did you say!"

A strong man who was drinking just now, slapped the table with a slap, stood up with a swipe, and glared at Yeyueshen.

"What place do you think we are here? Come and leave if you want! Remember, here, good horses don't eat back grass! If you think our place is good, stay here, otherwise!"

"How about otherwise?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the strong man coldly, and he already had a magic wand in his hand!

"Who are you scaring with a chopstick! It's scary to be an old man, isn't it?"

The strong man continued to walk towards Yeyueshen as if he saw the shop owner, but Yeyueshen didn't bother to pay attention to him, the magic wand in his hand shook, and the strong man's body was directly overturned by Yeyueshen!

"Wife, my wife, what he has in his hand is real! It's real!"

The guy who looked like a man just now cried out while lying on the ground, and the helpers behind him were already timidly looking at Ye Yueshen, and no one dared to move!

"Useless things!"

The shopkeeper spat at the strong man, and gave Ye Yueshen a reluctant smile.

"My lord, I'm sorry, we really look down on people. I didn't expect you to be a noble. The store in front is prepared for people like you. You... Come on, this means we apologize!"

Having said that, he has placed a small bag of coins in front of Ye Moon God.

"I don't want these things, I just want to ask you a few questions!"

Ye Yueshen said lightly.

Chapter [-] Expose

"You say it, you say it!"

The shopkeeper looked at Ye Yueshen timidly, and the look just now disappeared without a trace.

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