"Of course! Besides Albion, where else can I go?"

Yeyueshen raised Erlang's legs in a big way and looked at the shopkeeper with disdain.

"Uh, yes, yes!"

Glancing at Ye Yueshen, the man smiled, then closed the door and left on his own!

"High profile to the extreme is the best camouflage!"

Thinking of what the female shop owner said when he left the shop, Ye Yueshen couldn't help laughing. Looking at the reaction of the group of people downstairs and the appearance of a man, Ye Yueshen felt that he was still very talented in acting!

At the same time, not far from Yeyueshen's room, more than a dozen guys with sabres were silently waiting for the time to pass in the room, and Yeyueshen's actions also gave them a little talk about their dull waiting. !

"Have you heard that just now, a bumpkin came downstairs, and actually displayed gold coins like glass beads in front of so many people!"

The person who came up from the downstairs talked about Ye Yueshen to his companion.

"Really? When is he going to leave?"

A middle-aged man who had been closing his eyes and resting against the wall asked the person who came.

"Boss! It's probably tomorrow or today. If he leaves immediately, he probably won't need a room!"

The man who came downstairs looked at his boss curiously and said speculatively!

"Then don't ask!"

The man closed his eyes and opened his eyes, picked up a piece of bread beside him and smashed it.

"Didn't I ask you to inquire about all the people who came in? What are you doing to eat!"

"Aren't we going to start right now? I..."

The man who was beaten looked aggrieved at his boss. Before he could finish speaking, another piece of bread had already flown over...

"I said why the boss kept the bread and didn't eat it for the past few days. It turned out to be to smash people!"

Looking at the two bags on his companion's face, the companion who followed him downstairs to inquire about it didn't forget to joke.

"Fart! That's because when the eldest was young, he was about to starve to death and was rescued from the street by the Duke. He ate more than [-] breads at a time and almost choked to death, and there was a shadow in his heart!"

The man who was beaten to death said in dissatisfaction, the two of them had already come downstairs, and without a word, they took out two gold coins to the short man.

"Uh, it's not easy to handle this, you have seen it, that adult has a lot of temper!"

The shopkeeper said it was difficult, but his face was full of joy. While talking, he gestured with his hands in front of the two of them.

"What a profiteer!"

Angrily, they took out their last gold coin. The two of them watched the shopkeeper run to Ye Yueshen's room, and they were already thinking about how to take revenge on the traitorous shopkeeper.

Chapter [-] Robbery

"Of course I'll take the boat to Albion as soon as possible! I still have a lot of things to do! Why, I'm afraid that I won't give you the rent?"

Ye Yueshen was still sitting on the stool with Erlang's legs crossed, not even looking at the short man!

"Where, where, the money you gave is enough for the small shop's profit for a month!"

The man smiled stupidly at Yeyueshen, and quickly backed out, closed the door, and then told Yeyueshen's words to the two people!

"Okay, we got it!"

The man who was beaten twice by the boss waved to the shopkeeper, and then returned with his companions.

"Really? You left at noon today?"

The man known as the boss opened his eyes, and a trace of cunning was already revealed in his eyes!

"Yes, the guy seems to be very dissatisfied with this place, and he is also yelling at the owner!"

The man who was instructed to inquire looked at his boss respectfully, and was no longer interested in joking. The two bags that were smashed out still reminded him on his head.

"If that's the case, then let's... By the way, have you found out the identity of that person?"

Just as he was about to change his plan, the boss suddenly changed his mind and said:

"If the person coming is from the Duke, we can't do it casually!"

"Uh, this..."

After being told by the boss, the man realized that he had forgotten about this matter, and he immediately regretted it. However, when he saw the look of the boss glaring at him, his whole body was agitated, and he said quickly:

"I don't think it is the Duke's person. If so, he will contact us. The Duke will not send such a brainless guy here!"


Pointing to his subordinates, the boss pondered for a while, and said directly:

"If that's the case, we'll change our plan a little bit. When everyone gets on and off the boat, we'll kill the guy first. Even if we can't kill him, we'll throw the coins out of him to create chaos. Then we take advantage of the chaos to capture the unfortunate messenger back, so that our mission will be successfully completed!"

"Great trick!"

The man who had seen Ye Yueshen's dislike for a long time shouted happily, and then, a piece of bread smashed over!

"Looking for death! I don't know this is an inn, so what are you doing so loudly!"

The boss hated the iron and looked at his subordinates, and suddenly regretted letting this guy go to the wind!

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