Time passed quickly. When Yeyueshen came, it was already the time when the sun rose. After tossing for a while, the sun began to approach the central axis. At this time, all the fog in the valley dissipated, and the situation in the distance could be seen. In the bottom of his eyes, Ye Yueshen's room could just see the movement of the valley. When he saw the wind blowing a sailboat, Ye Yueshen also finished eating the food brought by the owner and came to the port alone.

"Master, go slow!"

After sending off the last batch of guests, the bustling inn suddenly became deserted, and at this time, the boss who had never left the room, finally came out with a few of his own.

"Oh! Lords, you are leaving too, I thought you were going to stay here!"

The owner of the shop who was cleaning the accounts was overjoyed when the boss came out. He was finally able to clean the last room. These people lived in it these days.


The boss nodded, and then placed his saber in front of the shop owner!

"Several lords, what do you mean?"

Seeing the sharp knife, the shop owner suddenly realized that something was wrong!

"What's the meaning!"

The boss looked at the same shopkeeper viciously and cursed:

"The money of several of our brothers has been swindled by you bastard these days. Tell me, how should this account be calculated!"

"Yes! Do the math, what have you kidnapped us!"

The man who had three bags with honor on his face was also welcome. He was the main target of blackmail these days.

"Uh, we were what you wanted at the beginning, but your attitude is not good!"

While talking, the shop owner looked behind him, and it is natural that someone who dares to cheat like this has a bit of capital!

"Don't look at it, we've already killed all of your men, you're better off. The skills of these three-legged cats are at the level of scaring people!"

The boss picked up the knife, put it on the owner's neck, and said confidently.

"Well, in that case, let's reconcile the accounts..."

The owner smiled helplessly and took out an account!

"Fuck! I don't have time to reconcile with you! Hurry up! Take our money out, otherwise, your life will be lost!"

The companion beside the boss also looked at the shopkeeper viciously and threatened together.

"But I still have to count your money. You can't live without money!"

The shopkeeper is still so calm with the knife on his neck!

"It's money or life!"

The boss glanced at the shopkeeper contemptuously, then kicked him over with his legs outstretched, followed by a few people who put the shopkeeper on his body and searched for all the money in the shop, knocked the shopkeeper unconscious, and rushed to the port!

"The ship is here, the ship is here!"

I don't know who took the lead, and following closely, the crowd at the port began to call together, as if they didn't have eyes!

"Messenger, how would you feel if you knew that your return was more dangerous than when you went?"

Ye Yueshen put his hands on his chest, looked at the sailboat that was getting closer, and thought with some playfulness.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The discordant voice soon came, and just as everyone shouted in unison, a group of people dressed in black and holding knives rushed through the crowd and came directly to the front of the crowd!

"It turns out that they were in such a hurry. If I had known, I wouldn't have asked the proprietress!"

Ye Yueshen chuckled in his heart, while the men in black who squeezed over looked at Ye Yueshen with strange eyes, just like a beggar looking at Jinshan!

"Dare to ask where this little brother went?"

The boss held his own knife, grinned at the pre-trial, and asked.

"I want you to take care of it?"

Ye Yueshen gave him a disdainful look, and then looked at the original sailboat alone, motionless!

"Good boy! You'll see later!"

The boss was ignored by Ye Yueshen, and he felt resentment in his heart, but on the surface he looked calm, as if nothing had happened!

Chapter [-] tossing

"Go back, go back! Go down first, then go up!"

When the sailboat was about to dock, a big man was already waving a whip at the bow and shouting to the crowd waiting in the port!

"Go back! If you don't go back, you won't dock!"

Seeing that the crowd below was still unmoved as always, the big man directly used his trump card in anger.As soon as these words came out, the crowd who were still watching finally receded like a tide, and Ye Yueshen also retreated with the crowd. Before he knew it, he had been surrounded by a man in black!

"Let the boat go!"

With a roar from the big man, the sailboat that had just docked directly put down the ladder, and a crowd of people swarmed down from the deck, instantly filling the ladder!

"Don't worry!"

The eldest of the men in black glanced at the crowd that rushed down, and explained coldly, then, Ye Yueshen was caught in the middle by six people like egg shells protecting the yolk, unable to move, and the people around looked at him. Now, it's just that Ye Yueshen's subordinates are protecting him!

"You haven't started yet?"

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