Unexpectedly, her father would say such a thing, and Louise's mood suddenly turned bad. As a result, after Duke Barrielu showed Louise a part of Sri Clarence's letter, Louise, who was still indignant Just keep your mouth shut.

"It seems to be true!"

Seeing his daughter's reaction, Duke Barriere could only helplessly say:

"This time, the princess has lost even her last support. It seems that the situation is irreversible!"

"But... but the Principal didn't let the Magic Academy fall! Could it be that those people attacked the Magic Academy because the Principal asked them to attack?"

With tears in her eyes, Louise said incomprehensibly.

"But your Principal was indeed not there at the time! Where can I go?"

Duke Barrielu waved his hand to show his powerlessness. When he was about to prove whether the accusation of Duke Sri Clarence was true or not, he could only comfortably say:

"Of course, if the messenger didn't testify, it might be fine. Of course, I don't think Sri Clarence is the one who kills first and then plays, and must be fully prepared!"

"I have confidence in our Principal!"

Holding her own little fist, Louise said to her father something she didn't quite believe, and then followed her father to the capital without a word, and immediately rushed to Miyagi to find her own. Sir Principal...

Chapter [-] hug

"Don't worry, I'll make arrangements freely!"

Looking at Louise's nervous little face, Ye Yueshen hurriedly gave her a confident smile, and then directly took Louise away from Miyagi.

"You still live here!"

Looking at Yeyueshen's same room as last time, Louise said in surprise:

"You must know your identity is really not suitable for this kind of place!"

"Hehe, where do I fit in?"

Ye Yueshen sat on the easy chair specially provided by the shopkeeper, and looked at Louise lazily. Since she left the Magic Academy yesterday afternoon, she has not closed her eyes for [-] consecutive hours, and she is indeed a little tired!

"Of course it's the duke's mansion. When the princess becomes the king, I will let her build a mansion for you, so that others will not look down on you!"

Louise looked at Ye Yueshen with concern on her face, her small eyes flashing like a cute doll, which directly melted Ye Yueshen's hard heart!

"If only everyone in the world was like you!"

Ye Yueshen stood up from the easy chair, looked at Louise with a look of relief, and stretched out his hand to pick up his student. At this moment, a cough sounded behind Louise at an unusual time!

"Master Principal, am I disturbing you?"

With a wicked smile, Miss Lungobier walked in slowly, looking at Ye Luna with annoyance.

"It's coming, it's coming, why bother coughing and gargling!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier a little unhappily. Louise's face was flushed to the base of her neck. How could the little girl not be shy?

"Of course my throat is sore!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Louise, took out a thick stack of paper from the middle of her folder, and said casually to Ye Luna:

"This is just finished, do you want to take a look?"

"Since you're still busy, I'll go first!"

Louise took a peek at Miss Lungobier and hurriedly said goodbye.

"Wait a minute, Louise!"

Seeing Miss Lungobier, Ye Luna suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said:

"Louise, didn't your father visit the Duke of Sri Lanka? Where will you go if you go back?"

"I'll just go to our mansion!"

Louise lowered her head, her voice was low, and the blush on her face had not dissipated.

"Okay, can I ask you one thing?"

Ye Luna took a stack of documents from Miss Lungobier's hand and looked at Louise with concern.

"Tell me, I'll listen!"

Louise still lowered her head, but the expression on her face improved a lot, and her tone did not tremble.

"When your father returns to the mansion, find someone to tell me, I just want to visit your father!"

Ye Yueshen spoke in a calm manner, with no expression on his face. This expression has been maintained for a long time. In Miss Lungobier's view, this is completely evidence of Ye Yueshen's thick skin.


Hearing what Ye Yueshen said, the little girl raised her head suddenly, blinked her eyes and said:

"Actually, you can live in our house. You are too unsafe here, and you don't fit your status. There are many empty houses in our family. Even if you bring your secretary, it doesn't matter!"

"Hehe, thank you for your kindness!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Louise's eyes, looked at her affectionately, and said:

"In this case, it will make it difficult for your father. We are not comrades in the trenches. If we go now, we will force your father to stand in line. It's good for me to live here, with Miss Lungobier taking care of it, everything is fine, You just need to tell me when the time comes!"

"You... are you dissatisfied with me?"

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