Louise looked at Ye Yueshen with disappointment, and tears started to drip from the corners of her eyes.

"How could it be! Don't think too much, I understand your father's choice very well, this is not your father's problem, it is just a normal noble's choice, in fact, your father has not yet joined the Duke of Sri Lanka, I'm already grateful!"

Ye Yueshen said quickly.The tears on the little girl's face were spurring herself, and she couldn't let her down!

"En, I know, then I'll go back first!"

Seeing the firmness of Ye Luna's eyes, Louise dispelled her worries, and then went out alone and walked towards her home in the capital!

"You really please girls!"

As soon as Louise left, Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with a playful expression.

"Are you among these girls?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the document in his hand, and said lightly with a wicked smile.

"You...you should take a good look at the file!!"

Miss Lungobier was a little annoyed by what Ye Moon God really said, and there was a longing in her heart, and she didn't know what to say for a while!

"The names on these documents are really awkward. Did the whole family visit some of them?"

Ye Luna casually flipped through the list compiled by Miss Lungobier, not feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Yeah, if the princess is not related by blood, I believe that if these nobles are elected now, it is estimated that the Duke of Sri Clarence is a sure-fire king, and there is no need to give you these minorities a falsehood and a snake!"

Miss Lungobier pointed to the document in Ye Luna's hand and said with great emotion.

"If the human heart can be realized, no one is just, and neither are we. Therefore, I firmly believe that I am on the side of justice, what do you think?"

Luna turned the file to the end and drew a few names on the list of those who had not visited the Duke of Sri Clarence.said lightly.

"In my heart, this world has long lost justice, so I can't perceive it!"

Miss Lungobier always spoke of politics with a hint of disgust on her face, as if being in it was a stopgap!

"Well, I just want to know, are you willing to stand with me?"

Ye Yueshen raised his head and looked at Miss Lungobier with firm eyes, like a leader on the battlefield.

"I...I want to!"

For some reason, Miss Lungobier hesitated subconsciously, but looking at Yeyueshen's firm eyes, she still gave Yeyueshen a positive answer!

"I knew it!"

Ye Yueshen said in a soft voice, his hands were already clasping his secretary!


Staring her eyes wide, Miss Lungobier realized for the first time that her body was stiff. This trembling feeling of the girl being hugged by a man actually attacked her.

Is she...injured?

Chapter [-] Visit

"Do you know why I'm going to visit the Duke of Barriere's house?"

Ye Yueshen let go of the nearest secretary, looked at her affectionately and said:

"I just want you to stand behind me tomorrow and watch me mute those bastards one by one, so that they will realize that I am not only a principal who is close to the princess, but also a Their invincible opponent!"

"What does this have to do with me?"

Miss Lungobier tightened her clothes and said in a low voice, she had already fallen into a tangle in her heart at this time.

"Because I feel so at ease when I have you!"

Ye Yueshen reached out and lifted his secretary's chin, looking at her with a pair of deep eyes, looking at her with unquestionable eyes.

"Really? It's an honor..."

Startled by Ye Luna's actions, Miss Lungobier raised her eyes to look at Ye Luna, her eyes under the eyelashes emitting a charming look.

"So, I will get rid of the Duke of Barrielu and bring you in. I am not a duke, so I am not qualified to bring my followers in. Although I have a good relationship with the princess, tomorrow's court will be around that indescribable. Arguing with an intangible system, I intend to make you a trap for them!"

Ye Luna looked into Lungobier's eyes, tilted his head slightly, and said his plans.

"It seems that I am also the target of being used!"

Miss Lungobier raised her head and looked at Ye Luna, and said with some resentment.

"You are not, you are the most important existence, you will know tomorrow!"

Yeyueshen continued to look at Miss Lungobier with affectionate eyes. At this moment, Yeyueshen was able to lift up the whole world with only himself and the secretary left!And such a situation was not created by Yeyueshen, it was more like it existed in the first place!

"Okay, I'm waiting for your news!"

Taking Yeyueshen's arm from under her chin, Miss Lungobier lightly opened her lips, then moved her proud figure and left Yeyueshen's room.

"Want to have a meal together?"

It wasn't until Miss Lungobier left her room that Ye Luna remembered that it was getting late.

"The Duke of Barriere is waiting to entertain you at home!"

Miss Lungobier heard the sound and came in with a beautiful card in her hand, and it was handwritten!

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