"Really? Louise so fast?"

Ye Yueshen opened & Jian, read a few words at random, then got up, left the inn with Miss Lungobier, and under the guidance of passers-by, came to the mansion of the Barrie Lu family!


Looking at the "Campaign" handed over by Yeyueshen, the habitual dog saw that a face changed in the low door room, and led Yeyueshen all the way from the courtyard room to the back garden!

"Lord Duke is so elegant!"

Yeyueshen looked at Duke Barry Ailu who was drinking alone in Huxinting. Although he didn't know him, Yeyueshen also guessed the identity of the other party by his face!

"No no no, how can the villain be so polite as the principal, & take the seat!"

Seeing Ye Luna coming, the Duke of Bariair hurriedly stood up, gave Ye Luna a moment, and glared at his porter by the way:

"Bastard! The principal is here in person, and I don't know if I can find someone with quick legs to report it first!"

"I'm afraid we are too anxious to see you, and the concierge has no chance to inform in advance!"

Miss Lungobier stood behind Ye Luna and said with a smile on Millie's face.

"Oh? Who is this?"

Barry Ailu glanced at Miss Lungobier who was asked by Ye Luna to dress up, and she couldn't help being surprised. She had never heard of such a lady-like person beside her.

"This is my secretary, Miss Dexix von Lungobier!"

Ye Yueshen gently hugged Miss Lungobier's shoulder, and said with a smug look on her face, saying Miss Lungobier's full name was also to show her aristocratic status!


The Duke of Barrielu looked at Ye Luna more, and immediately gave Ye Luna to the wine table. He also thoughtfully bought a stool for Miss Lungobier.

"Although this banquet was proposed by the little girl, you also know that our tradition is that we cannot let our daughters come to accompany the drinks, so, "Excuse me!"

The Duke of Barryair raised the glass, first accused Yeyue of a sin, and then drank the wine in front of him!

"It's okay, I know. In fact, this is what I suggested to your daughter. As a guest, how can I have any opinion on you?"

Luna gave a hypocritical courtesy to Duke Barriere, and then the two of them began to talk about the topic.

"Actually, the main idea of ​​coming here this time is to ask you to do me a favor!"

Ye Yueshen finally got to the point when he raised his glass for the first time.

"Uh, say it!"

Knowing that Ye Yueshen didn't come to accompany him to drink, Duke Barrielu smiled slightly, and his body couldn't help but straighten up.

"First of all, you also know that although I am a duke now, in fact, I'm just an honorary duke, so I can't bring my entourage into the courtroom, so I hope you can bring me tomorrow. Take my secretary to the courtroom!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and said very bluntly, what he said made Duke Barrielu almost spit out his own drink!

"This... this is not good! After all, we are at the same level. If I bring your people in, it is not good!"

After finally tidying up his appearance, Lord Barrielu looked at Ye Luna in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I don't think it's anything, I just need to bring an assistant. You know, a lot of things need to be told with facts!"

Ye Yueshen toasted a glass of wine to the Duke, smiling like a kitten.

"Uh, what about after you bring it in?"

The Duke thought for a while, but was still a little worried.

"No more. Of course you're following me!"

Ye Yueshen said in a big way, looking at Duke Barry Elle with drunken eyes, he almost rudely patted his chest to promise!

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll take Miss Lungobier there by the way! But after passing the gate, I don't care!"

Duke Barriere said timidly, as if he was afraid of something!

"Okay! See you tomorrow morning then"

Ye Luna nodded with a smile, and then let Miss Lungobi live in Duke Barryair's house, and left Duke Barryair's mansion alone!

At this moment, there was an exasperated roar from another mansion!

Chapter [-] Intelligence

"Bastards! Are you rubbish? Six people brought the old man's handwritten documents and couldn't find any one! What the hell are you doing?"

With a slap in the face of his appearance, Duke Sri Clarence's beard is up!

"Foster father, it's really not that the villain is doing things poorly. It's really that that guy is too cunning to escape from our double-team. I haven't seen such a person for many years!"

The boss looked at his adoptive father with a look of grievance. It was not that he was careless about his trip, but Yeyueshen had taken advantage of it and made all his previous efforts go to waste. Whoever thought of it would feel uncomfortable!

"Hehe, so you are not only not at fault, but also credited?"

The Duke of Sri Clarence looked at his adopted son coldly. Everything else was going well these days, but the matter handed over to the adopted son was screwed up this time. How could the old duke, who had high hopes for his adopted son, not angry?

"No no no! Small definitely doesn't mean that!"

He hurriedly waved to his adoptive father. The boss, who knew too much about his adoptive father's temper, didn't dare to move, because he knew that as long as he dared to refute anything, his identity might immediately change back to the one who was on the street back then. Begging children!

"Forget it, since it's screwed up, it's screwed up, you go down!"

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