"Which guard?"

Ye Yueshen put away the drawing paper and looked at the Duke of Sri Clarence with a playful face. The old man who was usually able to keep his composure was already in a state of anger and chaos, and the group of supporters behind him, At this time, he also looked at him suspiciously. The nobles are like this, and it is absolutely impossible to help those who are obviously in a disadvantageous situation!At this time, the old duke was forced to this point by Ye Luna!

Chapter [-] Interrogation

"Does the Duke have anything to say? It seems that the guard did not leave a name for you!"

Yeyue Divine Yu said with a sharp edge, and the old face of the Duke of Sri Kerrence turned red all of a sudden. For so many years, no one has dared to speak to the Duke like this!

"Presumptuous! What kind of thing are you, you dare to speak like this to the Duke in court. The Duke is just a rumor. Besides, so many students are children of nobles. As a member of the royal family, of course, the Duke has to ask. Now, is this also a problem?"

A young noble hurriedly walked in from outside the hall, looked at Yeyueshen very rudely and shouted, as if Yeyueshen was the scum in his eyes, full of contempt!

"what are you?"

Ye Yueshen turned his head and looked at the young noble in front of him very rudely, his eyes were icy and cold, making the Duke of Sri Kerrence feel chills!

"Who am I? You dare to call yourself a noble without even knowing me?"

The young man looked at Ye Yueshen very upset, his nostrils were about to face Ye Yueshen's face!

"Hehe, you are so uneducated, how did your parents teach you to be a noble?"

Ye Yueshen chuckled lightly, not paying attention to the guy in front of him at all, but the princess behind her hurriedly said to the young nobles who came in:

"Rencolson, you can't talk to the Principal like that!"

"Lord Princess, the little nephew is just too angry. When he talks to Grandpa Zu like this, you don't even talk about the doctor?"

The young noble hurriedly saluted the princess, but the self-proclaimed self-proclaimed Ye Yueshen felt speechless for a while.

"Little nephew? In other words, the princess is this guy's aunt or aunt?"

"There are no fathers and sons in the courtroom. We are usually relatives, but here, it is the relationship between the monarch and the minister, and we have to give others a chance to speak!"

The princess' face was slightly embarrassed, but she still watched Lenkolson say these slightly ruthless words.

"Uh, is it?"

Unexpectedly, his aunt would actually speak like this, and Lenkolsen was also a little embarrassed, but after thinking about it, he looked at Ye Yueshen very unconvinced and said:

"Even so, this bastard can't talk to Grandpa like that!"

"What did I say? Am I swearing or disrespecting the nobles. Judging from your age, it seems that you haven't reached the realm of relying on the old and selling the old!"

Ye Yueshen said, then turned around and said to the princess:

"I really don't know what title this royal family member is, but I know that it is absolutely against the rules to barge in like this from outside the palace!"


Unexpectedly, Ye Yueshen actually attacked him directly!Lenkolson couldn't help being a little surprised, this was the first time that he had been at a loss!

"We're not discussing etiquette. There are more important things today. You don't need to worry about these details!"

The Duke of Sri Clarence took a peek at Ye Luna and hurriedly excused Lenkolson!

"Uh, everyone is a family, forget it this time, next time you want to come in from outside the hall, you must obey the rules!"

The princess looked at her nephew. Although he was the son of his cousin, he was also related by blood. He couldn't bear it, so he forgave Lenkolson's little mistake.

"Well, if that's the case, I won't say anything else! Although the Duke of Sri Lanka is also a royal family!"

Ye Yueshen stood up and reminded the princess in a meaningful way.

"What are you looking at! Hurry up and step back!"

Seeing the trace of regret flashing on the princess' face, the Duke of Sri Clarence also knew that he was already a great enemy in the princess' heart, so he hurriedly ordered Lenkolson, who was still standing there, that if Yeyue was still standing at this time. God grabbed him and didn't let him go, even if he was completely out of order today, those shrewd people would doubt himself!

"Uh, Grandpa Grandpa!"

Unexpectedly, the Duke of Sri Kerrence would talk to him like this. Lenkolson was a little bit incredulous. He looked up and saw Ye Yueshen's contempt for him in the corner of his eyes!Immediately felt annoyed!

"He! He made a bigger mistake than me, and I saw it!"

"What is wrong?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lenkolson silently, with no expression on his face!

"Of course you brought your own people here! Although she is standing outside, I also know that she is your secretary!"

Lenkolson looked at Ye Luna, and looked at Ye Luna very rudely, his eyes were full of anger!

"Really? How do you know?"

Ye Luna didn't give Duke Sri Clarence a chance to interject, and quickly asked.

"I... I've seen it! How's it going?"

Under the pressure of Ye Luna, Lenkolsen's eyes suddenly became excited!

"where is it?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lenkolson incomparably calmly, as if he didn't catch a cold at all!

"You don't care where I saw it, you just brought your secretary here, didn't you?"

Lenkolson's heart throbbed, and he felt helpless for a while, so he quickly changed the subject!

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