"Yeah, Principal, I remember that your title seems to be only an honorary duke, isn't it?"

The Duke of Sri Kerrence hurriedly interjected, and the look he looked at Lenkolson became extremely admirable. As long as he could deflate Ye Luna in front of everyone, he wouldn't have to worry about anyone hindering him. It's planned!

"Is that so? Your Principal?"

Looking at the fiery eyes of Duke Sri Clarence, the princess asked worriedly.


Ye Yueshen looked at the princess firmly, as if he didn't care about all this.

"Uh, is it?"

Unexpectedly, Yeyueshen would answer like this, and the princess didn't know what to say, so she could only helplessly look at Yeyueshen, waiting for the questioning of Duke Sri Clens!

"Since the principal has admitted it! The old man is welcome!"

Seeing Yeyueshen so frankly, the Duke of Sricriens felt a tinge of boredom. He thought that Yeyueshen would deny it, and then he stood up and moved out the rules of the empire. As a result, Yeyueshen seemed to have surrendered!

"Why are you being rude?"

Ye Luna tilted his head and looked at the Duke of Sri Clarence in front of him, his tone was frivolous, as if he did not know what the Duke of Sri Clarence was doing!

"Of course I will punish you!"

Duke Lencolson roared in the ear of the Moon God, like a deceived lion!

"Really? Why?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lenkolson sideways, and said to the princess lightly:

"Then let everyone see what my secretary has to say!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen showed a warm smile to the princess.

Chapter [-] Induction

"no problem!"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen's calm smile, and suddenly felt at ease, while the Duke of Sri Kerrence and Lenkolson, who were beside Ye Yueshen, felt a little bad!

"Does this guy have a trick?"

The Duke of Sri Clarence was thinking in his heart, while Lenkolson, who was beside him, was fighting hard, as if all this was nothing!

"Hello, Princess, I am the secretary of the principal, Lungobier."

Miss Lungobier was led to the palace by the maid, and at the same time gave the princess a standard greeting!

"It's you, the last time I saw you, it was you who taught the principal these complicated etiquette!"

The Princess said with a smile, looking at Miss Lungobier's dress, she suddenly understood why Lenkolson, an ignorant guy, would notice Ye Luna's secretary, such a perfect figure is really difficult Men in their prime can't notice.

"No, those etiquettes were learned by the principal himself, I'm just a clerk!"

Miss Lungobier knelt down on one knee and calmly gave the credit to Yeyueshen. Thinking of what Yeyueshen did to the princess, Miss Lungobier felt annoyed for a while. This guy was definitely intentional at the time. !

"Okay, you're humble, get up!"

The princess couldn't help but think of the situation at that time, her face flushed slightly, and she didn't want to worry about this issue, she simply asked Miss Lungobier to stand up, and then said to Duke Sri Clarence:

"The principal's secretary did come outside the hall, now you can ask!"

"Is it still necessary to ask?"

The Duke of Sri Clarence chuckled, pointed at Miss Lungobier, and said speechlessly:

"The facts are right in front of you. Marquis Lenkolson has sharp eyes. The headmaster, no, this honorary duke has indeed violated the rules and brought in his secretary, which is obviously against the rules. ,what do you think?"

After speaking, the Duke did not forget to turn around and ask Duke Dedris, who had almost disappeared.

"You old man should remember how to punish this kind of behavior?"

"Uh, remember! Remember!"

Unexpectedly, the Duke of Sri Kerrence did not intend to say it himself, but actually wanted to pull himself into the water. Duke Dedris was secretly annoyed in his heart, but he was even more annoyed by Ye Yueshen's indifferent attitude, and said directly:

"Remove the noble one level, and cut the official one level!"

"In other words, will my title be downgraded from an honorary duke to an honorary marquis?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the old man calmly, but there was no malice in his eyes.

"More than that!"

But take your chance!The Duke of Sri Clarence even grabbed ahead of the young Lenkolson who got up, and said loudly to Luna:

"And you have to give up the position of dean of the Magic Academy, and you can only become a senior!"


Even the princess was taken aback by this punishment. If Yeyueshen was no longer the principal of the Magic Academy, wouldn't he lose his last stronghold?

"Is such that!"

Seeing the princess' reaction so much, the Duke of Sri Clarence immediately burst into joy, but his face was not so arrogant, he just said naturally:

"If the princess does not agree, we can transform it in other ways! Don't worry!"

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