Duke Dedris seemed to be going out of his way, talking loudly to his colleagues.

"well said!"

Ye Yueshen shouted, and then hurriedly blinked at the princess who was still dumbfounded!

Chapter [-] Signature

"Yes! As long as you have justice in your hearts, the empire will not treat you badly, and I will be like my father, making the best use of you all. The so-called slashing of vassals and nobles is impossible!"

The princess was reminded by Ye Yueshen, and suddenly found that she had a good opportunity to win over everyone!

"Tell me, Lord Duke, it's already this time!"

Yeyueshen said lightly to Duke Barryair beside him, the latter's body trembled slightly, looking at Yeyueshen helplessly and said:

"Does it need to be said? It was the application you made at my house last night, my lord, and I naturally agreed. Everyone actually saw it. I said, right?"

With that said, the Duke of Barrielu also took the initiative to say to the silent dukes:

"The princess is the only bloodline of the late king, and also our common lord. How can we betray the oath we once made in front of the late king!"

"well said!"

Ye Yueshen didn't expect these nobles who were shrewd to the core to express their position immediately, and took the initiative to take the conversation and said:

"And the princess has already decided that she intends to establish the title of the duke on top of the existing fifth-level title of the duke's uncle. Whether you can become the first batch of dukes in the history of the empire depends on your performance!"

"Really? Princess Princess!"

As soon as the Yeyue Mythical voice fell, Duke Dedris, whose beard and hair were all white, became excited. As the oldest old man in the empire with no room for advancement, he suddenly felt that he had a goal to strive for!


She glanced at Yeyueshen with a little surprise, and the princess quickly reacted. This is because Yeyueshen used her power to give these nobles a hope!

"Then the old man must become the first prince in the history of the empire!"

Duke Dedris said with a smile, making the nobles behind him eager to try it. In the current empire, there are dukes everywhere, and it is not so easy to keep a name in history. If you can become the first batch of princes, the names of these people must be Will be remembered in history!

"I also really hope that you can become the first prince!"

What the princess lacks right now is the support of others. Since Duke Siddris is so excited, the princess is not stingy with this kind of favor!

"The princess has already decided! It will be ten days later! That is, the first day after the end of the memorial time for the late king, the list of the first ten princes will be announced. Please wait for the good news!"

Yeyueshen raised his arms, and those nobles who were still holding on to excitement suddenly exploded, and scrambled to kneel in front of the princess, swearing allegiance!

"Beautiful princess, you are an elf sent by God to Torristin. I am loyal to you on behalf of the Quatriel family. As long as there is one member of the Quatriel family, I will definitely swear my allegiance to you to the death!"

"My dear princess, your kindness is higher than the sky, and your heart is deeper than the sea. On behalf of the Gulaimon family, I swear allegiance to you. The men of our family will be your loyal knights and go through fire and water for you. , to build merit for you!"

"Incomparable princess, you are the most beautiful pearl of the empire, you are like the Big Dipper shining in the night sky, guiding us forward, on behalf of the Morthawk family, I am loyal to you, Dilnesia is your first Second hometown!"

Several old acquaintances of Yeyueshen had already fallen to the ground at this time and rushed to the princess to be loyal, which made Yeyueshen wonder when these guys were so loyal, especially when they were standing there trembling all the time. The Morthawk, Ye Luna knows what this guy has done!

"It's almost done! The late king's bones are not cold. How can you do this!"

The Duke of Sri Clarence, whose complexion had recovered slightly, silently shed tears in his heart, but still shouted at the nobles who were kneeling on the ground. At this time, Ye Yueshen discovered that there were still many nobles standing on the ground. , motionless, and his face is ugly!

"It seems that this guy is still a bit loyal!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at the people who didn't kneel down, wrote down the faces of these people in his heart, and then took the initiative to make those nobles stand up.

"My Lady Princess is not well prepared today, just write your name on this roster!"


I didn't expect Ye Yueshen to be so insidious. The Duke of Sricriens, who originally planned to defeat them after everyone calmed down, knew this time that as long as these nobles signed on it, they could no longer regret it!

"What am I?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Duke Sri Clarence calmly, glanced at him disdainfully, and then said to Duke Dedris next to him:

"Lord Speaker, you are the head of the nobles, you go first!"

"Then I'm welcome!"

Knowing that the "head of the nobility" is the Duke of Sri Clarence, but the Duke of Dedris, who has already been confused by the status of the prince, still cares about these things. He picked up the pen that Ye Luna used a magic wand to turn into in Ming Dynasty. Write your name on the yellow silk paper!

One, two... When Ye Moon God wrote down the names of all the people who had just sworn allegiance to the princess, Sri Kerrence, who had always been blue-faced, suddenly stopped Ye Moon God and said:

"I want to write too!"


Ye Yueshen was stunned for a moment, glanced at the nobles around him, and suddenly found himself in a dilemma. If the Duke of Sri Clarence signed it, then these nobles would know that they signed the letter now. It doesn't matter anymore, and if he doesn't write, a turmoil will break out now!

"What? The princess doesn't accept my allegiance as a grandfather?"

The Duke of Sri Clens also became wiser this time, ignoring Ye Yueshen, but speaking directly to the princess, the provincial Ye Yueshen misinterpreted his own words!

"Of course I accept!"

The princess was stunned for a while and looked at the nobles below. In order not to fall into turmoil in her beloved country, she still asked him to sign on it. Although the princess knew that once he signed, the role of this list would cease to exist!


Although the princess agreed, Ye Yueshen was still holding the list, and I saw him shaking the list, and then hurriedly said to the princess:

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