"Look, Princess, everyone has already signed on it. Should we find another piece of paper for the Duke?"

"Nonsense! I saw a large blank just now!"

The Duke of Sri Clarence said with dissatisfaction, but Ye Luna turned around and put a piece of torn silk paper in his hand and said:

"Look, isn't it this one? It's reserved for you!"

Chapter [-] Poison Dart


The Duke of Sri Clarence finally couldn't bear it any longer, and cursed at Ye Moon God:

"It's all you, the younger generation, who has been provoking discord in front of the princess twice and three times. I am the 'head of the nobility' personally conferred by the late king. How dare you ignore me like this!"

"I'll ignore you, what can you do to me?"

Ye Yueshen put away the silk paper in his hand, and didn't bother to quarrel with the furious Duke of Sri Clarence.Directly to the princess said:

"You have collected this list, it's not too early, you see..."

"This is the end of today's morning meeting! We will meet in ten days, and we will not use it in the middle!"

The Princess hurriedly agreed, and by the way, the order of the five-day court temporarily decided by the Duke of Sri Lanka was cancelled. Ten days later, when the Princess is going to court again, she will be crowned as Her Majesty the Queen!

"It's useless for you to object!"

Ye Yueshen stood in front of the Duke of Sri Kerrence and said directly. At the same time, the princess behind him also left with the list!

"Humph! Ride a donkey and read the songbook! Just wait and see!"

The Duke of Sri Clarence glanced at the princess who smiled and left the seat, snorted at Ye Luna, and then left the palace with his many dog ​​legs, while Ye Luna quietly watched Lun by himself. Miss Gobier, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said:

"Am I handsome?"

"Not handsome!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Moon God arrogantly. After the nobles all filed out, she still took the initiative to put Ye Moon God's arm on her shoulders and followed Ye Moon God back to her residence.

"Hurry up and get some sleep! It's not easy to get up in the morning. Yesterday, I had a long drink with Barry Elle!"

As soon as Ye Yueshen pushed the door into his room, he lay on the bed and looked at Miss Lungobier with a tired face!

"En, I'm going to prepare water for you to wash your face. It is estimated that the princess' entourage will come to invite you later!"

Miss Lungobi smiled at Ye Luna, and then prepared to leave Ye Luna's room. At this time, Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobi with surprise and said:

"Aren't you going to sleep together?"


Miss Lungobier's face suddenly flushed red, her eyes were like sharp swords, and she picked up the stool next to her!

"Don't, don't!"

Seeing how Miss Lungobier was picking up the stool, Ye Luna hurriedly covered her face with her hands.This handsome face has once fascinated many girls, and Ye Yueshen doesn't want to throw it away at this time!

"Don't do this again!"

Miss Lungobier put down the stool, her cheeks still flushed, turned away, and said in a low voice:

"We're not there yet!"

After speaking, he left Ye Yueshen's room without looking back.

"Not at that point yet? Which point? Do I have a chance?"

Ye Yueshen thought alone with an excited look on his face, and the feeling of sleepiness disappeared, and soon, Miss Lungobier's words came true, a man who claimed to be from Miyagi knocked on the door of Ye Yueshen, asking Ye Lun to ask Ye Yueshen. Luna went to the princess.

"When did you come to the palace? Why have I never seen you?"

Yeyueshen went downstairs and asked the person who was leading the way in front of him.

"I haven't seen it before!"

As soon as the Yeyue God's voice fell, the man in front turned around and shot a poison dart at Yeyue God!

"court death!"

Ye Yueshen sneered, followed by clipping the poison dart with his fingers, and then sent the poison dart back directly!


There was a scream, and Ye Yueshen didn't bother to pay attention to the man in front of him, so he went upstairs and called Miss Lungobier over.

"Let's go to Miyagi, it's not safe here!"

"Hehe, do you think I'd be scared?"

Miss Lungobier supported her head with her hands, looked at the fallen corpse on the ground, and said in a relaxed and freehand manner:

"Look at me!"

After saying that, he buried the body on the ground under the ground, and then took Yeyue Shen directly into the ground from the same place. After a few streets, he reached the ground!

"why is that?"

Ye Yueshen asked in a puzzled way, even if he came from where he lived, it wouldn't take much time!

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