Wald said with disapproval:

"This guy's three-legged cat kung fu can also become the chief of internal affairs, it is completely controlled by me, you don't need to know about the rest, hurry up, sign your name in this place, drop a drop of your blood, From now on, you will be the same as me, from Lord Kesta!"

"Why drip blood? Can't I sign my name?"

Miss Lungobier said strangely:

"Dropping blood is a taboo among magicians!"

"Oh! Is your title and fief important at this moment, or is this dignity important? Isn't it just a drop of blood? If you can't do it, I'll drop the blood for you!"

Wald was a little annoyed by Miss Lungobier's questioning, and waved his hand in dissatisfaction, letting the surrounding guards go further, and said:

"Let me tell you, in fact, a drop of blood means that you surrender to Lord Kesta, it's that simple!"

"What? Submission! Only a familiar would use this word for a master! I'm a magician!"

Miss Lungobier, feigning surprise, stepped back hastily, and said:

"You know, this is the bottom line of a magician. If a magician succumbs to another magician, then this magician will become the object of everyone's ridicule!"

"This is only known by our own people. In front of outsiders, who would know this?"

Wald was a little speechless by Miss Lungobier's reaction, and he spread his hands and said:

"Is that dignity important, or is your fief and title important? Think about it, isn't life in this world to pursue higher status, more money, and greater fame? As long as you follow Lord Qista, these things will eventually There will be!"

"That means it's gone now?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Wald silently, her face even more displeased!

"I promise, within three weeks, these things will be available. Prince Albion has been cornered by us! Only the capital of Albion is left to stand! With your earth magic, we want to attack Entering the capital is as easy as the palm of your hand, which is why I dare to make an assertion to let you join so quickly!"

Wald looked at Miss Lungobier excitedly. If Miss Lungobier hadn't already had a sweetheart, Wald's heart-to-heart look would be really moving!

"If that's the case, shouldn't you confess something to me?"

Miss Lungobier's tone was a little loose, and she said:

"For example, the manipulative thing you said, what if I am also manipulated? I am not someone else's tool!"

"This... Actually, it's not so powerful anymore. Of course, it is a grip for ordinary soldiers, but for senior magicians like you and me, this is not a problem. The conditions are very rich, with such a powerful device, how can we limit ourselves to an island country in Albion?”

Wald said, and winked at Miss Lungobier, looking rather proud.

"That means you have other places to conquer?"

Miss Lungobier said silently.

"Of course!"

Having said this, Wald's expression suddenly became proud, and he patted the wall around him and said:

"See? This is the capital of Torristin, and it will be ours in a short while! Moreover, I want those bastards who used to discriminate against me to stand in front of me and kowtow to me and admit their mistakes! Pay tribute to me!"

Speaking, Walder seemed to have entered his own world, and said proudly to Miss Lungobier:

"Do you know why I gave up my dignity to please a woman? It's because I saw her methods and the power of that device!"

"What kind of device is that?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Wald silently, and for the first time discovered that this silver-haired man actually had an ambitious heart!

Chapter two hundred and ten escape

"Uh, I don't know what it is, but it's good anyway. For those nobles and ordinary soldiers who have no knowledge and no magic foundation, they can control it easily and casually!"

Wald was caught from the dream back to reality by Miss Lungobier's words, explained a few words casually, and then said:

"So, this action is very important, as long as we take Albion, with Albion's unparalleled sailboats and dragons, we want to attack countries like Torristin, it will be effortless. !"

"In other words, let my fellow Albion go to die for your ambitions?"

Lungobier's face changed suddenly, and he looked at Wald through gritted teeth.

"What did you say!"

Wald obviously did not expect Miss Lungobier to change her face at this time, and became nervous all of a sudden, and hurriedly said:

"Don't forget, it was you, the fellow Albion, who deprived your father of his title and feudal kingdom, and you came here. How can you say this now?"

"Stop giving me nonsense!"

Miss Lungobier didn't listen to Walder's bullshit, exclaimed

"Those guys who deprived my father of the title and the kingdom are all shameless nobles of Albion, and they have nothing to do with my Albion people! Otherwise, how do you think I escaped when so many people chased and killed them? From Albion?"


Realizing that he underestimated Miss Lungobier's feelings for Albion, Wald was immediately embarrassed, but after a while, he thought of a rhetoric and hurriedly said:

"You said it just now! Those shameless nobles did it, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"But you have to take my people to die for your personal ambitions, you are my enemy!"

Lungobier said, throwing the contract in Wald's hand on the ground with one palm, took out his magic wand and aimed it at Wald!

"Hook! Don't get excited! Listen to me!"

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