Miss Lungobier is indeed talented, so even so, Wald didn't want to give up on her, and hurriedly said:

"If you don't agree, in fact, we can also use that device to control the soldiers of other countries. Don't worry, think about it, you are our people, and you will definitely have a say in this aspect at that time. You are now I'm so excited, I don't even know what to do!"

"Cold salad! You bastards! The principal is right, the most terrifying people in this world are those who are ambitious and inhuman!"

Miss Lungobier scolded and hit Walder with three flying stones!

"Since you've already done it! I won't be polite to you!"

Seeing that Miss Lungobier was coming, Wald didn't bother to reason with her, shouted, jumped up, dodged the flying stone hit by Miss Lungobier, turned over, and flashed two long whips at Lon Miss Gobier's delicate face was slapped in the face!

"court death!"

Miss Lungobier was in no hurry, and with a wave of her hand, the low-pitched earth and stones formed two earth pillars, blocking the flying whip, and then a huge earth wall was raised around Wald to block him. the way to go!

"Sure enough!"

With a sigh of admiration, Wald stepped on the raised earth wall, and at some point in his hand there was a sharp sword, and he turned around and stabbed at Miss Lungobier.

"Want to hurt me? In the next life!"

Miss Lungobier sneered, swirling in the air, dodging Walder's stabbing sword, turning around and turning Walder's fall into a piece of quicksand!

"I'm not that stupid!"

With one foot in the quicksand, Wald hit him with a whip, grabbed the soil pillar next to him with the whip, and then jumped up. When he was about to counterattack, he found that the quicksand under his feet had risen and was giving birth to tentacles. His own feet, and the pillars caught by his whip began to slowly crumble!

"Look what you do this time!"

Miss Lungobier sneered softly and looked at Wald's predicament from a distance, this space made up of all earth and rocks is the place where Miss Lungobier likes to fight the most!

"You still underestimate me!"

With a loud shout, Walder looked up at the sky and saw that the sky had not been sealed by Miss Lungobier's earth and stones, put his hand to his mouth, blew lightly, and then heard a long howl from the sky, a The giant beast with lion body and eagle wings swooped down from the air and charged towards Wald!

"Think beautifully!"

Miss Lungobier is not a fool either. Seeing the giant beast, she understands that Wald is about to escape. With a loud cry, she released thirteen soil pillars at the swooping griffin, hoping to stop the swooping of the griffin!

"This is the armor griffin that Master Qista gave me personally, you are too naive!"

Wald laughed loudly, and before the soil pillar collapsed, one struggled to get up and flew over to the griffin, and the griffin at this time really smashed all the soil pillars that were blocking him, although he was also at a loss. He suffered a lot of injuries, but he still came to Wald!

"Although your skills of earth and stone are really powerful, you still haven't reached the level of turning stone into gold. Let's practice again!"

Wald sat on his griffin, and did not forget to laugh at Miss Lungobier, laughing twice, and soaring into the sky!


When all the earth and rocks on the ground were mobilized by Miss Lungobier and did not block the way for the griffin to soar, Miss Lungobier could only watch Walder sitting on the griffin soaring into the sky.

"Listen to the people inside! Magic cannot be used in the palace. You have violated the prohibition. It is best to come out and surrender. Otherwise, we will go in and smash you into pieces!"

A wine-smelling voice came. Miss Lungobier was just about to leave after returning to her original state, when she suddenly remembered something and handed it over to the outside:

"May I ask if the person outside is the head of the inner guard?"

"It's my lord, you actually know my name, sir, come out and surrender, sir, I'll spare you!"

The guy with the burp shouted to Miss Lungobier happily, as if he was very proud.

"Then let's see who's around and who won't die later!"

Miss Lungobier gently opened the door and smiled at the potbellied guy standing in front of him, sneering again and again.

"Bastard! How dare I amuse my lord, come here, take this guy down!"

Angered by Miss Lungobier's contemptuous words, General Torrensk loudly ordered the soldiers under his command, completely unaware that his own life was indeed short!

Chapter [-] Planted

"This is my man!"

Ye Luna guarded Miss Lungobier behind him, looked at General Torrensk with a calm expression, and said handsomely:

"You also go to the princess and explain it!"

"Uh, is it?"

Looking at the medal on Yeyueshen's chest, General Torrensk endured it, but he still didn't dare to force it. He could only nod his head embarrassingly, let his soldiers retreat, and followed Yeyueshen to the princess.

"Speak first! General Torrensk!"

Ye Yueshen had already heard everything from Lungobier on the way, but when he arrived in front of the princess, he was not in a hurry, looking calm and relaxed.


Seeing that Yeyueshen did not have the wicked to complain first, General Torrensk hurriedly knelt down on one knee and said respectfully to the princess:

"My dear princess, you must know that I am your most loyal servant!"

"I know, these polite words don't need to be said! Say the text!"

The princess looked at Yeyueshen's weird smile, and knew that there must be something wrong with her subordinate, so she urged her eagerly.

"This is not a polite word! Princess Princess!"

When General Torrensk heard that Princess Princess's tone was no longer as kind as before, he hurriedly said:

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