"My loyalty to you can be seen by the sun and the moon!"

"...Well, tell me what just happened..."

The Princess looked at General Torrensk and was speechless, so she could only nod silently.


Realizing that the Princess was not suspicious of him, General Torrensk was overjoyed and hurriedly said:

"Just now, in the middle of a wing garden at the back of the palace! Suddenly there were a lot of strange noises, and there were also the sounds of fighting and shouting. When I heard these sounds, I hurriedly took people there, and I saw this guy. The young lady came out of it, and this is what happened, the young man thought that this person was a major suspect, but he didn't expect that it was the duke's person, so he came over!"

After General Torrensk finished speaking, the princess nodded and looked at Ye Luna, who immediately asked:

"That means you don't really know what's going on inside, do you?"

"Uh, it's not too small to figure it out, I really can't figure it out, everything inside is left intact, we didn't find anything except this young lady! That place is considered to be in the palace. It's remote, and there's usually no one to guard it!"

General Torrensk seemed to be somewhat afraid of the Night Moon God, and when he spoke, he did not dare to look at his forehead, which was getting darker at night.

"En, I understand!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and then said to the princess:

"Then drag this incompetent head of internal guards out and chop!"


General Torrensk thought that Ye Luna was trying to intercede for himself, but after listening carefully, he almost didn't lose his temper!


Although the princess didn't react as strongly as Torrensk, she didn't understand what Ye Luna meant!

"It's very simple, this dear man is not only dereliction of duty, but also deliberately concealing the facts, intending to use this matter as a misunderstanding to fool the past, so as not only to protect himself, but also to cover for Wald, what's more, not only I've given you an explanation, and I haven't offended me yet! He's really a master of the officialdom! No wonder he can become the chief of internal guards just like this!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Torrensk and sneered again and again, and the princess heard this, her face was a little gloomy!

"You...you spit out blood! What are you talking about!"

General Torrensk was stunned for a while, then stood up and pointed at Night Moon God's nose and shouted:

"When you say that I was derelict, it was because I didn't arrive at the scene in time, which is considered dereliction of duty, but what you said is completely framed, framed, and intentional! Say, what is your purpose!"

After accusing Ye Luna, General Torrensk still turned his head and pleaded with Lord Justice:

"Princess, I am loyal to you. The last thing I want is to make you worry. Usually, I deal with some small things in private, but it is all to keep you from worrying. But on this matter, I But I came to report to you at the first time!"

"is it?"

Ye Luna had a contemptuous expression on his face after listening to General Torrensk's words.

"If that's the case, why did you bring my secretary to the Princess at my request to explain, if I didn't rush over, where would you take my secretary?"

"Oh? Is she your secretary?"

General Torrensk heard this, as if the person who fell into the water saw the person who went into the water to save him, and said loudly:

"Princess, look at this guy's secretary who entered the palace without authorization, and even went to an unknown place. There must be some conspiracy in it. Lord Princess, don't let his lies be deceived. This guy, There must be evil intentions!"

"Anyone can hide evil intentions, but he can't!"

The Princess looked at General Torrensk's face and said seriously:

"You've said it, it seems that the principal's judgment is correct!"


Apparently, he didn't expect that the framing he was good at would be useless to Ye Yueshen. General Torrensk was dumbfounded.

"Now do you admit to all the accusations I just made against you?"

Ye Yueshen tilted his head and looked at General Torrensk, whose body was crooked and unsteady, and was very proud.

"and also!"

Miss Lungobier also spoke at last, and said to the princess:

"Judging from the time this guy appeared, when I was fighting with Wald, this guy must have seen it, or at least saw the situation of Wald's escape, and Wald personally told me that this guy is his subordinate! It was Wald who personally helped him to this position!"

"You...you're Walder's enemy, how could he tell you the truth?"

General Torrensk obviously did not expect that he would end up in this field, and looked at Miss Lungobier in disbelief, still stubborn.

"Why is it impossible?"

Ye Yueshen took the conversation and said lightly:

"I'm afraid that in this world, you tell the truth to the enemy more than your own people! Isn't it? Your Excellency General?"

"You have let me down too much!"

The princess' eyes were blurred for a while, but she fixed her eyes on General Torrensk's face and said decisively:

"Let the Principal punish you! You're a pervert!"


When General Torrensk heard the princess' words, it was like a lightning strike. His trembling body suddenly tensed up, but his eyes became firm without realizing it...

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