"Look what you said!"

The boss laughed, knowing that Ye Yueshen was intending to enter Albion through the secret passage, and said with a smile:

"This secret road of mine is of course to the inaccessible Albion Mountain, which is the largest mountain area in Albion. When you get there, there is a small stream next to it, and you can see the town when you go down the river. The town will not be destroyed, and after you buy some necessities, you can go wherever you want, which is much more convenient than taking a sailboat!"

"Isn't it right, isn't Mount Albion in the north of Albion? There is snow all the year round there, how do we know where the town is! Boss, are you deliberately hurting us!"

Louise, who had never spoken, shouted. After listening to the boss's introduction, Louise, who was familiar with geography, reacted, knowing that the boss was talking nonsense in order to let the Principal pass through his secret passage!

"Uh, not really!"

Unexpectedly, the little girl led by Ye Yueshen knew Albion quite well. The shopkeeper smiled shyly, took out a picture from the wall, turned it over, took out a map from the frame, and placed it on the wall. on the bed said:

"Look, this is how you got to the end of my secret passage!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the place name above and said:

"When you came out, it was in this place. Although it was covered with snow, don't worry. Go east and you will see a small stream formed by melting snow and ice. Small town of Smoklok, follow closely, you can stay here, the war in Albion makes the local guides very cheap, you give them three or five dinars. Enough to get you to a place It's gone!"

After listening to the boss's introduction, Louise nodded and said:

"If you have a map, you should have said it earlier. I thought you were going to harm us!"

"Little girl, don't you know that this map is something everyone wants, it's not that I'm short of money recently. Why do you think about doing your business?"

The boss was crying and said innocently. Just after he finished speaking, Ye Yueshen couldn't help but ask curiously:

"What do you mean? Uncle, you are still short of money when you are doing business in such an important transportation hub?"

"Uh, that's not it. Isn't this not going to continue to operate here? I'm going to do a few transactions with money, and I'll take my son home to retire!"

The boss smiled at Ye Yueshen and said casually.


Ye Yueshen looked at the boss suspiciously and said:

"It's good to leave such a good voice to your son, why don't you do it? Did you hear any rumors?"

"No, no, absolutely not, guest officer, you think too much! Think too much! I really can't do it anymore!"

After speaking, the boss also rolled up his sleeves, revealing a long scar, and said to Ye Yueshen:

"It's an old injury! It's tortured me for half my life! I really don't want to do it anymore, I've earned almost the money, and my body is getting worse and worse. I'll go home and live a peaceful life for a few days. Forget my retirement!"


Seeing the poignant words the boss said, Ye Yueshen couldn't continue to ask questions, but said curiously:

"I don't know where the boss's hometown is?"

"Garnesia, a small village below Torrenksburg, guest officer, do you need to use this passage? I have to greet the guests outside!"

The boss said eagerly, but found that Ye Yueshen's eyes became extremely sharp!

Chapter [-] First Arrival

"Garnesian? Is it?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the boss coldly, stretched out his magic wand, and tightly closed the door behind the boss!

"Yes Yes!"

Seeing Yeyueshen's calm and mighty appearance, the boss nervously took a few steps back and said in horror:

"Master, I'm a common man, but I don't have any bad intentions. If you plan to use this secret passage, I will let you use it. If you don't plan to use it, I will pretend that I didn't say anything, okay?"

"No, I use it!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the boss and said lightly:

"I definitely use this place, but there's one thing I'm weird about!"

"You say it, you say it!"

Having felt Yeyueshen's powerful mental pressure for a long time, the boss didn't even have the courage to call out for help at this time, so he could only stare at Yeyueshen in horror.

"Is Garnesia planning to attack Torristin recently?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the boss silently, but the words he said made the boss's body straighten, as if the spring was tightened!

"I... I said!"

Seeing Yeyueshen's confident appearance, the boss surrendered without resistance for the first time in his life, and said to Yeyueshen:

"Actually, it's very simple. Recently, it is rumored that the queen of Torristin is going to ascend the throne and the prince of Albion is secretly working together. Therefore, our king of Garnesia, who is the fiance of the queen in name, is naturally unwilling to let it go. , Now Albion is in civil strife, and I heard that Torristin will be in civil strife, so Garnesia will come here to attack!"

Nodding to Ye Yueshen, the boss seems to be saying that what he said is true!

"Humph! What a treacherous businessman!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the shopkeeper and snorted coldly, while Louise behind her asked strangely:

"Master Principal, this person looks pitiful, why do you say that?"

"Why do you say that"

Night Moon God smiled and said to Louise:

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