"Look at this shop owner, not only intends to make our quick money, but also intends to sell the shop, and when the Garnesian army comes over, maybe this shop owner will be the winner, free of charge. To get this store, do you think this is a treacherous businessman?"

"Oh! How treacherous!"

After listening to Ye Luna's analysis, Louise nodded fiercely and looked at the shop owner with contempt!

"Okay! I won't criticize you morally! Shopkeeper, give me the map, I'm going to Albion!"

Ye Luna smiled at the shopkeeper, and then, under the shopkeeper's obedience, led Louise to the entrance of the cave, and then rushed towards Albion at full speed!

"Aren't you working hard, Principal?"

Looking at Yeyueshen flying in the passage with her back on her back, Louise suddenly felt very moved, and Yeyueshen didn't seem to recognize the road inside clearly, taking care of herself every time she turned!

"Hehe, listen to the voice behind you, the shameless shopkeeper is sealing the hole. It seems that we really want to help Prince Albion unify Albion this time!"

Ye Yueshen laughed and threw a shiny object behind him, so that Louise could see the current approaching her!

"Good and bad shopkeeper!"

When Louise saw the trailing water, she had no sympathy for the shopkeeper. Fortunately, this black-hearted businessman had met a master like the Principal, otherwise, he would have killed several more lives!

"En, but don't be afraid, it's safest to be with the principal!"

Ye Yueshen boasted shamelessly, and after a while, he felt that the surrounding soil and rocks had become dry, I am afraid that the water flow above has disappeared, and it has officially entered the land!

"Just ahead, Louise, bear with me! I'm afraid no one has come to this place for a long time!"

Ye Yueshen said a few words to Louise behind him, and immediately wrapped his whole body, including Louise, in the wind ball. He leaned back and rushed towards the hole above!

"Cough cough!"

Looking at the thick smoke and dust around, Louise couldn't help coughing and gargling, while Ye Luna quickly took Louise to the sky, and finally rushed out of the thick dust, found a boulder, and placed it on top of it. stop!

"Oh, it's really hard work!"

Ye Luna patted Louise's clothes clean and said with a distressed expression:

"I'm so sorry for always asking Louise to do this kind of task with me!"

"No way! It's still the principal who worked hard! I'm just a foil!"

Louise caressed the hair of Yeyueshen, and with the help of Yeyueshen, she found the direction and took Yeyueshen to the east to find the creek!


Ye Yueshen whispered to you, and hurriedly took Louise to a pine tree to hide. The little red flying dragon that appeared in the sky made Ye Yueshen feel a little threatened. Before seeing Prince Albion, he didn’t want to be caught who found out!

"Master Principal, our footprints are so obvious on the snow!"

Louise looked back and pointed to the traces behind Ye Yueshen helplessly!

"I hope the guy riding the flying dragon is a fool!"

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat on his forehead, knowing that it would be easier to arouse suspicion by erasing those footprints now!


Louise smiled helplessly, and then hid under the pine tree with Ye Luna, hoping that the flying dragon would leave soon!

"call out!"

The sound of a sharp arrow breaking through the air sounded, and Ye Yueshen hurriedly turned his head, only to find that the sharp arrow was actually hitting Louise's chest. Hearing a wailing sound, a huge body fell on the mountain ridge not far away!

"Bastard, so ignorant!"

Ye Yueshen soothed the frightened Louise, and helplessly stretched out her head to look, only to see that the red flying dragon had been thrown back by the arrow, and fell on the mountain ridge.

"Should we go take a look?"

Louise stretched out her head following Ye Luna and saw the injured flying dragon. Louise was also very sad when she heard the mournful wailing.

"Well, let's go and see!"

With the mentality of cleaning the battlefield, Ye Yueshen brought Louise to the front of Feilong, and not far away, he saw Feilong's body moving!

"not dead?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the throat where the sharp arrow stabbed, and looked at the flying dragon in amazement. It would be amazing if this kind of wound didn't die!


With a roar, a short knife shot out from under the flying dragon, and stabbed Ye Yueshen's throat accurately!

Chapter [-] Barracks

"Speak! Who are you from?"

Ye Yueshen broke the dagger, looked at the man who was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, and said lightly:

"Just because of the three-legged cat's kung fu, you are allowed to patrol. Which unsightly general made this arrangement?"

"Who are you! So awesome!"

Looking at Yeyueshen in horror, the man was obviously frightened by Yeyueshen's performance. He originally thought that his attack was very sudden and that he would definitely succeed. Now it seems that he is ridiculously pitiful.

"Don't worry about that! Who is controlling who now?"

Ye Yueshen dangled in front of the man with a magic wand, smiling playfully.

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