Ye Yueshen stood up, lightly patted the frightened Louise on the shoulder, looked at the old man and said lightly:

"If my guess is not bad, this place was not under your control for some time!"

"Uh, how do you know..."

After listening to Yeyueshen's words, Marshal Amproton's surprised eyes popped out. He looked at Yeyueshen in disbelief, and his eyes seemed to see the gods...

Chapter [-] Seizing Power

"Why don't you ask? If the enemy hadn't attacked, why would you only keep this room that seems to be complete?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Marshal Amproton indifferently, and said easily:

"Just based on the appearance of the soldiers I saw along the way, they didn't look like those who had repelled more than a dozen enemy attacks, but they looked like they had just retreated here and were in a state of panic! Am I right? "

"Master Principal, do you mean that these people are not soldiers guarding this place at all?"

Louise said excitedly, looking at Marshal Amproton even more suspiciously, worried that this guy was Prince Albion!

"It's not!"

Night Moon God shook his head and said:

"Obviously, these people were driven out from here, and after they were looted here, they came back, it seems that they planned to stay here, waiting for a miracle to happen, the prince brought the army to rescue them, or wait until the prince After being murdered, these people gain a reputation for being loyal and loyal, and then choose a noble to seek refuge, probably this is the mentality!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking lightly, the faces of Riske Fallon and Marshal Amproton suddenly turned ugly, like a sanctimonious gentleman who had his hypocritical face exposed in public!

"Who the hell are you!"

Marshal Amproton waited for his yellow eyes, and there was murder in his tone!

"Don't get excited, I'm here to help Prince Albion!"

Ye Luna looked at Marshal Amproton and said disdainfully:

"You know? Your nephew knows my level best! It's best to hear what he said, otherwise, you won't even have the last three hundred soldiers! Believe it or not?"


After Ye Yueshen said this, Marshal Amproton, who had a ferocious face at first, hurriedly listened to his nephew's words. After listening, his face became even more ugly, as if he had been beaten and dared not do anything!

"How did you know I was the Marshal's nephew?"

Riske Fallon looked at Ye Luna with a curious look on his face, and found that Ye Luna became more and more magical, and even such trivial things could be inferred!

"Is that even a question?"

Night Moon God continued to pretend to be high in front of Louise and said:

"Look, the nobles who can summon flying dragons are definitely not ordinary, but they are willing to guard this hopeless place instead of going to the blood-filled battlefield. What is this for? In addition to family affection as a bond, I really I can't think of anything else that could entangle you, a guy with superb archery skills!"

"Uh, that's what it is!"

Louise looked at Ye Moon God with admiration on her face, and found that her IQ was a bit out of step, while Marshal Amproton in front of him had recovered from his gaffe and said to Ye Moon God:

"Then what's the purpose of your trip? Isn't it just to beat my old face here?"

"of course not!"

Ye Luna smiled, then walked to Amproton with Louise and said softly:

"First, I'm here to meet Prince Albion. Second, I see you like this and want to help you, so I plan to be your leader and take you to the capital to save the prince. Coming out is considered to have completed my mission, of course, you don't need to know about the future!"

"Are you crazy?"

After listening to Ye Luna's words, Amproton and Riske Fallon exclaimed together, and said to Ye Luna:

"With these more than [-] wounded soldiers, do you plan to go to the capital? Do you know how many troops are surrounded by the capital now?"

"How many?"

Ye Yueshen asked silently, with no expression on his face!

"Thirty thousand! Thirty thousand! One hundred times ours, one hundred times!"

Marshal Amproton shouted loudly, as if to dissuade Ye Luna, and as if to find face for himself!

"It's only a hundred times! Don't worry!"

Night Moon God said lightly:

"Now hand over the command of the army to me, and I will take you all in the annals of history!"

"Have you become a big laughing stock in the annals of history?"

Riske Falun looked at Yeyueshen with an unhappy expression. Although Yeyueshen had shown his level in front of him, Riskefallon knew that those noble coalition troops were not vegetarians, and he had seen it before his eyes. How did these guys break through the line of defense and enter their military camp!

"That's your idea!"

Louise spoke up for Ye Luna and said:

"Our Principal once killed hundreds of people directly on the banks of the Zihe River. It's strange that you don't believe our Principal! How did your flying dragon die? Wasn't it shot by the Principal who threw an arrow at random? of?"


When he mentioned his flying dragon, Riskefallen felt a burst of humiliation, while Luna looked at Louise curiously and said:

"How did you know that I drove those people to the river bank?"

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