"Well, listen to what Miss Lungobier told me!"

Louise lowered her head silently, and found that she had already sold this lovely big sister!

"All right!"

Ye Yueshen took a deep breath, only to realize that he couldn't trust the gossip-loving secretary, turned around and said to Rick Fallon:

"I'm going to bring your familiar to life now! By the way, take the soldiers with you and have a look together, so that I can find another chance to give them confidence!"


Seeing Ye Yueshen's calm appearance, Amproton and Rick Falun were amazed. After thinking about it, they took the soldiers and followed Ye Yueshen to the red flying dragon. At this time, the flying dragon was almost cold. , and the soldiers are also curious about what this new guy can do!


I didn't plan to take the soldiers back to the broken army camp. Yeyueshen specially instructed them to bring dry food, and then stood on the boulder and said to the soldiers below:

"I am your new leader, my name is Marshal Dessomoc! It is the cousin of Prince Albion, your new commander-in-chief, I know you are all questioning me, so I want to give you confidence, see this Is the flying dragon who has passed away? I will let you witness the miracle now!"

After speaking, she blinked at Louise, who was speechless in surprise, and put her magic wand into the dragon's mouth in front of everyone. Then, she stretched out her hand and shot the sharp arrow that pierced the dragon's throat. unplug!Immediately after that, there is a large incantation that no one can understand!

Chapter two hundred and eighteen the whole army


With a loud exclamation, Riskfallen rode his red dragon into the air, like a bird, roaming between the blue sky and the snow-capped peaks.


Seeing Feilong being rescued by Ye Moon God, Louise couldn't help jumping up excitedly. Seeing Feilong's current state, the little girl's sad mood suddenly improved a lot!

"Hehe, it's just a little trick of carving insects!"

Ye Luna looked at Louise who was jumping in front of him, and couldn't help but reach out and touch Louise's head, and said with a smile:

"Do you really think I'll leave this flying dragon alone?"

"I knew that the principal is the best! The kindest and most lovable!"

Jumping around in front of Yeyueshen, Louise wanted to peck at Yeyueshen's face several times, but looking at the cheering crowd behind her, she gave up the idea!

"I really don't know what to say about you! Really, thank you so much!"

Seeing his nephew's flying dragon come back to life again, Marshal Amproton walked to Ye Luna with heavy steps, and a sincere smile appeared on his originally sad face!

"It's a small matter! Can you give me the command of the entire army now?"

While accepting the congratulations, Ye Yueshen still didn't forget his business. Being able to lead the army to meet Prince Albion would definitely look better than going empty-handed alone!

"En! I hope you can be nice to these soldiers!"

Marshal Amproton looked at Ye Luna, smiled and called out a marshal's stick around his waist!

"Oh? Aren't you going to follow me to see Lord Prince?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Marshal Amproton strangely, listening to his tone, it seemed that he planned to stay here!

"The old man is old!"

Marshal Amproton did not directly answer Ye Luna's question, and this problem has not changed until now!

"You don't resent Prince Albion for depriving you of your military power?"

Ye Yueshen didn't have the time to listen to Marshal Amproton reminiscing about the past in front of him, hanging the ancients and hurting the present, and said directly:

"The current situation is already in crisis. You are not only dangerous here alone, but it will also distract our hearts. You think, if you, the commander of the entire army, don't follow you to the capital, how can the soldiers below believe that we can solve the problem? What about the siege of the capital?"

"The old man doesn't believe it either!"

Amproton did not have the slightest resentment towards Ye Yueshen this time. After a low roar, he looked at Ye Yueshen with respect and said:

"To be honest, I admire your knowledge, your talent and your self-confidence, but you also have to think about me, okay? Just this soldier, I can protect myself at most, in your hands. You may be able to defeat some troops in your hands, but it is extremely difficult to solve the siege of the capital! You are too confident, I really don't want to see these innocent partners, under your command, Pounce on an enemy a hundred times bigger than yourself, that's not a fight, it's a death sentence!"

"Even you think so, the guys who besieged the capital must think so too!"

Ye Luna did not argue with Marshal Amproton about these facts, but said lightly:

"In this case, their perimeter defense must be slack, then we will create chaos on their perimeter, and I also use some techniques to make them more chaotic. At this time, if Prince Albion can lead someone to rush out, attack from inside and outside. Repel those people, it's not a big problem, right?"

After Ye Yueshen said lightly, Marshal Amproton's eyes suddenly glowed!

"Great idea! Why didn't I think of it?"

Marshal Amproton thought about it for a while, and felt that Ye Yueshen's method was feasible. He suddenly became excited and said to Ye Yueshen:

"Since you have said so, then I will follow you. You can rest assured that I will not interfere with your command! We rushed to the capital, and then..."

"It was really dead at that time..."

Ye Yueshen looked at Marshal Amproton helplessly, and said speechlessly:

"The main problem now is to solve the problems of ordnance, food, horses, and baggage. Let's not talk about it. You should have a map there. Tell me where the nearest enemy is! Let's fight a victory first to boost our morale!"

"Uh, are you sure?"

Looking at the group of defeated soldiers under his command, Marshal Amproton said helplessly:

"To the northwest, ten kilometers away, start now, you can arrive in the evening, but there are [-] defenders there, four times as many as us!"

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