At this time, the hall was full of joy. Marshal Amproton, who had just won the battle, and Moscolens, who had just been made an earl, were having a pleasant conversation, while the castle guard of the defeated army was with the good-tempered Riske. What is Lens talking about, it looks like you have a very pleasant conversation!

"Why didn't you wake me up!"

As soon as Ye Yueshen came to the hall, he looked at the subordinates in front of him a little sullenly. These guys were able to talk with a smile on their faces at this time, obviously they were very relieved about the future prospects!

"Uh, don't we think that you have worked hard and made a lot of money and dare not disturb you?"

Seeing that Ye Yueshen's face was not good-looking, the oldest Marshal Amproton explained:

"And there was a heavy rain last night, blocking all the surrounding roads. People outside won't know what happened here, and we have no chance to attack, right?"

"It's raining?"

Ye Yueshen asked curiously, he fell asleep last night and didn't know anything about it!


The guard hurriedly stood up and opened the window that had just been repaired, only to see that the sky outside was gloomy, and the situation on the ground was even worse. The cold icy rain made the soldiers standing guard shiver from the cold!

"Then why don't you give those soldiers enough padded coats?"

Ye Yueshen's anger didn't stop for a little afternoon because of this ignorant reason, but instead pointed at the soldiers standing guard in the distance even more angrily, with a look of dissatisfaction!

"This is not something we can solve!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen's anger for no reason, the expression on the face of Marshal Amproton, who is still a veteran, was not so good, and he said bluntly to Ye Yueshen:

"What is lacking now is the quilt. Although there is a fire for these friends, no one will build a tent to shelter from the rain this winter, so the fire is all extinguished! There is a lot of food and ordnance in the middle of the castle, but there is a lack of cotton clothes and cotton. quilt!"

"Then why don't you build a shed for shelter from the rain! Don't you feel heartbroken watching the soldiers freeze to death like this?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Marshal Amproton with an incredible look, and seemed to understand why this guy couldn't even hold an armory!

"Uh, I'll do it now!"

Moscolens, who had been silent for a while, seemed to be touched, and just stood up and agreed, and then ran out in a hurry, gathered the soldiers together, and set up a pergola!

And Ye Luna was taking Marshal Amproton and others on the city wall, constantly instructing soldiers to build more fortifications on the weakly defended castle. This busyness was all afternoon, and it was not until evening that Ye Luna was able to Satisfied nod!

"Can you rest? Your Majesty?"

Moscolens came over and looked at Yeyueshen with a muddy face, digging a moat in winter, which is what people like Yeyueshen would think of!

"Master Marshal, is there any defense loophole in this?"

Ye Luna pointed to the Swijk Fort, which had been transformed into an excellent fortress, and said lightly!

"Oh! Give me three hundred people, and I can withstand the attack of ten thousand people! My lord, let the soldiers rest!"

Marshal Amproton looked at the various fortifications on the city wall and said exaggeratedly, and Ye Luna nodded with satisfaction and said to Moscolens:

"Leave a reserve force of [-] people, and the rest will eat and sleep immediately. We will act in the early morning of tomorrow to climb over this mountain ridge and take the Wilkelenburg in the south!"


Marshal Amproton exclaimed:

"That's a big castle with three thousand people! You should forget it! Once we attack there, we will be exposed!"

"Hehe, I won't let you go again!"

Luna smiled and said to Moscolens:

"I'll tell you the truth, the first person to attack Wilklenburg will be the master there!"

Chapter [-] March


When Marshal Amproton heard this, he was immediately anxious, and hurriedly said to Ye Luna:

"That's the castle directly under the royal family, you can't give him to anyone!"

"Then watch him in the hands of the rebels?"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Marshal Amproton with contempt, feeling that this guy was not the target of being wronged by Prince Albion at all, but more like the target of exile without the will to fight!

"Uh...then I'm going too!"

Seeing that it was impossible to dissuade Ye Luna, Marshal Amproton quickly changed his mind.

"I can't stay in this place, I want to witness the glory of the Prince's victory over Wilklenburg!"

"Then who will guard this place?"

Ye Luna was not persuaded by Marshal Amproton's kind words, but looked at the castle very straightforwardly and said:

"The reason why I am willing to waste a day on this castle is to find a safe place for our wounded and sick. You are not here to guard them. Will they feel abandoned?"

Having said that, Ye Yueshen did not forget to take advantage of his excellent memory and said to Marshal Amproton:

"Don't forget, but you said that if you give you three hundred soldiers, you will be able to repel an attack of ten thousand!"

"...Actually, my nephew will do, too, isn't it Riske Fallon?"

Marshal Amproton was so robbed by the pretrial that he felt extremely embarrassed and hurriedly moved his nephew out.

"Yes, yes! Uncle trusts me so much, of course I am willing to stay here to guard!"

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