Riske Fallon glanced at his uncle and nodded helplessly, but Ye Luna was not so persuasive, and said to Marshal Amproton:

"Don't forget, there is a flying dragon in Riskfallen. This is our best helper in the investigation. If you don't let him go, what will we rely on for investigation?"


After Ye Yueshen said this, Marshal Amproton realized that he was the most suitable person to stay in the team, so he could only nod helplessly, and then pointed to the former guard who had been obedient to the side and said:

"I'm old, I need a helper, this guy is so smart, let him stay!"


Ye Yueshen glanced at the genius who was about to surrender, nodded slightly, and agreed to this matter, and then let Moscolens convey his order.

"Do you really want to convey the order directly?"

Just as Moscolens was about to get up, he remembered a question:

"If the order is passed on, will these soldiers be so excited that they can't sleep?"

"Don't worry! I have my own plans!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly and took Louise back to dinner, and this dinner could be regarded as a farewell banquet with Marshal Amproton. As a result, the old marshal was shy and insisted on going with Ye Yueshen. The meal made Ye Luna, who originally planned to have a winter candlelight with Louise, very helpless, so he could only postpone his plan and have dinner with the marshal. Its Luna will command the intentions now conveyed!

"It's not easy!"

Ye Yueshen, who was helplessly entangled by the old man, raised his glass and said:

"You know? I just want to see the self-control of this group of soldiers. If they can't sleep because of such an order, their psychological quality will definitely not be so good! And it means that there will be different situations at critical moments. It's an unexpected situation, don't think that we are all smooth sailing now, when we are in front of the capital, when we face tens of thousands of people, these people's will to fight must be the first to disintegrate, so let's test it before this unimportant battle!"

After listening to Ye Yueshen's distraction, Marshal Amproton hurriedly nodded and agreed, and then made all kinds of bragging about Ye Yueshen, while Ye Yueshen continued to be arrogant with this old guy until everyone drank about the same. Now, Ye Yueshen and Louise went back to the room to sleep. At this time, the dark clouds in the sky had left, leaving only a starry sky with dark purple light in the dark.

"Get up, Louise!"

Patting the little girl's back, Ye Yueshen looked at Louise with a concerned look on her face, and her heart ached a bit. Such a good little girl originally thought she was here to travel with her, but she came to fight instead.

"Well, Principal, let me sleep for a while, just for a while!"

Louise rolled over, struggled a bit, but still couldn't get up!

"Oh, that's all it takes!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Louise helplessly, turned her over, carried her on his back, and went out the door after him.

"Are you ready?"

Luna asked to Moscolens.

"Uh, everything is ready! Those who can't get up, I followed your instructions and didn't call them. There are nine hundred and fifty-six people here!"

"it is good!"

Ye Yueshen didn't expect that there would be a thousand young people who could get up. He nodded with satisfaction, and then with a big hand, he set off with the soldiers. Only at this time did Ye Yueshen realize that a familiar figure was not there. In the team!

"Where's Rick Fallon going?"

Ye Yueshen shouted, looked at the sky, looked at the team, there was no such person!

"Your Majesty, that's how it is!"

Suddenly a person emerged from the crowd, and Ye Luna looked closely, it was Riske Fallon's uncle, Marshal Amproton.

"Uh, why are you here?"

Ye Yueshen looked at him very curiously, guessing something in his heart!

"Uh, that's it!"

Seeing that Moon God's expression was not as ugly as he imagined, Marshal Amproton hurriedly said:

"My nephew, I drank too much last night and can't get up now, so let me take my place! But don't worry, our investigation work will not be delayed, because I have gained the trust of Feilong and can be competent for investigation. work!"

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen expressed doubts about this. At such an age, is it suitable for the elderly?

"Of course!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen's disbelief, Marshal Amproton hurriedly whistled, called out the red flying dragon, and then jumped onto the flying dragon, followed by a few cool moves in the air!

"Okay, okay! You're old enough to follow the team!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Marshal Amproton helplessly and said sternly:

"It's not that I have any opinion on you, it's mainly about your body. I don't want you to run around with you, but now that this is the case, let's go on the road together!"

After speaking, Ye Luna carried Louise on his back and got into the carriage, walked in front of the team, and filled the potholes...

Chapter [-] Repeatedly

"The first person to rush up is the owner of Wilkelenburg!"

Ye Yueshen roared and climbed up on the flying dragon. After the roar of Ye Yueshen, the soldiers below shouted and rushed towards the tall city wall of Wilkelenburg!

"How can they rush up to such a high city wall!"

While commanding the flying dragon, Marshal Amproton flew forward with Ye Luna, while watching the soldiers below nervously. With only a thousand troops, he dared to attack the ten-meter city wall, which was tantamount to sending death!

"You'll find out later!"

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