Ye Yueshen looked ahead and responded lightly. For some reason, Ye Yueshen always felt that Marshal Amproton was hindering him!


Louise woke up on the way, and sat on the flying dragon with Ye Luna, so naturally she had to contribute!

"What's going on down there!"

The sentry who was dozing was suddenly awakened by the shouts below, rubbed his eyes, and hurriedly looked down!

"too late!"

Hearing the call of the sentry, Ye Yueshen snorted coldly, and then nodded to Louise!

"One hundred thousand volts!"

Louise shouted, Pikachu exuded a golden light, and the soldiers on duty on the city wall rushed away!


A burst of screams came from the city wall. Moscolens heard the sound, brandished his sword, and yelled at the soldiers beside him:

"The prince has already succeeded, let's rush in!"


Countless soldiers ran even harder. At this time, Ye Yueshen was aiming at the closed gate of the castle. Suddenly, the gate made of pig iron collapsed after thinking of the inside. !


Ye Yueshen shouted at the soldiers below, and rushed down with Louise at the same time, letting the soldiers who had passed out on the city wall to one side, then turned around, and looked into the distance, at this time, the mighty Erkelenburg was still sleeping, and when the gates were easily opened by Ye Luna, those soldiers who had not woken up became glorious prisoners, trapped in the room by Ye Luna, and followed closely behind. , Ye Luna brought the soldiers to the center of the castle, where the duke lived!

"Listen to the people inside, this castle has been controlled by us, come out and surrender when you are sensible, otherwise, your life will be in danger!"

Ye Yueshen sat on the flying dragon, looked at the already brightly lit room, and shouted loudly.

"Go to hell!"

Answer Ye Luna is a sharp crossbow arrow, but unfortunately, Ye Luna easily grabbed the crossbow, and then scratched it with a magic wand, the head of the crossbow ignited a burst of blue light, followed by Throw it back!

In a short while, thick smoke billowed from the originally brightly lit castle, and the people inside were no longer tough, stretched their heads out, and surrendered to the army led by Ye Yueshen!

"Wouldn't it be better to do this sooner?"

Ye Yueshen helplessly looked at the embarrassed Duke who walked out. He didn't even bother to ask his name, and said directly:

"I am the cousin of Prince Albion, and now this castle is mine. You order your army to accept my adaptation immediately, and I think you are uprising, not surrendering!"

"Uh! Who the hell are you? Why didn't I know the prince had a cousin?"

The duke was not like other people who believed in Yeyueshen's words, but looked at Yeyueshen with suspicious eyes, and at this time Yeyueshen said helplessly:

"You'll know when the time comes, and now, just order your subordinates to surrender!"

"Then please gather them together!"

After being robbed by Yeyueshen, the duke no longer asked, but asked Yeyueshen to escort his soldiers to the square!

"Okay! Moscolens, you can do this!"

Ye Yueshen ordered casually, and then ordered the army to open the armory, replace all the weapons with brand-new weapons, and then take someone to put out the fire in the duke's disgraceful inner castle.

Not long after, the soldiers who were not dressed in groups were escorted to the square by Yeyueshen's men, and at this time, Yeyueshen had already put on the duke's duke's clothes, and was with the embarrassed face. The Duke stood on the high platform and watched the soldiers who were captured without resistance in the morning mist!

"Listen, soldiers below, if you don't want to starve and freeze. Just tell me the truth, and now I'll ask your Lord Duke to say a few words to you!"

After Ye Yueshen finished shouting to the soldiers below, he pushed the duke to the front. At this time, the duke's face was ashes, and he didn't even wash his face. He could only stand helplessly on the high platform, an indescribable humiliation. !

"Soldiers, you are the best soldiers. The best soldiers are those who have worked hard for their families, their wives, children, and children, so! Quickly pick up your weapons and fight against these Albion lackeys! Fight! Bar!"


Ye Yueshen kicked the Duke on the back, and then pointed at the sky with a magic wand, a thunderstorm suddenly descended, killing the Duke who was kicked to the ground by Ye Yueshen on the spot!

"I don't like people who go back on their word!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the frightened crowd and said loudly:

"This guy surrendered to me at the beginning, and now he calls on you to die, so this is his fate. If you want to survive, just surrender obediently, and I will lead you to create great achievements!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Yueshen called Moscolens beside him and roared at the soldiers below:

"Do you know? This guy was the same as you the day before yesterday, a commoner, a soldier who fought for the nobles and died needlessly, but fairy, he is already the earl of Sswick Castle! Do you know why? Because he is for Al Bion fights! Now I'm announcing another appointment!"

Ye Yueshen said, then looked at the soldier in front of him and shouted:

"The soldiers who were born in the valley barracks and can still come here are now all named viscounts! The soldiers who were born in Sswick Castle and can still stand here are all knights, and you!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen pointed at the captured soldiers below and shouted:

"Do you know? If you can pass the selection, I will also make you knights, and other people's titles will be promoted because of their military exploits. Your descendants are no longer lowly commoners, but have titles and identities. A noble noble born!"

"Hooray! Hooray!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, under the leadership of Moscolens, all the people could not feel the cold of winter, but felt that their blood was boiling, and a power that they had never had filled their bodies!

Chapter [-] Negotiation


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