A long roar filled the rebel camp that besieged the capital, and then the barracks were full of discussions. I wonder if it is necessary to attack in such a hurry now?

"What's the matter, can't you be quiet? Disturb Laozi Qingjing!"

Roaring at the messenger who rushed in, a plump duke walked out of the tent with a sullen stomach and said to the messenger who was already kneeling on the ground:

"I'm on duty today, just report anything to me!"


The messenger didn't dare to bargain with the duke, so he hurriedly told the duke about the latest military situation. As a result...

"Quick, immediately call all the nobles above the earl, er, no, the baron and above! Is this a ghost?"

He hurriedly asked the messenger to convey his order. The duke turned his head and saw the two young women who were lying on the main seat who were not wearing much clothes. He shouted and drove them away, then pulled them from the outside A few guards came in, cleaned up the chaotic tent, and after arranging no less than fifty stools, they hung up the gray battle map, waiting for the arrival of the nobles!

"real or fake!"

After closing the tent and finishing the military situation, a thin nobleman stood up and questioned:

"How is this possible? In addition to the bastard marshal hiding in the mountain den and afraid to move, is there a guy who is nominally loyal to the royal family? How can there be an army of several thousand people occupying it within three or two days? Where's Wilklenburg?"

"Could it be that Prince Albion sent an emissary to see Duke Paktorres? What benefit did he give him, this guy turned against himself?"

Some nobles hurriedly put forward assumptions, and no one believed that this was a new force at work. After all, Wilkren Castle was the largest castle in the west of Albion Island, and it was impossible to easily capture it!

"How is that possible! Everyone knows the relationship between my uncle and the Albion royal family. This is why we handed over the logistics to his old man. The situation is unclear now. You are so suspicious of my uncle, I don't do it! "

A young noble hurriedly stood up and argued for his uncle. He didn't know that his uncle was no longer in this world at this time!

"Then no matter what! We must be prepared!"

The noble who presided over the meeting stood up with a big belly and said to his allies:

"The fact is that Wilklenburg did fly the royalist banner, and we can't help guarding against it!"

"Yes, yes, then divide your troops and go to Wilklenburg to take it!"

An unknown baron opened his mouth and replied, making the atmosphere of the venue drop to freezing point!

"What? Did I say it wrong?"

Seeing everyone's silence, the baron felt inexplicable:

"Shouldn't we take Wilkelenburg and open up our logistics?"

"Use is used, but who will go?"

An elderly noble glanced at the talking baron and said faintly:

"Wilklenburg is the largest castle other than the capital. Who should go?"


Hearing the old man's words, all the nobles, including the baron, look at me, I am willing to look at you, and no one wants to attack this strong city!

"Why not!"

Seeing that everyone was silent, the duke who presided over the meeting said directly:

"Instead of dividing the small army into two parts and attacking two famous fortified cities, we might as well take down the dying capital at one go. As long as Prince Albion is dead, we can..."

Having said that, the Duke also made a "cut" action to everyone!

"That's right! Anyway, our soldiers are familiar with the city defense of the capital. As long as we work hard, we will definitely be able to take the capital. As long as we take the capital, this group of stupid royalists will naturally disperse without a leader!"

The baron who came up with the idea hurriedly said, and the nobles behind him were also thoughtful.

"Okay! Since everyone has no opinion, there are still ten days of food left in our barracks. As long as we attack properly, this time will definitely be enough!"

The elderly duke stood up and ended the boring meeting. Afterwards, the nobles returned to their barracks and began to prepare for the attack on the capital. At this time, the duke who was presiding over the meeting was tied up in a pile. Therefore, in the pile of papers, it seems that something is being turned over!

"Don't look for it, the family tree is here!"

The old man who just went out returned to the tent, looked at the Duke, and said with a playful expression:

"Are you thinking about who will be the first in line to the throne of this kingdom when Prince Albion dies?"

"Yeah! Look at the eyes of the nobles when I said I was going to kill the prince. They must be thinking about this now! Do you know that, old man?"

The duke got up from the pile of old papers and looked at the eager expression on the old man's face. He was not as calm as before!

"Of course it's you!"

The old duke smiled slightly, took the family tree in his hand, and said to the duke:

"Do you know? Many people don't know that you are not only the first in line from the paternal line, but also the second in line from the maternal line, and the first in line of the maternal line is a girl, you must be the king after success Yes! So the top priority..."

"The most urgent task is to win the capital as soon as possible?"

The Duke hurriedly replied, but the old man shook his head helplessly, looked at the Duke with hateful eyes and said:

"You know? You should preserve your strength as much as possible so that you can truly become the king of Albion!"

"Oh, I get it!"

When the old man said this, the duke nodded quickly and said:

"If you really want to be a king, strength is the most important thing!"

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