"Ruzi can be taught!"

The old man nodded with satisfaction, then left the tent with the Duke's great gratitude, and then returned to his tent alone, opened the family tree in his hand, the old man shook his head cheerfully, and then took out one from under his seat cushion The blank family genealogy map, after filling in the name, went out with a smile and ran to another huge tent!

At the same time, in Wilkelenburg, Ye Luna shook his head at Moscolens who came to fight, and said indifferently:

"Now our whereabouts must have been mastered by those nobles, and our actions are no longer sudden. So what we have to do now is to stand still, like a thorn behind these nobles, make them uncomfortable, and then Wait for them to react!"

Chapter [-] Victory

"Report! The enemy suddenly attacked in an orderly manner!"

A messenger knelt in front of Prince Albion and announced the military situation loudly, while Prince Albion, who was already fully armored at this time, nodded and said with a snort:

"Everyone, come and see with me!"

After he finished speaking, he walked to the city wall with the few soldiers he had left. Looking at the army below, he couldn't help frowning. How did the situation get out of control to such an extent?

"Shoot back the arrows of the messengers who came to persuade surrender!"

Seeing a guy riding a white horse and holding a white flag coming over, the prince didn't even have to react, and ordered him to be driven back. As the king of a country, how could he surrender to the rebellious nobles!

"Everyone cheer up, we have been holding on for so long! When the enemy's food and grass are exhausted, it is our chance to counterattack!"

Raising his fist, the prince used this illusory hope to inspire his soldiers. In fact, everyone knows that the army that has occupied most of the country will not worry about the problem of rations, but now, the food left in the poor capital But not much!

"Strange, why haven't we attacked yet?"

Seeing that the rebels lined up in front of him did not move for nearly half an hour, the prince couldn't help muttering.

It's a pity that the prince doesn't know, the rebels at this time look at me, I look at you, no one wants to command the troops to attack!

"What are you still doing? Take the capital in one go!"

The baron, who likes to come up with ideas, rode out, looked at the people in front of him and roared loudly, and then stood alone in front of everyone, and was directly ignored by everyone!


I didn't expect these people to be so in front of him, the baron looked at his thirty or fifty subordinates and stepped back embarrassedly, and everyone still looked at me, I looked at you, and they didn't move!

"It's okay, when the sun is facing west, we just turn our backs to the sun, and the loss is smaller!"

When a small duke saw such a scene, he had no choice but to find a reason, and then got off the carriage, took off his armor, and waited for the west of the sun!

"Look! What are those rebels doing?"

Far away, the soldiers on the city wall did not know the situation of the rebels, but they were surprised when they found someone coming down from the battlefield!

"The whole army is on standby!"

Prince Albion's eyesight is naturally a little better. After seeing some details, he immediately ordered his soldiers not to relax, because a rare fighter plane seemed to appear!


The roar of the sky came, but not from the soldiers waiting on the city wall, nor from the rebel army's main formation, but from the forest behind the rebel army, and this roar seemed to be a Human voice is the same!

"what sound!"

Hearing this roar, the duke who was sitting on the ground hurriedly turned his head, but saw some kind of long smoke billowing from the mountains behind him, as if thousands of troops were rushing towards him!

"Get on the horse!"

Yelling at his companions around him, the plump duke got up quickly, but it was not easy to get on the horse!

"Prince! Prince! We are an army sent by Princess Anrietta of the Kingdom of Torristine, hurry up and strike!"

Louise rode the red flying dragon, rushed to the city wall, and shouted at Prince Albion, but at this time, the owner of the red dragon was not here!

"Why! How did you know my identity!"

Marshal Amproton, who was tied to a tree, stared at Ye Luna's eyes, ten thousand questions flashed through his mind, but he couldn't figure out how his identity was exposed!

"Of course you told me!"

Yeyueshen commanded the army to continue to roll up the smoke and dust with the branches, pretending to be an army of thousands, and said lightly:

"Imagine which general can hide in the mountains and forests, but the surrounding is snowy? Where did the food come from? Where did the supplies come from? Why do so many soldiers continue to follow you? The castle is in tatters. , the only explanation I can think of is that you are there to attract royalists from all over the world, and then go to die, obviously I took advantage of this, you also want to keep me and report to your companions, but unfortunately Yes, I'm moving too fast! So..."

Saying that, Yeyueshen pointed at the soldier in front of him and said proudly:

"I got so many soldiers who aspired to become nobles. What these soldiers fought for was only what you were born with. Instead of fighting against you, they were fighting against fate. I gave them this way, so they are Invincible!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen instructed Moscolens to take good care of the famous traitor, rushed to the front of the team in one breath, kicked the rebel camp away, and then took the soldiers behind him like a sharp knife into the tofu. Among them, it was easy to pass through the empty defensive camp and rushed directly to the main formation of the noble army!


Seeing that someone really rushed over, the prince who hesitated on the city wall did not hesitate. After a loud roar, he rushed in through the gate with the nearest guard army!

"Rush forward! Rush into the capital and we'll win!"

The fat duke stood up and watched the gate of the capital open. He was overjoyed and immediately commanded his army to charge towards the prince's army, while the dukes beside him watched in horror at the army charging behind him. Many dukes Directly ordered to retreat, or reflexively resisted the attack of Yeyueshen. As a result, in this way, the rebels who might have killed the prince in front of the battle in one go, but because of the incoordination of the command, only a few troops rushed to the prince's troops. , but was stabbed to death by the rain of arrows shot by the longbowmen on the city wall, and the prince was very experienced and did not charge directly, but led his army to bypass the enemy who was charging frontally, completely different from the front and rear of the enemy. At the junction, he stabbed the forehead directly!

As a result, the army of Yeyue Shen and the prince was like two knives. From two places and different directions, the allied army of the nobles was folded into three sections, and they were three sections without any organization. As time went on, The originally powerful coalition of nobles gradually began to disintegrate. First, the viscounts and barons fled the battlefield with their own squads, followed by the squadrons, and then the brigade that was swept away by Ye Luna, and the battle slowly turned into a battle. to kill...

Chapter [-] Military Affairs

"Thank you so much! You are the great savior of our Albion!"

When the night moon god came to the prince, Prince Albion hurriedly saluted the night moon god and said:

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