"It's not that we, Torristin, have me here. It's just the union of our two countries. Should the King of Garnesia also take a good look at it?"

"Humph! Who wants to join forces with you?"

The prince looked at Ye Yueshen with disdain, as if a child was playing a petty temper!

"Whether you are willing or not is your business. Anyway, the King of Garnesia will think so. Of course, if you plan to continue to pay the blackmail of the King of Garnesia, that is another matter! But!"

Having said that, Ye Yueshen looked into the prince's eyes and said firmly:

"No one will come to help you clean up the mess next time!"


He didn't expect Ye Yueshen to speak to him like this, the prince was a little sullen, but his reason told him that every word Ye Yueshen said was right!

"Since you have no opinion, I will tell you my conditions!"

After Ye Yueshen said that, he removed the food from the table, and then displayed a large map in front of the prince!

"Don't even think about the territory!"

Watch Ye Luna pick up the brush and draw on the map!The prince hastened to stop...

"Don't worry, I have no idea about your territory!"

Ye Yueshen smiled coldly, then put the map that had been drawn in front of the prince and said:

"This place was originally the fief of Miss Lungobier's father, am I right?"

Chapter [-] Threat

"You...why did you do this?"

Prince Albion's face changed slightly, looking at Ye Yueshen and asking:

"What is this person's relationship with? Why do you want to help her get back his father's fief and title, this is my father's final conclusion!"

"But did your father ever say he regretted it?"

Ye Luna looked at Prince Albion lightly, paced up the hall, stopped in front of a statue, and said:

"When I first came in, I heard Moscolens say that this statue is your grandfather's statue. Back then, Miss Lungobier's father was also the one who sweated with your grandfather on the battlefield. Your father was so shameless. Is it appropriate to deprive people of their fiefs?"

"I don't need you to talk too much as an outsider!"

As if being said to a sore spot, Prince Albion roared at Ye Luna:

"This is my father's decision. No matter how wrong it is, I won't agree to it! So please take back this condition. Apart from this condition, I can agree to all other conditions!"

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen turned his head and looked at the prince lightly, with disdain in his eyes. Ye Yueshen had already seen through the level of this prince. If it wasn't for blood, this guy would never be the leader of a country!


Looking at Yeyueshen firmly, the prince's voice trembled a little. He knew Yeyueshen's ability. Therefore, the price of angering Yeyueshen, the prince was even more aware, but when he thought of the past he had experienced, the prince felt in his heart. Like a flame burning repeatedly, hatred is still alive.

"Then I'm sorry! I can't guarantee you your throne!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the prince and prepared to leave the hall after saying this!

"Wait! What do you mean by that?"

Startled by Yeyueshen's tone, the prince hurriedly blocked Yeyueshen's way. If the prince could not become Albion's king, what would happen, in fact, everyone knew very well!

"My word is, I'm going to pull you down from the brink of the throne with the army, and watch you be torn apart by those angry nobles!"

Yeyueshen looked at the prince in front of him lightly. No matter what this guy said, Yeyueshen wanted to show him some color, not only for Miss Lungobier's business, but also for the prince's attitude towards him. , Now you can speak like this in front of yourself, so when Ye Luna leaves Albion, isn't it the fate of those soldiers who used to follow Ye Luna to be suppressed?

"Uh! Why did you do this? Is that woman so important in your heart?"


Ye Yueshen shook his head and looked at the prince, with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"To tell the truth, in my heart, your status is not as good as that of Louise's facilitator. Helping you is for the princess, to help Miss Lungobier get back what originally belonged to her, and for Torristine. To be able to not be threatened by Garnesia diplomatically, that's all, if you want, I can trap you in this northern castle now, I believe, countless careerists are waiting to go to the empty capital to become Albion the king!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, he looked at the prince coldly. At this time, the prince had already been fooled by Ye Yueshen's words. It took him a long time to react. He looked at Ye Yueshen blankly and said:

"Why? Why do you say that?"

"Because I'm telling the truth!"

Ye Yueshen looked into the prince's eyes and said mercilessly:

"You know what? You guys, who have been spoiled since childhood, don't know how to care about other people's feelings at all. You naturally think that the world revolves around you, including my rescue this time. In fact, you really feel mine in your heart. How big is the effect? ​​You just think that I used your authority to give these soldiers a reason to fight, but you forgot that everyone will make promises of titles and titles, but only me can achieve it! "

After speaking, Ye Yueshen did not intend to leave to ask, but looked at the prince, took a stool from the side by himself, sat down slowly, and waited for the prince's reaction!

"Are you really not afraid?"

The prince looked at Ye Yueshen stupidly and said more stupid words.

"I am Prince Albion. When you leave, I will become an alliance with Garnesia, and then go to trouble you?"

"Hehe, I will make you suffer!"

Ye Luna just looked at the prince, took the map from the table in his hand, and showed it to the prince.

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