"If you are not willing to give back this fief that originally belonged to Miss Lungobier, then I will give Albion as a present to Miss Lungobier, do you believe it?"


Looking at Yeyueshen's confident face, and thinking of pre-examination of the amazing combat power and rich commanding ability that he had shown along the way, the prince finally retreated and let him hand over the country to others, which was more terrifying than killing him. !A prince without power is worse than even the lowest knight!

"Think about it!"

Ye Yueshen stood up and looked at the prince, and said lightly:

"Anyway, you must be able to agree, do you know why?"


The prince responded subconsciously.

"Because I won't let all the promises I made go away!"

Ye Yueshen smiled at the prince, then put the map in front of the prince, and left the huge living room alone. No matter what, Ye Yueshen believed that the prince would agree to his conditions!Because, he only has this way to choose!


Looking at Yeyueshen's back, a kind of bitterness welled up in the prince's heart. Although the prince's flag had been hung on the city wall, everyone, including the prince, knew in their hearts that there was no Yeyueshen's sudden appearance. It is still besieged in the capital, and is in a constant state of panic!

"Prince! It's time to rest!"

When Ye Luna left, the servants quickly came in to pack up the things, leaving a map drawn by Ye Luna on the table. At this time, an old man came behind the prince with a lamp and reminded him carefully. road:

"Tomorrow is the awarding conference, and you still have to preside over the conference!"

"Old man, please help me host, I want to watch the moonlight here!"

The prince answered without turning his head, but he didn't find that the old man's mouth was covered with a smile, and that smile was a bit treacherous.

Chapter [-] Agree

"Big brother, is it appropriate for you to disturb the prince so early?"

Louise looked at Luna's back and said.At this time, Ye Yueshen had already put on his uniform, but the sky outside had not yet fully lit up, just a faint gray morning mist!

"There's nothing inappropriate, the prince is the future king, and the king is naturally in a state of affairs, how could it be early?"

Ye Yueshen said while looking in the mirror, but anyone could hear that Ye Yueshen was not explaining his reasons, but his attitude. Who would want to get up and work in the early morning?

"En, then I'll go with big brother!"

As Louise said that, she didn't know that she had changed the title of Night Moon God from "Master Principal" to "Big Brother"!Although Ye Luna's actual age is not much older than Louise, the maturity and stability exuding from him makes Louise feel that it is more than enough to be called a brother!

"Okay! Get dressed!"

Ye Yueshen agreed, he had already put on his uniform, and deliberately straddled a long sword around his waist. This long sword was found in the room of the captured Duke Clarks during the battle yesterday. , It is said to be a peerless sword. Although Yeyueshen doesn't know much about swords, but looking at Han Guanglinlin's appearance above, Yeyueshen also thinks it is a precious sword!


Louise agreed, and quickly turned over from the bed, put the things on the bed by the way, and then found a suitable dress from the suitcase she carried with her and put it on!This suitcase is carried by Louise. Although sometimes Ye Luna will carry this suitcase in the air for convenience, but in the castle, Louise still asks Ye Luna to put the suitcase in the air. On your own bedside, it's more convenient!

"Put this shawl on, it's cold in the morning!"

Ye Luna said, walked behind Louise, and put a thick shawl on Louise's body. This shawl was also found by Ye Luna from Duke Clark's collection. Not only was the texture very hungry, And it's warm enough, and the color matches the dress that Louise is wearing. In the still cold north, Luna doesn't want Louise to suffer a little with him!

"En! Big brother is so nice!"

Louise replied with a smile, and then adjusted her shawl with a smile. The dress she wore was also carefully selected by Louise. Although Ye Luna felt that it fit well, but after receiving the order from the princess from the beginning, Louise So I prepared a lot of clothes for various occasions. Ye Luna can use his profound magic to win people's respect and let everyone see the strength of Torristine, so the various dresses that Louise wears, You can let everyone see the cultural temperament of Torristin!

"Let's go!"

Ye Yueshen said, walked to the door, opened the door for Louise, and then carefully used his magic to sweep away the frost outside. I don't know why, the cold weather in the north will breed this kind of strange ice crystals. It is usually invisible on the ground, but it brings a lot of inconvenience to people, especially the high-heeled shoes that Louise wears, which can cause instability due to various situations, so Ye Luna is always merciless to these frosts. clean up!


Louise agreed, and then walked gracefully with Ye Yueshen to the front of the central hall where the prince was located. After a simple communication with the servant, Ye Yueshen took Louise and walked in directly. Luna's achievements and strength, so Yeyueshen didn't bother to wait for the announcement at the door, just like he treated the princess, so he walked in directly, stood at the door, and looked at the guards in front of him!

"Is the prince up yet?"

Ye Yueshen asked, his tone was so peaceful that people couldn't hear his feelings. Although he knew Ye Yu's voice was loud, these princes' personal guards always regarded themselves as the ones closest to the prince, and they didn't have a good face for others. , to be able to give Yeyueshen a cold smile is not bad!

"Please come in!"

The person who went in to inform the prince came out and said, Yeyueshen did not agree after listening to it, and took Louise directly into the prince's inner room. In the hall, he often encountered important officials beside the prince, which made Yeyueshen very uncomfortable. It was a torment to greet people who couldn't recognize their faces or even remember their names, so Yeyueshen went directly into the inner room!


The prince said coldly. At this time, the prince still had thick dark circles on his face. Obviously, Ye Yueshen's words last night gave the prince a headache and didn't sleep well.

"How is it?"

Yeyueshen also looked at the prince indifferently. The two people who used to fight side by side and laughed and laughed, just two days later, because of the so-called interest appeal, their expressions were embarrassed, and it was a miracle in life, but all this was The prince's fault is his own, and Yeyueshen has no conditions, all of which are justified!

"Can you tell me the reason for the third condition? Can I tell others too?"

The prince said eagerly, looking at Yeyueshen's eyes full of blood, obviously he had been thinking about this question for a long time, and his heart was under a lot of pressure.

"It's easy!"

Yeyueshen nodded and said, there was no psychological burden in his heart, and he naturally spoke with a lot of ease. Standing in the inner room, Yeyueshen talked eloquently.

"First of all, it's just, no matter how you cover it up, the fate of being deprived still falls on Miss Lungobier, second, it's also for your own good, think about it, I can't serve you here , so, with people like Miss Lungobier, I believe that if there is another rebellion in the future, the first one to rescue you must be Miss Lungobier, who was re-designated Duke by you! Third, this It clearly shows your sincere friendship with Toristine, and I believe that the princess and I will remember it in our hearts!"

"Uh, is it?"

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