"Although the other party has mobilized the army, it is no surprise that they are now worrying about how they can reach Albion!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, the princess and Miss Lungobi looked at him in amazement. Bill explained:

"At that time, the principal led the army and had already killed all the guys who had seized the sailboat ferry in Albion. The sailboat ferry had returned to Albion's hands. The Garnesian army wanted to pass the sailboat to Albion. , it will not be so smooth, only grabbing one or two sailboats will not help them. Countless Albion troops are waiting for them to die at the sailboat ferry! Haha! Am I right? what?"

After Louise finished speaking, Ye Luna motioned her to sit down, nodded and said:

"That's about it, though not as exaggerated as Louise said!"

"That means we don't have to worry about a war for the time being?"

Miss Lungobier hurriedly asked, and Her Lady Princess on the opposite side hurriedly nodded, as if relieved!

"En, just before the princess takes the throne, the war will never break out. Of course, if the king of Garnesia is a fool, maybe it will!"

"Long live!"

She couldn't help screaming in the sky, and the princess finally relaxed her heavy heart, and said to Miss Lungobier on the side:

"Langobier, what are you still doing? Aren't you going to have a celebration dance for the Principal? Isn't it the right time?"

"Yes Yes Yes Yes!"

Thinking that her hometown would not continue to be in a state of war, Miss Lungobier, who was as nervous as the princess, couldn't help but relax, nodded quickly, and then left the inner hall and ran out under Ye Yueshen's surprised eyes. Get ready for the long-awaited dance party!

Smiling and watching Miss Lungobier's figure go away, the princess also looked back, and smiled faintly at Ye Yueshen:

"Master Principal, are you looking forward to it?"

"Of course! I am very grateful to be able to hold a ball for me in the princess's great hall!"

"Okay, please give me the letter I sent to Prince Albion?"

The princess said, reaching out to Ye Yueshen.

"Uh, it looks like it's in Louise's hands!"

Ye Yueshen searched his body for a while, then turned his head to Louise, and at this moment, a shadowy figure had already arrived at the door!

"Annrietta, did you write this letter yourself?"

Louise put her hands behind her back, leaned against the wall, blinked her ghostly eyes, and looked at her hair with a playful look.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Anrietta quickly took Louise innocently, as if she didn't know that her friend was no longer planning to return her letter to herself!

"That's right! Let me see!"

Louise took the envelope in her hand from behind, shook it at Princess Anrietta, and then ran out of the door quickly. At this time, the princess reacted and wanted to chase, but was caught by Ye Luna. Stop it!

"Don't worry, this letter will definitely be of great use!"

After Yeyueshen said these mindless words, he left the palace directly, leaving the princess alone in her palace in a daze.

Yeyueshen, who went out, was also relieved. Although he was already a frequent visitor to the palace, listening to the echoes of his own footsteps in that majestic and spacious room, Yeyueshen always felt a strange sense of depression. Perhaps, this is the strangeness of the building. It is obviously a dead thing, but it can hold many different emotions. The magnificent palace gives Ye Yueshen the feeling of depression!

"Why did the Principal come out so soon? I didn't chat with Princess Anrietta in there. During the days you left, the Princess has been talking about you when you have nothing to do!"

Miss Lungobi didn't know when she appeared behind Night Moon God.

"Hehe, is that you?"

Yeyueshen turned around when she heard the sound, walked two steps quickly, and came to Miss Lungobier. Her body was like a car without brakes. Miss waist!

"You did it on purpose!"

With a blushing face and clenching her small fists, Miss Lungobier lightly opened her lips, a little sullen!

"What do you say?"

Ye Luna straightened Miss Lungobier's body, took a step back, and said with a smile:

"When I came so close just now, I actually wanted to see your face and the corners of your eyes. Are you tired these days, and there are so many fine lines!"

"is it?"

When she heard that she had crow's feet, Miss Lungobier hurriedly touched the corners of her eyes, but found that the corners of her eyes were still as smooth as before, as beautiful as before!


After Miss Lungobier put down her hands, she looked at Ye Luna with a wicked smile, cursed loudly, and was about to turn around.

"Really, I kindly wiped those lines off when you didn't know it, but I was misunderstood!"

Ye Yueshen shouted injustice in his heart, but he didn't say anything, but dodged in front of Miss Lungobier and put a necklace with black and purple gems on her hand!

"this is?"

Miss Lungobier looked at the necklace that Ye Luna put in her hands, and looked at Ye Luna in surprise and doubt.

"I found this in the palace. The prince said it was left by your mother. Your mother is the prince's aunt. After marrying your father, you died soon after giving birth. This is your mother's aunt. My favorite thing to wear in the palace!"

Ye Luna stared into Miss Lungobier's eyes and explained in a low voice.


After listening to Ye Luna's explanation, Miss Lungobi's eyes suddenly widened, and her eyes quickly soaked through her eyes. Drops of tears dripped like gems on the necklace in Miss Lungobi's hand, but she didn't know why. , all entered the interior of the gem!

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