"It is said that this stone is a rain and tear stone, which can absorb tears of love. Now it seems to be true!"

Yeyueshen said in a low voice and tenderness, at this time, Miss Lungobier could no longer contain her excitement, she stretched out her arms and hugged Yeyueshen's shoulders, like a child in Yeyueshen. Weeping on his shoulders, and at this moment, a bouncing figure just happened to pass by...

Chapter [-] That is

"Louise! Louise!"

Ye Yueshen yelled at the figure behind him, but Louise ran straight ahead as if she didn't hear him.

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Luna said to Miss Lungobier, who had released herself, and then prepared to run away, she couldn't let Louise misunderstand anything!

"All right!"

Miss Lungobier responded lightly, the tears on her face still lingering.


Knowing that Miss Lungobier's face was not good-looking, Ye Luna nodded helplessly and ran away, blocking Louise's way at an unmanned corner!

"Master Principal! Please let me go!"

Louise stopped and lowered her head, not looking at Ye Yueshen's nervous face, her tone was cold, as if she was talking to a stranger!

"Where are you going?"

Ye Yueshen took a breath, changed his smile, looked at Louise, and said with concern.

"I'm going...you can't control this!"

Louise spoke silently, paused for a while, looked up at Ye Luna, and quickly lowered her eyes again, and continued to say in an icy tone:

"We don't have any special relationship, so don't ask questions like this!"

"I think you misunderstood!"

Ye Yueshen smiled bitterly and said calmly:

"You know? I gave Miss Lungobier's mother's relics to her just now, which made her act so excited, it didn't mean anything else!"

"Really? But you seem to enjoy Miss Lungobier's embrace, isn't it soft?"

Louise raised her head, looked at Ye Yueshen angrily and said with a hostile expression, which made people look terrifying!

"Soft? Where did you say?"

Ye Yueshen was stunned for a moment, and looked at Louise in disbelief. This is the first time I heard Louise say it. Could it be, what does this little girl care about?its not right!Isn't that place a place that only wretched men want to see?

"I... I didn't say anything! The principal is talking nonsense again!"

Louise blushed and looked into Ye Yueshen's eyes, she didn't know what Ye Yueshen had heard, she was clearly talking about feeling this kind of thing, how could he think of that place?Are the concerns of men and women so different?

"Uh, well, I'm talking nonsense..."

Ye Yueshen was stunned for a while, looked at Louise apologetically and said:

"Since the Principal is talking nonsense again, how does Miss Louise plan to punish the Principal?"

"Really, can you really punish the principal?"

When Louise heard Ye Luna's words, the flush on her face faded, replaced by an unbelievable expression. In this world, the principal can be punished. In Louise's impression, the principal is supreme, so how could she take the initiative to ask for punishment?

"Of course, everyone in this world makes mistakes. Since I made a mistake, the principal, I will be punished justly. This punishment is up to you!"

Ye Yueshen said, and took the initiative to squat in front of Louise, making a pitiful look, completely lacking the certainty he used to have. Come down and look up at others!

"Forget it, there's nothing wrong with the principal, it's me who is at fault, I shouldn't have passed by there..."

Louise looked down at Ye Yueshen's pitiful appearance, a trace of maternal radiance shone on her body, like an angel!

"Really? You really don't intend to punish the principal?"

Ye Luna looked at Louise in surprise and said:

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's really revenge for those who have revenge, and revenge for grievances. You can't miss this opportunity?"

"Really, there are people in this world who take the initiative to let others punish themselves! I really don't know what you think!"

Louise looked at Ye Yueshen funny and angrily, not understanding why Ye Yueshen insisted on punishing herself!

"Then ask our lovely Miss Louise to forgive my fault, let me get up from this cold ground, my squatting legs are numb!"

Ye Yueshen had a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Louise in front of him with a smug look on his face, as if the stars in the sky crossed the moon!

"Well, sir, please get up!"

Louise shook her little head, reached out and grabbed Yeyueshen's strong and powerful arm, grabbed Yeyueshen from the ground, and then looked at Yeyue standing in front of her, one head taller than herself. God, it feels like seeing the sun, and the whole body is warm, and Louise, who was originally angry, couldn't help but laugh!

"What's so funny?"

Ye Luna looked at Louise's smile, of course she was very happy, although she didn't understand!

"I want to laugh!"

Louise looked at Ye Luna with a smirk, and what she said was even more silly, but it added a bit of cuteness!

"Right! Don't you want to know why I took the initiative to ask you to punish me?"

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