"That's it! Outsiders actually want to criticize us? Outsiders will only envy our family. Every time a major accident happens in Torristin, our family can always walk in front of the trend. Your daughter has a very unique vision! "

Duke Dedris squeezed his gray beard and looked at Louise with admiration. The surrounding family members all showed convincing expressions when the old man said so. The haze disappeared from the Duke's face...

Chapter two hundred and forty-six dance around the field

"Now, let's start our dance party!"

Ye Yueshen calmed Louise's emotions softly, raised her arms to the nobles below, and then brought Louise down from the high platform!

"The princess should have announced the beginning of the dance..."

Miss Lungobier helplessly shook her head at Ye Luna, but Princess Anrietta, who was beside her, smiled and said to Ye Luna:

"This is not a particularly formal occasion, it doesn't matter, as long as everyone has fun!"

"All right……"

Seeing that the Princess did not object, Miss Lungobier had nothing to say. She gestured to the attendants around, and naturally some attendants stepped forward and took down the temporary high platform in the middle of the dance floor. The accompaniment started with the cooperation, and the first dance song of the dance began like this!

"Can I invite you to a dance?"

When Ye Yueshen heard the music, he naturally put his hand in front of the princess. It was not because Ye Yueshen didn't plan to dance with Miss Lungobier or Louise, but because Ye Yueshen just heard from the princess. In his eyes, there is clearly a trace of anticipation!

"Of course!"

Princess Anrietta smiled slightly, and under the kiss of Yeyueshen, Shi Shiran stood up. After returning a salute to Yeyueshen, she brought the repatriated nobles who had been prepared for a long time. In the middle of the dance floor!

"I didn't expect your dance steps to be so skilled!"

Princess Anrietta and Yeyueshen tried dancing for a while, but they were convinced by Yeyueshen's dance moves. Unlike those nervous men in the past, Yeyueshen's dance moves were light and steady, allowing the princess's body to stay in one place. Zhang Yihe found a long-lost balance. This is how the princess felt when her father taught the princess to dance!

"It's nothing, it's all trivial!"

Yeyueshen boasted very rudely, smiled, followed by the classic circle dance that Princess Anrietta began. He was not a person with outstanding dance skills, and generally did not dare to perform circle dance easily. For those who dance around the field, because the dance around the field is to take the initiative to bring the rhythm of the dance floor, if you accidentally collide with others, it will be a shameful thing to throw home!


The princess who was gently thrown out by Yeyueshen and then swirled back, looked into Yeyueshen's eyes affectionately, and asked in a low voice beside Yeyueshen's ears:

"Is it true that gods like you are omnipotent and omnipotent?"

"Not really!"

Ye Yueshen replied softly:

"For example, we can't control the human heart, and we can't control the future. Otherwise, the world will be our sand table, and we can shape it how we want, and all the pleasures and pains will not appear. Of course, such a life It must be very boring, isn't it?"

"All right!"

Princess Anrietta thought for a while and felt that Ye Yueshen was right. If the gods could really control everything, there would be no future in the world. The vehicles on the track are not easy to derail, but there are also fewer options. , can only run according to the established orbit, in that case, life will lose all fun!

"Master Principal, it's my turn!"

As soon as Ye Yueshen gave up the princess to her place, Louise, who could not wait beside her, jumped directly in front of Ye Yueshen and said with a pleading expression:

"Lord Principal, they should be led by you to dance around the field just like the princess, okay?"

"Of course!"

Ye Yueshen tightened his bow tie, stretched out his hand to take Louise's little hand, and came to the center of the dance floor with the tune, but at this moment, a pair of hands stretched out in front of Miss Lungobier was ruthlessly rejected!

"I'm going to start!"

When the sound of the tuba sounded, Ye Luna on the dance floor smiled at Louise, who was obviously nervous, and then started the second dance with her!


Louise tapped on the floor nervously, then took steps that she was not very familiar with, and followed Ye Luna to start ballroom dancing with her peers for the first time in her life. She used to learn this kind of ballroom dance with her sister before. , never skipped with the boys!

"Don't worry, take your time, the style of this song is relatively soft, we don't need to worry so much!"

Ye Luna watched Louise's movements with her eyes, with gentle gestures and steady steps, pulling Louise's body toward him from time to time to prevent Louise's footsteps from slipping.

"En, the principal is so nice!"

While adapting to the dance steps, Louise overcame her own nervousness, and soon came to the outermost edge of the dance floor with Ye Luna. With a swing of her hands, she began to perform a classic circle like Princess Anrietta. Dancing, attracted a burst of envy from the girls around, and complained about their dance partners to varying degrees!

"Stand on tiptoe, big brother will take you in a spin!"

When Luna took Louise to the third circle, seeing that the time was right, he asked Louise to stand on tiptoe.


Already full of trust in Yeyueshen, the perfect dance partner, Louise didn't hesitate, she just stood on tiptoe and stood on the spot with her hands on top of her head.

"here we go!"

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, held Louise's hands with both hands, and with all his strength, started to rotate around Louise's body. Under the powerful wrist strength of Yeyueshen, Si also began to rotate, and the speed of the rotation in place was getting faster and faster, causing the surrounding crowd to make bursts of exclamations, and some surprised dancers couldn't even bear it. Zhu stopped and stayed where he was, watching Ye Yueshen's amazing performance!

"Oh! I'm so dizzy!"

When Yeyueshen slowed down her speed, Louise almost became unsteady, and she was hugged by Yeyueshen and did not fall down!

"This song is soothing at the beginning, but it has such a sharp key at the end. It seems that it was specially designed for us!"

Ye Luna helped Louise to the position, explained it to the cheers of the people around, and then handed Louise to Duke Barriere, then turned to look at Lungobier, who was sitting beside him. Miss, stretch out your hand!

"I seem to think that this dance has nothing to do with me!"

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