Miss Lungobier looked at Yeyueshen's outstretched hand, and if she pretended to refuse, the young nobles next to her who were jealous of Yeyueshen became proud. At the same time, Ye Yueshen stretched out his arm directly towards Miss Lungobi...

Chapter two hundred and forty seventh high profile tango

"I know I'm making you wait in a hurry, sorry!"

Ye Yueshen whispered softly in Miss Lungobi's ear, and at the same time, her hands were already tightly hugging Miss Lungobi, snuggling her into his arms, looking at the young nobles who were gloating around for a while. Dumbfounded: Is this also possible?Hold up directly, without even asking?

"Asshole, I know you won't let me go!"

Miss Lungobier squeezed her pink fist and hit Ye Luna on the shoulder with jealousy, but it didn't hurt at all. After complaining a few words, she followed Ye Luna to the center of the dance floor. There are not many people who can still insist on dancing with Yeyueshen here, and most of them are impressed by Yeyueshen's gorgeous dance steps, standing beside them and quietly admiring!

"Command! Give me a high-pitched attack!"

Ye Yueshen shouted at the band behind the curtain, and there was a burst of exclamations from the crowd. It was not the first time for everyone to participate in a large-scale dance party. Naturally, they knew how difficult it was to start this high-pitched sound. Many are still there. The dancers who were brave and insisted on dancing with Yeyueshen also shook their heads at this time and stepped aside, completely giving up the entire dance floor to Yeyueshen and Miss Lungobier!

"Are you afraid? It's very difficult to start a high-pitched sound!"

Ye Luna turned her head and smiled at Miss Lungobier who was wearing a halter evening dress in front of her, as if she was showing off her excellent dancing skills!

"Hehe, do you think I'm afraid? I'm afraid I've skipped more dance steps than you have walked!"

Miss Lungobier said unconvincingly, and immediately grabbed Ye Luna's hand, placed it at her waist, shook her head gently, and said:

"The waltz is boring, how about we play a tango? It's the perfect match for a high-pitched attack!"

"no problem!"

Seeing that Miss Lungobier has such a high level of interest, Ye Luna couldn't help but feel agitated. He gently supported Miss Lungobier's waist, his whole body stretched, and he waited for the sound of the attack!


When the sound iron made a sharp and crisp sound, this high-profile tango finally kicked off in the expectation of everyone. I saw Ye Luna tightly fit Miss Lungobier's body, and at the moment when the music played , as soon as the elbows exerted force, they pulled Miss Lungobier directly to her body, took a step back, and distanced herself from Miss Lungobier. At this time, Miss Lungobier waved her hand gently, A circle was done, and they quickly returned to Yeyueshen's side. The dance steps of the two complemented each other. They did not deflect because the pitch was too high and the movements were too violent. envious!

"Such a tacit understanding cannot be formed in a day or two, but a tacit understanding between hearts and minds!"

Princess Anrietta sat in the seat, admiring the tango dance steps of Ye Luna and Miss Lungobier, while making a faint evaluation, and her envy was evident in her words!

"Maybe they rehearsed before!"

Looking at the wonderful dance steps of Luna and Miss Lungobier, Louise was a little worried in her heart, but she did not miss a chance to question!

"Maybe they used to practice tango together when they had nothing to do in the office!"

"...Well, it can be regarded as an explanation!"

Anrietta wiped the sweat on her forehead, but she couldn't find any words to deal with Louise's speculation for a while, so she could only turn her face lightly and continue to watch the dance steps of Ye Luna and Miss Lungobier!

"Refined, wonderful! Although the old man doesn't want to admit it, this tango song is really the biggest gain today. I can see such amazing tango dance steps in my lifetime, and the old man is also satisfied!"

The Duke of Dedris was immersed in the wonderful dance steps performed by Luna, and the one who ignored the dance with Luna was Miss Lungobier, the rival of his cousin, who was the first to comment in the crowd!

"Uncle, is his dance moves really that good?"

Duke Barrielu himself had no interest in dancing, nor did he do much research. Hearing his uncle's high evaluation, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Of course!"

Duke Dedris returned to reality from the spiritual level of appreciating dance steps, looked at his nephew and said:

"Do you know? I am afraid that such dance steps are difficult to see in the world. We are fortunate to see it, it is our blessing, you ignorant juniors. From day to night, you know how to fight and kill, fight for power and profit, but lose it. A pair of eyes that appreciate art, such a good performance is presented in front of you, you are not lucky to see it, this is a tragedy!"

"Uh, my little nephew will definitely strengthen his research when he goes back, definitely!"

I didn't expect that when I asked curiously, I would be taught a lesson by my uncle. Duke Barrielu's depressed mood can be imagined. dance steps...

At this time, Miss Lungobier, who was in Yeyueshen's arms, was already out of breath. Because it was a high profile, she required the frequency and rhythm of her movements to be very fast. Although her physical strength was good, she was still out of breath under Yeyueshen's powerful rhythm. Driven by this, for the first time, Miss Lungobier found herself a little overwhelmed!

"How's it going? Listen to what the conductor says. There's a happy ending song. Are we still insisting?"

Yeyueshen took Miss Lungobier on small steps, and asked with concern, because tango is a close-fitting dance of two people, so Yeyueshen's voice is small, but Miss Lungobier listens to the truth. !

"Humph! It's just a trivial idea!"

Miss Lungobier blinked, ignoring the crystal sweat that had oozing out of her head, and continued to drink Ye Luna and jumped together. At this time, there was a burst of applause behind Ye Luna!

"It seems that everyone also knows that we are tired, and it's good to end it!"

Surrounded by applause, Ye Yueshen tilted Miss Lungobier's body slightly, and then stepped back with one foot. Miss Lungobier's body was like a weak willow supporting the wind. His shoulders leaned gently, ending this high-profile tango performance!

"You guessed the wrong tone of the conductor, there is no ending at all!"

Amid the applause of the crowd, Miss Lungobier stood up straight and bowed to everyone, turning back and not letting Ye Luna's embarrassment speak out!

"Who would have known that he actually knew you were tired!"

Ye Yueshen touched his nose helplessly, smiled a little embarrassedly, explained a word casually, and brought Miss Lungobier to the front of the seat.

At this time, a hurried figure, like Ye Yueshen, came to the dance...

Chapter [-] Mission

"is it?"

Hearing the man's report, Princess Enrietta's hand that was holding the cup almost loosened. Fortunately, Ye Yueshen next to him responded in time and supported the bottom of the cup, which prevented the princess from losing her temper in front of everyone!

"Yes, the privy envoy please make a decision as soon as possible!"

After the man bowed his head and said to Princess Anrietta, he stood up as if nothing had happened!

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