"what happened?"

Ye Yueshen reached out and put Princess Anrietta's cup on the table, and asked with a concerned look.

"Everyone! You can do whatever you want now! Please do whatever you want, just treat this as your own home!"

Miss Lungobier stood up and shouted at the people around her all her life. The nobles around were all smart people, so they stopped looking at Princess Enrietta!

"Is such that!"

Gratefully glanced at Miss Lungobier, Princess Anrietta explained to Ye Luna:

"The privy envoy has just received a tip, saying that the garrison of Smoknius has just received two documents from the King of Garnesia!"

"Which two?"

Yeyueshen asked curiously, if there is a jerk who has to come over to stir up the party, Yeyueshen's mood suddenly fell to the bottom!

"One is to celebrate the ceremony of the princess's enthronement in a few days, and a huge embassy has been sent!"

The man standing next to him took the initiative to say to Ye Yueshen:

"The other is the special robber. The King of Garnesia has prepared everything for the wedding and is waiting for the princess's approval at any time!"

"Surely shameless!"

Ye Yueshen cursed in a low voice, then said to the man:

"What kind of excessive demands did the bastard king make, let's talk about it, save me from getting angry again!"

"No more! The privy envoy thinks that the things mentioned in these two documents are shameless enough!"

The man glanced at Ye Yueshen in surprise. He didn't expect that there were such ignorant people beside the princess, who seemed to have no regard for Garnesia at all!

"En, tell the privy envoy that his task now is to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and wait for us to solve this problem!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking to the man, he did not let him remind him:

"Get out of here quickly, staying here will attract everyone's attention!"


Unexpectedly, Yeyueshen could actually take the place of the princess. The man was stunned for a moment, but still looked at the princess.

"This is my newly appointed governor of the military, both internal and external, and has the right to order you!"

Princess Anrietta met the man's gaze, smiled calmly, and then under the man's stunned eyes, asked Ye Yueshen:

"Master Principal, what are you going to do with this matter?"

"Yes, both things seem so tricky. We need the King of Garnesia to stand in the background for the princess, and we don't want to agree to marry that middle-aged man. What do you think?"

Louise also jumped out in a hurry, looking like she wanted to do her part in this matter!

"not worried!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the nervousness of the two girls now, and couldn't help being a little speechless, chuckled lightly, and then said to Miss Lungobier beside him:

"Now you stay here and let the dance go on normally. The princess and Louise will discuss it in the next room!"

"En! You go!"

Miss Lungobier agreed in one go. After the rest just now, Miss Lungobier has obviously recovered her physical strength and the look in her eyes has also recovered, making Ye Yueshen feel relieved!


Ye Yueshen didn't say much, made a gesture of invitation to the princess, and then brought Louise and Princess Anrietta to a nearby compartment!

"What are you going to do?"

As soon as she entered the compartment, Princess Anrietta couldn't wait to ask, and she didn't look so calm and calm when she was outside.

"Sure enough, it's a matter of your life, so anxious!"

Ye Yueshen smiled stupidly, found a stool to sit down, and lit the candlesticks on the table.

"It's all this time, don't be joking. To be honest, I'm really nervous right now. What should I do if the envoy sent by the king personally asks for the marriage at my enthronement ceremony?"

Princess Anrietta sat nervously on the stool and spoke eagerly, while Louise, who was next to her, hurriedly comforted:

"Lord Princess, you don't have to worry. Since the principal has made the privy envoy pretend to be deaf and dumb, there must be a draft, isn't it?"

Saying that, Louise blinked her unique big eyes at Ye Luna again, which made Ye Luna suddenly excited. He was in a bad mood just now because of the king of Garnesia. After adjusting his state, he said calmly to the princess:

"Louise said just now that we need the King of Garnesia to stand in the background for you and support you, right?"


Princess Anrietta's head nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said eagerly:

"So, we can't offend that middle-aged man now, and they have good reasons to come to Torristin, what should we do now? I ask him not to propose marriage when I ascend the throne. Require?"


Ye Yueshen took the lead in rejecting Princess Anrietta's words, and said with a serious face:

"Even if we persuaded that mission not to ask for a marriage when you ascended the throne, but when they came, they showed everyone that you must be married to that bastard king of Garnesia, right? Or else? Why do people send a special mission here?"

Having said that, Ye Yueshen did not forget to add:

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