Princess Anrietta still received Yeyueshen and his party in the inner hall, and the breakfast in front of her had not moved, indicating that the princess had just woken up.

"See the princess!"

After Ye Luna brought Miss Lungobier and Louise to salute the princess, she stood up and watched the princess not speak.

"You all go down!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen's appearance, Princess Anrietta was only stunned for a while, and then ordered the people around her to leave.

"Sit down and talk about anything!"

After the attendants were driven away, Princess Anrietta ate breakfast, and by the way signaled that Ye Luna could speak!

"Don't eat first, I'm afraid that after the news comes out, I will choke you!"

Ye Yueshen sat opposite Princess Anrietta, reminded the princess, and seeing that the princess had stopped breakfast, she said:

"The contents of that letter seem to have been leaked!"

"That letter?"

Princess Anrietta glanced at Ye Yueshen curiously, as if she didn't understand what Ye Yueshen was saying.

"It's the letter you wrote to Prince Albion..."

Ye Yueshen lowered his head slightly, and while speaking, he glanced at Louise, who had never sat down beside him.

"What... what?"

With a sudden stare, Princess Anrietta stood up in fright, looked at Ye Luna incredulously and said:

"How is this possible! Haven't you got the letter back safely? How could the contents of it leak out? Could it be that my servants have turned traitors again?"

"That's not..."

Ye Yueshen glanced at Princess Anrietta with some embarrassment, gritted her teeth, and said:

"Although we brought it back, it seemed that it was stolen at the banquet last night..."

"Uh, what's going on?"

Princess Anrietta sat silently in her seat, staring at Ye Luna with empty eyes, as if she could not accept Ye Luna's statement.

Chapter [-] Cold Treatment

"I'm sorry! It's all my fault, I didn't take that letter well... Princess, please punish me!"

Louise, who was crying, stood in front of Princess Anrietta. Although she couldn't say she couldn't cry, she was still full of tears. Especially when she saw the princess' eyes open, she felt sorry for her small Louise. more regrets of myself.

"It's alright, Princess! In fact, this may not be a bad thing!"

Ye Yueshen took the initiative to stand up and said to the princess in front of her:

"We can just use this opportunity to test the loyalty of those ministers to you?"

"Do not……"

Princess Anrietta, who came back to her senses, waved at Ye Luna.said:

"It's not as simple as you think!"

"You say!"

Ye Yueshen made a look of listening intently, it seems that there is something unspeakable hidden in the princess!

"If this news is finally proven to be true, not to mention the blow to the authority of the royal family and the blow to the relationship between the two countries, it's just for me, maybe I won't be able to marry in the future!"

" that so?"

Ye Yueshen really didn't expect that Princess Enrietta would actually care about these details, she smiled bitterly and said to her:

"Why do you think so?"

"Because I am about to ascend the throne, if this news is released at this time, anyone can accuse me of my moral flaws. We don't even have a chance to fight back against this attack!"

Princess Anrietta looked at Ye Yueshen with a bleak face, as if she saw the end of the world.

"is it so serious?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Princess Anrietta in surprise. He never thought that just the content of a letter could make the always calm princess make such a pessimistic judgment.


Miss Lungobier took the initiative to stand up and explained to Ye Luna.

"If this letter is confirmed, then people can take it for granted that the princess's actions are worthy of her status, although the fact that the princess is unwilling to marry a king of Garnesia is clear to everyone, but since It's always wrong to have a marriage contract, but secretly communicate with others, we don't even have the courage to refute this!"

"Then don't argue?"

Ye Yueshen shrugged helplessly, glanced at Louise and Miss Lungobier, his eyes stayed on the face of the princess, and said calmly:

"If we make any statement or justify now, it will make people feel that we are indebted. Instead of this, it is better to act as if we don't care. Maybe the leak of this letter will have an impact on us. Much smaller!"

"Um, can you be more specific?"

Princess Anrietta's eyes suddenly recovered after hearing the words of Ye Luna.

"It's very simple!"

Yeyueshen said to the princess with a natural look:

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