"You should also know a kind of psychology, that is, people are more curious about things that people value more, but they don't care about things around them, so ah, if we make an angry look at the beginning , under the urging of curiosity, people will feel that the more likely it is to be true, and if we act as if we don’t care, people will cite the news they get, which may be faked by others, even the parties involved. Do they care if they don't care?"

"Uh, but the impact on the princess is still there!"

After listening to Luna's analysis, Louise continued:

"But this matter will definitely be used by someone with a heart to attack the princess!"

"You are also concerned about whether the princess can still marry?"

Ye Yueshen showed a wicked smile to Louise and said with a smile:

"It just so happens that we want to find those who are interested. Since this matter is so beneficial to them, I believe that before the enthronement ceremony the day after tomorrow, someone will definitely take the initiative to attack. We just eliminate them, which is also a merit!"

Said, Ye Yueshen also took the initiative to wink at Princess Anrietta and said:

"But then again, what kind of person do you think you would like to marry?"

"Um, what do you mean by that?"

Princess Anrietta froze for a moment, blushing, and avoided the question.

"I mean, what do you think is true love?"

Ye Yueshen was slightly surprised by Princess Enrietta's reaction, and said in a calm tone as much as possible:

"Just the first impression..."

"Uh, what do you say?"

For this kind of question, Princess Enrietta could only bow her head and her voice was much lower, while Miss Lungobier and Louise, who were beside Ye Luna, both made a contemplative look.

"Not to mention that it will do earth-shattering things for you, at least you should be able to let go of certain prejudices, discard some factors, etc. If someone rejects you because you have such rumors, I feel that you marry He won't be happy either, what do you think?"

"You're right..."

Princess Enrietta nodded silently, ate a piece of cheese, chewed it, and looked at Ye Luna, her eyes smiling like a crooked moon.


Being stared at by the princess with such happy eyes, Ye Yueshen was not very embarrassed, smiled slightly, suddenly thought of something, and said:

"Lord Princess, have we forgotten another factor?"


Speaking of business, Princess Anrietta put away her charming smile and said curiously:

"Have I analyzed the impact of this matter?"

"But you still have your fiancé in name..."

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, just now the princess was still concerned about whether she could still marry, but now she has forgotten the king of Garnesia!

"Oh, he, I didn't want to marry him in the first place. Now that this is the case, I believe our engagement contract will definitely not exist!"

"Uh... that's what I said!"

Ye Luna looked at Princess Anrietta's indifferent appearance, and continued to wipe away sweat silently. At this time, Miss Lungobier took the initiative to stand up and say:

"And Prince Albion, how should we tell?"

"Better to shut him up!"

Ye Yueshen gave the answer without hesitation, and Princess Anrietta also agreed:

"I'll send him a handwritten letter, how about you help deliver it?"


Miss Lungobier pointed to herself and looked at the Princess in surprise.

Chapter two hundred and fifty third mission again

"Yes, aren't you the descendant of the Duke of Albion? Isn't it appropriate to talk to Prince Albion about this?"

Princess Anrietta looked at Miss Lungobier curiously, with a look of incomprehension, and did not understand why Miss Lungobier was so surprised.

"just forget it!"

Ye Yueshen, who knew the truth, came out and said:

"Miss Lungobier is already the minister of the imperial branch. Wouldn't it be a little inappropriate to go in person because of a letter?"

"But who should go? We don't have many people to trust now!"

Princess Anrietta did not immediately agree with Luna's idea as before, but put her finger on her lips and said:

"For example, you are already the minister with the highest status in our country. How can you go there in person for a letter?"

"Uh, it doesn't really matter, anyway, this position is high status, it doesn't mean anything, I don't think it's shameful for me to go!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess calmly, with a relaxed and natural look, and was completely unencumbered by those boring titles!

"Uh, so, are you willing to go?"

Princess Enrietta looked at Ye Luna curiously. The principal's reaction was obviously beyond her expectations. In Princess Enrietta's view, anyone in a high position would be a bit pretentious. Pay attention to your identity!

"If there is nothing to do here, I can go soon!"

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