Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, reached out and touched Louise's head next to him and said:

"Let me and Louise go with me this time. It's also considered to let the careless Louise give you the blame, what do you think?"

"Uh, that's fine!"

Seeing Yeyueshen so relaxed and smooth, Princess Enrietta naturally couldn't say anything to stop her, and Louise next to Yeyueshen also looked at Yeyueshen with joy, she almost jumped up with excitement!

"Then let's go as soon as possible, things here are just as I told you, we'll just deal with it coldly and wait and see. There will be ships at the sailboat pier now, so if there is no accident, I will take care of it tomorrow morning. be able to come back!"

After Ye Luna finished speaking, she asked the princess to write a letter by herself. After drying the ink on it, she took Louise out of Miyagi and went to the mansion of Duke Barriere to say goodbye to Louise's parents. , and then left the capital under the escort of the cavalry sent by the Duke of Dedris, and soon came to Smoknius, got on a sailboat, and came to the capital of Albion!

When Ye Luna brought Louise to Albion, it was obvious that life here had settled down, many people who had left Albion had returned, and the whole country seemed to be prosperous!

"Welcome! Dear military lords inside and outside the Governor!"

Prince Albion personally greeted Yeyueshen in front of the gate. As soon as they met, he held Yeyueshen's arm. Of course, the name he said also made Yeyueshen feel how fast the news spread!

"Where, it's just a false title, the prince doesn't have to be so polite! I'm just a messenger this time!"

Ye Yueshen brought Louise and the prince to greet them and said modestly.

"But you, the messenger, helped me a lot!"

Prince Albion laughed at Ye Luna, and then introduced his minister to Ye Luna!

"Who is this?"

When Ye Yueshen came to a beautiful woman with long purple hair, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. She was not attracted by the appearance of the beautiful woman, but by the position of the woman. If nothing else, this woman would at least be attracted It's a minister!

"This is our newly promoted aftermath, and his work ability is very strong!"

Prince Albion introduced to Ye Moon God, while Ye Moon God put aside his curiosity and joked:

"Our princess just appointed my secretary to be the minister of our Torristin branch, and now you have a beautiful woman here as the minister of aftermath, congratulations!"

"No, it's the Prime Minister, one of the Prime Minister's group!"

Prince Albion did not laugh after listening to Ye Moon God's words, but said to Ye Moon God very solemnly:

"Although Barberica is a girl, her ability is no worse than those of the male nobles! Of course, she was also the secretary of one of our ministers before!"

"Uh, got it!"

Seeing the prince defending this woman so much, Yeyueshen responded lightly. He didn't even remember the woman's name, so he shook hands with the remaining ministers one by one, and then came to the inner court with the prince!

"The prince is so hospitable!"

When Ye Yueshen walked into the inner courtyard and saw a lot of food placed on the long cross table, he couldn't help being attracted by this luxury, thinking that the prince was very hospitable!

"That's right, the prince just takes us seriously, and he treats us with such a good meal. Even we have never seen such a sumptuous dinner in Torristin!"

Louise followed behind the Moon God, and when she saw Mo Yang at the dining table in the inner court, she was deeply shocked, and couldn't help but praise Prince Albion!

"Haha! You two are so funny!"

When Prince Albion heard the praise of Ye Luna, he was not as happy as Ye Luna imagined, but said to a minister beside him casually:

"You better tell them the truth!"


When Ye Yueshen heard this, he suddenly felt a little curious, and hurriedly said:

"Isn't this banquet to welcome us? Does the prince have other guests?"

"No, no, the ambassador misunderstood!"

The minister named by Prince Albion hurriedly stood up and explained to Ye Luna:

"We don't have any other guests. Today's guests are the two of you, but this banquet was not specially prepared for you, but since we Albion returned to our prince's rule, every day is such a luxurious banquet! "


When Ye Yueshen heard this, he glanced at Prince Albion in surprise, while Louise behind him couldn't help but muttered:

"It's really luxurious!"

"Of course!"

Prince Albion's ears are very good, and he heard Louise's comments at once, and said loudly:

"My ministers and I took a lot of effort to wipe out the rebellion. What's wrong with celebrating for two days? Eat something good, drink something good, can't you?"

Chapter [-] Strange Kingdom

"It's nothing, we just didn't expect Albion to be so rich!"

Ye Yueshen saw that Prince Albion not only did not have any repentance, but was very proud, so he was too lazy to discuss this issue with him. With a sigh of relief, he took Louise to the table and began to exchange cups with those ministers. , Until the moon was high in the sky and most of the people had left, Ye Luna took out the envelope from his pocket and gave it to Prince Albion!

"Let me do it!"

Barberica, who had been sitting silently beside the prince, suddenly stood up and took the letter from the prince's hand, as if she was about to read it out!


Ye Yueshen hurriedly stood up, followed by using a magic wand to take back the letter in Barberica's hand, and said to the prince:

"Our princess said that this letter can only be read by you alone. Since you have read it, let me burn this letter!"

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