
Prince Albion roared, and the body that was reclining on the chair finally straightened up, and said to Ye Luna:

"I've been drinking too much. I couldn't see clearly just now. What's wrong with asking Barberica to read to me? Are you acting too much?"

"Then let the little one wake you up at the bar!"

Ye Yueshen didn't bother to pay attention to the prince's words, so he stretched out his hand, put a few pills in the wine in front of him, then shook it, put it in front of the prince and said:

"This is our Torristine's unique hangover medicine. After the prince takes it, we will discuss other things!"

"Torristine also has a special hangover medicine? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Barberica looked at Ye Luna proudly, and the expression on her face seemed to be expressing her dissatisfaction!

"Have you been to Torristin?"

Yeyueshen looked at Barberica calmly. During the whole banquet of the prince, he had never toasted this woman. Yeyueshen thought that the prince only treated this woman as a minister, but he saw the random behavior just now. , Ye Yueshen knew that the relationship between these two people was definitely not ordinary!

"Uh, no, what's the matter? Can't you question if you haven't been there?"

Asked by Ye Yueshen, Barberica was stunned for a moment, but she still pretended to be tough.

"Then shut your mouth!"

Ye Yueshen roared at Barberica unceremoniously, and then said:

"Since this minister has doubts, let the drunk people here experiment to see if it works!"


It was found that Ye Luna was also angry. Prince Albion, who once fought alongside Ye Luna and knew how powerful he was, quickly agreed, and then signaled Barberica to step back!


After proving that his hangover medicine was useful, Ye Yueshen directly put the prepared hangover potion in front of the prince. The prince hesitated for a while, but drank the hangover medicine, and then looked at Ye Yueshen and his eyes became clear. few!

"Not bad! This letter is indeed a handwritten letter from the princess!"

Opening the envelope handed over by Yeyueshen again, Prince Albion read the letter carefully, then burned it in front of Yeyueshen, then nodded to Yeyueshen and said:

"I'm still willing to help with this trivial matter. Go back and tell the princess and say that I have agreed!"

"Okay! The ambassador will go back now!"

Since Yeyueshen got a positive answer, he didn't bother to stay in this smoky place, and directly asked to leave!


When Prince Albion heard that Luna was about to leave, he hurriedly stopped him and said:

"To tell you the truth, it's about to be my enthronement ceremony! Aren't you here to congratulate me on your behalf, Torristine?"

"Uh, I'm really sorry! Lord Prince!"

Upon hearing this, without Ye Yueshen speaking, Louise, who was beside Ye Yueshen, took the initiative to explain:

"Lord Prince, the day after tomorrow will be the enthronement ceremony of our princess. We really have no time to delay! When will you enthrone? We will definitely come!"

"Uh, the day after tomorrow?"

Hearing this, the prince was stunned, turned around, and said to Barberica with an angry expression:

"Didn't you say that it's still some time before Princess Anrietta's enthronement? Why are we both going to be enthroned on the same day, don't those foreign envoys have to choose where to go?"

"Oh? The prince and our princess ascended the throne on the same day?"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he said in amazement:

"Don't you have to wait until two months after the death of the previous king for things like enthronement? And you also need the Pope's authorization. Have you been authorized?"


Hearing this, Prince Albion felt helpless and said to Ye Moon God:

"It's not that we don't apply to the Pope, the main reason is that Albion had a falling out with the Pope when my father was king, so I just need to be recognized by the bishop of Albion!"

"But was the bishop appointed by the Pope?"

Louise looked at Prince Albion in amazement and said, even this little girl knows this common sense.

"...you go back first, I will change the time of my enthronement!"

Prince Albion obviously didn't want to discuss this issue. He waved at Ye Luna, pretended to have a headache, and then sent Ye Luna and Louise out of Albion's capital!

"Albion is so strange!"

After leaving the capital, Louise couldn't help but complain:

"Whatever you do is baseless!"

"Maybe this is the reason for the civil unrest!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the gray night in the sky and said lightly:

"I feel that this country is not as rich as the prince showed us!"

"You mean the prince is acting in front of us?"

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