Putting Louise on the sofa, Luna looked up and asked Miss Lungobier.

"Everything goes as you say it is!"

Miss Lungobier glanced at Louise on the sofa, calmly took out a folder, and said to Ye Luna:

"At the beginning, many people were talking about it, which really caused a lot of confusion to the whole country, but after everyone didn't hear any statement from the royal family yesterday, the discussion on this issue also cooled down a lot. Many people thought it was nonsense, and of course, many people protested, and we have recorded these protests!"

"And then those who took the initiative to protest left?"

Ye Yueshen replied lightly while drinking water.

"That's right, as soon as they heard that they could register, they made some speculations and left after saying a few words. Whether it was those ministers or ordinary members, it was the same reaction!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna in surprise, feeling that all this was in the headmaster's thoughts.

"Of course at that time, before we didn't have the correctness of this news, those people's protests were nonsense in themselves. If they were recorded and they listened and believed, their losses would not be small!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, then looked up at the princess and said:

"Are we going to talk in the inner court?"

"Uh! Of course!"

Seeing that Yeyueshen's eyes were aimed at the servants, Princess Anrietta was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly brought Yeyueshen to the inner court. Of course, Yeyueshen did not forget to hold Louise inside.

"Prince Albion seems a little abnormal..."

As soon as Ye Yueshen spoke, Princess Enrietta's brows furrowed.

Chapter two hundred and fifty-eight holiday plan

"How to say?"

Princess Anrietta stared blankly at Yeyueshen, as if she did not expect that Albion, who had just stabilized, would leave such an impression on Yeyueshen.

"And it's not that he treated us with extra-special treatment when he was in a hurry. It's doubtful that Barberica, who popped out from nowhere, I haven't seen that woman a few days ago. But now I'm close enough to hold Prince Albion's letter in my hand!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Princess Anrietta solemnly and told what happened to them in Albion.

"In this case, we should strengthen our intelligence work on Albion!"

Princess Anrietta also attached great importance to what Luna said, and as soon as she raised her head, she said to Miss Lungobier:

"If that's the case, then please arrange some people!"

"No problem, I will arrange it from the special expenses!"

Miss Lungobier answered tactfully, and at the same time asked a question:

"Are we focusing on the not-so-normal Prince Albion, or the new Barberica?"

"Both must be monitored!"

Ye Yueshen answered directly.

"Just do as the Principal said!"

Princess Anrietta saw that Ye Luna was so firm, so she did not raise any objection.


Miss Lungobier nodded and went out to make arrangements. Ye Luna took a glass of water from the table and took a sip, and said casually:

"Do you know? Princess, when we were leaving, we heard Prince Albion say that he was planning to ascend the throne tomorrow!"

"Well, how can this be..."

After hearing this, Princess Anrietta said with a sad face:

"Originally, his father had a falling out with the Pope because of the issue of bishop selection. Now he has to ascend the throne without authorization. Even if he informs the Pope, it would be better than doing this without authorization!"

"Don't worry! I have persuaded me!"

Night Moon God said casually:

"The prince said that the date will be changed. After all, in that case, it will be difficult for the ministers of various countries to choose!"


The princess looked at Ye Yueshen curiously, and asked very seriously:

"He said that the envoy would have difficulty choosing?"

"Yeah, what?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Princess Anrietta strangely, not understanding what he said wrong.

"But Albion has just succeeded in suppressing the rebellion. According to the usual practice, all countries have not dispatched ministers at all. Moreover, the role of ministers is that one country sends one. How can there be difficulty in choosing?"

"Uh...I don't understand this!"

Yeyueshen smiled embarrassingly. He really didn't know what the minister said about Princess Anrietta. Generally, Yeyueshen doesn't care about this kind of diplomatic affairs between countries.

"A minister is an envoy sent by one country to another country. Generally speaking, when the two countries establish diplomatic relations, they send ambassadors to each other, so no ambassador is also an ambassador from other regions."

Miss Lungobier, who just came in, explained to Ye Luna professionally that ignorance of the world is already a common thing for Miss Lungobier, so she was not as surprised as Anrietta.

"Are there any exceptions?"

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