Yeyueshen asked curiously, for what he does not know, even if Yeyueshen is expensive as a god, just ask if he doesn't know, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

"Yes, the Papal State!"

Miss Lungobier, imitating Luna, snapped her fingers and said:

"The Papal State is small, so...there is no way to accommodate so many foreign ambassadors to establish embassies, so theoretically, countries will not send ambassadors to the Papal State!"


Ye Yueshen nodded and said to Princess Anrietta:

"Maybe the prince drank too much at that time, and his mind was not very fast. It should be the envoy of the Pope's kingdom. In that case, would it be sent from us?"

"Uh, this is..."

Princess Anrietta struggled to recall and said:

"Since the prince's father fell out with the Papal State, if anything happened to Albion, it was indeed the Bishop of Torristin who passed by!"

"It seems that the prince is still afraid of what happened in the past. He actually calls the bishop an ambassador, and it is clear that he still wants to establish himself as a bishop!"

Miss Lungobier listened to Princess Anrietta's explanation, and quickly gave her own speculation.

"But we can't help but take the prince's enthronement into consideration. The prince himself invited me to attend his enthronement ceremony!"

Ye Luna looked at Princess Anrietta and said.

"It's okay, we don't necessarily need to send you for this kind of thing!"

The princess said nonchalantly:

"My relationship with Prince Albion is still very good. Who should I send? If you miss your students, when I ascend the throne tomorrow, I will give you a holiday and let you go back to school, okay? "


When Ye Yueshen heard the princess' words, he was immediately excited, and he had not returned to the Magic Academy for almost two weeks. ?Have you been diligent in your homework? Is Mr. Colbert struggling to cope with those students?

"Of course!"

Princess Anrietta was so interested in seeing Luna, so she simply said:

"When the time comes, I'll ask Miss Lungobier to accompany you back! Do you think it's alright!"

"it is good!"

Ye Yueshen almost screamed with excitement and said loudly:

"In this way, the pile of squeezed documents will be cleaned up!"


When Miss Lungobier heard Ye Moon God's words, her face turned blue with anger, she pointed at Ye Moon God, and couldn't say a word.

"Okay, okay! I'll send a competent secretary to help you handle the documents..."

Seeing that Luna and Miss Lungobier were about to quarrel over the handling of documents, Princess Anrietta hurriedly said.


Ye Luna and Miss Lungobi replied in unison.


Princess Anrietta looked at the two weakly, not knowing where she was not thinking properly.

"No, I can only handle the documents for him! Otherwise, this guy doesn't even know where to sign!"

Miss Lungobier said confidently.

"No, this guy will handle the document only if I sign it!"

Ye Yueshen also said confidently.

"These two people will really change their ways to show their love..."

Princess Anrietta silently wiped the sweat from her forehead, thinking.

Chapter [-] Enthronement Ceremony


A solemn shout came from the royal palace of Torristin, and the night moon god heard the sound, and under the reminder of Miss Lungobier, with the princes and nobles behind him, they walked slowly to the steps in front of the hall and stood up. , Today is different from the past. Today is the day when the princess is enthroned. All ceremonies must be held in the large square in front of the hall. Yeyueshen is very doubtful about whether those old people can withstand it!

"Invite the military governors inside and outside the military, dear Lord Yeyueshen, to come and read the edicts of the princess!"

The maid who presided over the ceremony saw that everyone was in a good position, and directly invited Yeyueshen.

"come together!"

Ye Yueshen whispered to Miss Lungobier behind him, and without waiting for her to react, he dragged her up the steps together, and took over the prepared edict from the servant!

"What did you ask me to do..."

Complaining in a low voice in the ears of Yeyueshen, Miss Lungobier looked nervously at the nobles below. On a day like today, everyone is very nervous, for fear of making a mistake and screwing up a good ceremony. , In that case, what kind of consequences will there be, everyone can't even think about it!

"Use your ears to listen to the reactions of the people below, and report to me at any time!"

Ye Yueshen whispered in a low voice, then opened the edict and read it to the princes and nobles standing below!

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