"She is now concerned with the fate of the whole country. We can't let her feel that she is going to participate in our debate! The princess has already restrained herself today, but of course, she couldn't hold back in the end!"

"That's your opinion is wrong!"

Miss Lungobier said to Ye Luna very rudely:

"You know? You're not afraid of anything, but you can't take the entire country and risk a religious war with you. I will propose the princess to send someone to explain it to the Papal State!"

"Whatever you do! Anyway, I'm going back to the Magic Academy! Maybe, an honest person like me is really not suitable for participating in politics!"

Ye Yueshen put his hands on his chest, smiled slightly, then turned his head and walked towards his residence.

Chapter two hundred and sixty-one holiday

"Open the door! Isn't there a class at the Magic Academy today?"

Yeyueshen stood at the door, looking at the locked door of the Magic Academy, he couldn't help being a little angry, he came back all the way, even if there was no welcome ceremony like when the princess came down, why should he open the door to let himself go in!

"Who is it! Don't let people sleep in the morning?"

The voice of the guard came, Ye Yueshen took a closer look, only to see a guard came out of the guard room, yawning, looking very unhappy.

"It's me! Hurry up and open the door!"

Yeyueshen yelled at the doorman, seeing the yawning doorman, Yeyueshen felt quite unhappy in his heart!

"What are you yelling about! Her Lady Queen is enthroned, and the Magic Academy has a week off as usual. What are you doing here?"

The guard rubbed his eyes, shouted at Ye Yueshen very upset, then stretched out his hand, took the key from his waist, looked at it, and threw it in front of Ye Yueshen, saying:

"The blue key above is, open the door, go in and get things yourself! You noble boys are used to throwing things around!"


Ye Yueshen looked at the guard silently for a while, thinking that he had changed so much?You don't even know your guard!

"What am I! Can't get in? I have to go back to sleep! The celebration last night lasted until the early hours of the morning, I am exhausted!"

The doorman complained unhappily, looked up at Yeyueshen, still unaware of Yeyueshen's identity!

"Really drunk!"

Ye Yueshen helplessly picked up the key from the ground, found the blue key, opened the door, walked in, and yelled at the guard:

"Open your dog's eyes and see, who the hell am I? Believe it or not, I'll let you go home now?"

"You little brat! You..."

The guard was about to quarrel with Yeyueshen when suddenly he felt that he had no strength. After his throat was pressed against Yeyueshen's magic wand, he lost his strength!

"Look, this is my ID card! Look carefully!"

Yeyueshen took out his ID card and scratched on the medical examination stone next to the doorpost, and Yeyueshen's duties were revealed:

"The Minister of Military Affairs and the Dean of the Magic Academy, Governor Torristin, His Royal Highness the Duke of Night Moon God!"

"You...you are the principal of our college? Didn't you say you went to the capital to be the prime minister and never came back?"

The guard looked at Ye Yueshen in horror and said timidly.

"Did you see? I'm still the dean of the Magic Academy! You remember it for me now! I look like I'm not a child! Understand?"

Ye Yueshen grabbed the guard's collar, finished speaking aloud, then dropped the stunned guard and walked towards his office alone!

"What a big temper! Master Principal!"

As soon as Ye Yueshen arrived in front of his office building, he heard a familiar voice coming from the top of the building. When he looked up, it was Miss Lungobier who was behind him!

"I'm not slow! How did you get there?"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier curiously, her carriage was galloping all the way, and Miss Lungobier had to go to the princess to give advice in the morning!

"I have this!"

Miss Lungobi smiled at Ye Luna, snapped her fingers, and a sky-blue flying dragon rose into the sky behind her, roaring at Ye Luna, as if complaining that Ye Luna had forgotten about it!

"Oh! When I went to Albion, when I didn't want to bring the flying dragon, I left this guy to you to take care of, and then I forgot about it, really!"

Ye Luna smiled and shook his head, then shook his hand at Miss Lungobier and said:

"Let's go, I believe there are a lot of documents squeezed, waiting for you to deal with it!"

"is it?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Luna in disbelief, and murmured:

"Mr. Colbert is not the kind of person who just makes trouble for people!"

"But there are some fonts that no one can write except you!"

Ye Yueshen smiled stupidly at Miss Lungobier. For some reason, it was more natural to see his secretary in the Magic Academy than in the palace!

"That's true!"

After being praised by Yeyueshen, Miss Lungobier was not humble, she admitted it directly, and then followed Yeyueshen to the office!

"Wow! As expected of Mr. Colbert, he really won't trouble others!"

As soon as Yeyueshen entered the office, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. There were no less than twenty bundles of documents in densely packed piles, all of which were well categorized, but there was no instruction!

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