"There are no instructions, you and I are busy!"

Miss Lungobier picked up the top document in one of the bundles and smiled at Ye Luna, only to find that Ye Luna's eyes were looking down!

"Uh, what are you looking at?"

Seeing that Ye Luna was staring at the document below her, Miss Lungobier shifted her attention curiously, and also looked down, and at a glance, she completely killed her eyes!

"Please copy the above parameters!"

Seeing Mr. Colbert's explanation, Miss Lungobier suddenly knew what it meant to cry without tears!

"Looks like we're both busy!"

Ye Luna smiled slightly, then skipped over these documents, pointed to the ink cartridge next to Miss Lungobier, and said:

"We should start by looking for ink!"


Miss Lungobier agreed listlessly, muttering softly:

"Really, I knew it earlier, just like the princess suggested, it's been two days since I returned to my fief! I deserve to be so active, but I'm in a hurry to come back to work! Woohoo!"

"Am I different?"

Ye Yueshen said a little unconvinced:

"I knew that the princess enthroned school had a week off, and I stayed in the capital to eat and drink spicy food. I thought I would be with my students when I came back, but now it's better, I can only be with you!"

"What? You really don't want to be with me?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Yueshen with a dissatisfied expression, her fingers were slightly distorted, and she made a creaking sound!

"No way!"

Night Moon God quickly explained:

"Of course I'm happy to be with such a beautiful and generous secretary who doesn't hold grudges!"

"It's almost there!"

Miss Lungobier smiled slightly.Withdrew his fist, but at this moment, he heard Ye Yueshen's supplementary explanation:

"Is that so, Modo Soluniru?"

Chapter [-] File Processing

"Asshole! Big bastard!"

Miss Lungobier screamed and stomped on the mouse on the ground. At this time, when she saw the mouse under her skirt, Miss Lungobier, who thought Ye Luna would no longer use such tricks, hurriedly covered it. His skirt looked at Ye Yueshen angrily.

"How can you do this!"

"My Modo Soluniru! How are you?"

Ye Yueshen ignored Miss Lungobier's complaint, but squatted down, picked up the white mouse that escaped in the heel from the ground, and looked at it with a distressed expression.

"You... why don't you ask me how I am! You bastard!"

Seeing that she didn't have a guinea pig to be concerned about, Miss Lungobier immediately trembled with anger and looked at Ye Luna with an angry face!

"Uh, I forgot! There is another girl who deserves attention here!"

Ye Yueshen grinned at Miss Lungobier, hid his guinea pig, and said to Miss Lungobier with a flattering face:

"How's it going? My little secretary? Is it hurt? Come and show me where it's hurt!"

"Get out of the way!"

Reaching out and knocking out the hand that Ye Yueshen stretched out, Miss Lungobier tightened her clothes and said solemnly to Ye Yueshen:

"Tell me, what should I do with so many files? Am I going to be here by myself until late at night?"

"That's not it!"

Ye Yueshen saw that Miss Lungobier was serious, and he put aside his joking appearance, solemnly looked at the documents that were pushed like a mountain in front of him, thought about it and said:

"Let's throw away all the documents for applying for grants here first!"

"Ah? Why? Is it too much for us to reject the teachers' grant applications without even looking at them?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna curiously. At this time, she had already entered the identity of her secretary!

"haha, really?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with a treacherous face, and said calmly:

"Aren't you the minister of the Du branch now? You still have this right. Since everyone has to apply for funding, after the celebration holiday is over, let everyone apply uniformly, and then you can just donate money directly?"

"Um... is this an abuse of power?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna helplessly, and this guy who is not afraid of the sky will use his rights so casually!

"Of course!"

Ye Luna nodded, then pointed to himself at Miss Lungobier and said:

"But if my immediate boss agrees, wouldn't it be legal?"

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