"Uh, okay!"

Miss Lungobier listened to Ye Yueshen's words, and nodded helplessly and agreed with Ye Yueshen's shameless theory. Although Ye Yueshen's words were a bit biased, it was right to think about it carefully. Ye Yueshen did have the right to make himself Do it!

"Then throw it away!"

Seeing that Miss Lungobier had no objection, Ye Yueshen laughed, took out his magic wand and pointed at the documents in front of him, ready to make the pile of documents disappear completely from his eyes!

"do not!"

Seeing Yeyueshen's anxious appearance, although Miss Lungobier was very grateful to Yeyueshen for reducing her workload, she still took the initiative to stand up and say to Yeyueshen:

"You can't do that!"

"How do you say this?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier curiously. Didn't this girl agree with her judgment just now?Why do you suddenly object now?

"It's very simple!"

Miss Lungobi stopped in front of Luna and nodded and said:

"Can you guarantee that all the documents in this pile of documents are the documents for applying for grants? What if they are other documents? How can we explain to those people if they are destroyed?"

"Cut! That's the problem!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, a disdainful expression appeared on his face, as if he didn't take this problem seriously at all!

"What's your expression? Am I right?"

It was the first time that Ye Yueshen gave Ye Yueshen a disdainful look, and Miss Lungobier was immediately upset. Her judgment has always been very accurate, and her work ability is beyond doubt. What about the reaction?

"Yes yes yes!"

Night Moon God nodded and said:

"But I have a way to tell the contents of these files!"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen took the initiative to stretch out his finger and shook it at Miss Lungobier:

"You know? It's not your stupid way of looking at each one!"

"what is that?"

Lungobier looked at Ye Luna curiously, and this was the first time he saw someone say that his way was stupid in front of him!


Ye Yueshen laughed, and immediately put his hands on the pile of documents in front of him, then closed his eyes, and meditated something in a low voice and quickly, and then Miss Lungobier exclaimed!

"Wow! What a spell! So powerful!"

Miss Lungobier screamed, Ye Luna had already removed her hands from the documents, only to see a few documents appearing at her feet, picked it up and looked at it, it really wasn't the documents for the grant application, and handed it to Lun Miss Gobier, then stretched out her magic wand and pointed at the pile of documents applying for grants in front of her. Then, the pile of documents disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared in this room!

"You can't learn such magic!"

Ye Luna grinned, and said to Miss Lungobier:

"How is it? Were you frightened when those documents flew out of the file pile and landed at my feet?"

"Well, although I don't want to admit it, but to be honest, you are amazing!"

Miss Lungobier nodded to Ye Luna, and then Ye Luna and Miss Lungobi used the same method to disappear all the documents that were not necessary to deal with now. The two of them were busy from morning to night. I didn't even eat!

"Oh! I've finally finished most of it! I can order someone to deliver it tomorrow! Really!"

Miss Lungobier stretched and put down the pen that had been soaked in ink for an unknown number of times, and said to Ye Luna:

"Please, come to my house, and I'll cook something for you!"


When Ye Yueshen heard this, he immediately reassembled his bones, sat up from his seat, and planned to go to Miss Lungobier's house for a meal!

"Who is inside! Come out, this is our principal's room!"

Suddenly a scream came from outside the door, Ye Yueshen was stunned, opened the door with a magic wand, and saw that a large number of old people had gathered outside at some point!

Chapter two hundred and sixty-three old friends meet

"Churje? Tabatha? Siska? And Momorancy! Isn't it a holiday? Why haven't you left?"

Yeyueshen looked at the crowd gathered outside the door with a face of surprise, looking at their faces, a feeling of excitement spontaneously arises, I don't know why, seeing these young and beautiful faces, Yeyueshen has a kind of feeling Feelings in it, as if to see the most beautiful things in the world!

"It's not that we didn't leave..."

Qiu Erjie said first:

Mainly, the celebration holiday is only seven days. Seven days is not enough for me to go back and forth to our house. Moreover, the road has been soaked by that shameless water spirit recently. It's muddy, how can I go back! "

"Uh, that's it, I thought it was waiting for me..."

Ye Yueshen showed a lonely expression on his face, raised his eyes and said to Tabasa:

"Are you also for this reason?"

"No, I'm accompanying Qiu Erjie like this..."

Tabasa smiled sweetly at Yeyueshen. He still had so few words, but when he spoke, he kept looking at Yeyueshen, like two crooked moons.

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