"En, they are really good sisters!"

Ye Yueshen said to Tabasa with approval, and Momo Langxi next to him said a little unhappily:

"The principal really doesn't care much about us local people, and he really has a soft spot for international students!"

"No way!"

Ye Yueshen heard Momo Langxi's words, and hurriedly said in a concerned tone:

"You know? I've met your father, Duke of Quaterlier. Now my position is represented by your father. How can I not care about you?"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen looked at Momo Langxi curiously and said:

"What? You didn't go to Princess Princess's enthronement ceremony?"


When it came to this topic, Mo Morangxi's face was obviously sluggish, and she shook her head helplessly and said:

"I also want to go to this celebration, but my father wrote to say that it is the safest to stay here this time. Anyway, he doesn't agree with me to go back, and now I have missed it, so I will stay here!"

"Oh! Ling Zun is also for your safety!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and said, although Duke Quatlier may be making a fuss, but thinking about it, no one would want his daughter to have an accident!

"By the way! What did you mean when you said my father was acting for you?"

Momorangxi looked at Ye Yueshen curiously and asked:

"Don't you plan to be the headmaster of the Magic Academy?"

"What? Principal, how can you do this!"

As soon as she heard Momo Langxi's words, Ye Yueshen hadn't reacted, Siska, who had been silent all the time, screamed, and she seemed to be very excited!

"No way!"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly waved his hand to stop Momo Langxi's random speculation, and said to Siska:

"I'm still the headmaster of the Magic Academy, and I'll be in the future, right now, I was temporarily given a higher position by the princess, but I don't want to be in the capital, without your company, so I'll come back Then, of course, the position was represented, and I recommended the Duke of Quaterlier!"

After Ye Yueshen explained, Mo Morangxi couldn't help but become curious, and said strangely:

"What position did you get? How could you recommend my father for it?"

"The commander-in-chief of the military inside and outside!"

Miss Lungobier calmly stated the legendary title of Yeyueshe in front of everyone.

"What! For the military within the Governor! This is our duty as the savior of Torristine. You are able to get such a duty, you must be a princess for Torristine, ah no, Her Lady Queen has made great contributions! "

Mo Molangxi cried out excitedly. Others may not know the lofty position of this position, but Momolangxi, as a descendant of the official family, naturally understands the meaning of this position!

"That's right! Of course I have made great contributions to Her Lady Queen!"

Seeing Momorangxi's astonished reaction, Yeyueshen became a lot more confident in the quality of his position, and in front of everyone he couldn't help but tell the great deed of bringing the whole Albion back together with Louise. !

"Wow! The principal is amazing!"

Except for Miss Lungobier, the remaining four girls couldn't help being fascinated by Ye Yueshen's terrifying narrative, and it was the first time they discovered that their principal was so powerful!

"But it's no use!"

Miss Lungobier thought silently in her heart:

"Albion was unified, and Torristin didn't benefit from it!"

"By the way, Principal, what about Miss Louise?"

Siska was the first to react, this time Luna did not come back with Louise!


When Ye Yueshen talked about Louise, he originally wanted to say that she was kept by her father, but after thinking about it, she always felt something was wrong, so she said casually:

"Her friend, Her Lady Queen, has just ascended the throne. She is always a little nervous, so Louise was sent to guard Her Lady Princess!"

"Oh! So it is! That's a pity!"

When Siska heard Ye Luna's explanation, she couldn't help but say with disappointment:

"I originally planned to invite everyone to our house! Now that Miss Louise won't go, Miss Momorangi won't go, Miss Momolanci won't go, only Miss Tabatha and Qiuljie are left. Miss!"

With that, Siska got excited and said to Ye Luna hurriedly:

"Master Principal, do you mind coming to our house for a few days?"

"Of course...don't mind, but now I'm going to Miss Lungobier's!"

Ye Yueshen said, pointed to Miss Lungobier, who had been complaining silently beside him, and said:

"We've sorted through the day's papers and haven't eaten yet!"

"It's me! Okay?"

Miss Lungobier gave Ye Luna a disdainful look, pointed to the well-organized pile of documents behind her, and said:

"Which word did you write on this?"

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